Cascade – A cautionary tale of sorts
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt & Commander Rakka

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Title   A cautionary tale of sorts
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt & Commander Rakka
Posted   Wed Dec 12, 2012 @ 2:00am
Location   Security Brig
Timeline   SD 70 15:30 (Before the Embassay explosion)

Abby had asked a lot of question's and frankly she was surprised the Commander was still answering them. She was smart but sometimes she lacked commence. "Don't you think that putting people into confinement is a bit 'Medieval'" she asked as they walked into the Brig.

"Call it what you like," Rakka replied, unsure exactly what 'medieval' meant but guessing from context that it was something negative. "But the wheels of justice can turn slowly, and when people commit crimes--particularly violent ones--it's important to keep them segregated until such a time as the law can have its full effect. It's for the public's protection as well as for the offender's--'vigilante justice' has been known to happen."

She nodded, "I do see your point, i just think that there is better ways in enforcing such things than being stuck in what essentially is a cage".

The sound of the voices caught Dorian's attention. It wasn't as if he didn't hear the sound of voices on a regular basis. Whether it be an angry prisoner, angry relative, or even an angry officer, Dorian had his fill of voices on a regular basis.

However, it was the sound of a child's voice that really caught his attention. This section of the brig was far away from the juvenile detention holding area. Moreover, most adults didn't bring their children with them to visit a wayward relative sitting in confinement.

So it was with much interest that Dorian sat up on his bed and looked towards the general direction from which the voices were coming from.

Rakka paused with Abby when they reached Dorian's cell. "I promised your father I wouldn't sugar-coat anything... so here is one of the down sides to my job."

"Well, this is certainly a surprise." Dorian said, standing up and walking to his field. "I had heard that you had come running back to the station. Even more, the powers that be had even allowed you to play dress-up again." Dorian said, referring to the Commander transition from civilian back into Starfleet.

"Let me guess, the child is performing community service by following you around?" He asked.

"He likes to think that he is funny by insulting people," Rakka said to Abby, then turned her attention back to Gabriel. "This 'child' is eighteen years of age and aspires to join Starfleet. I'm merely ensuring she knows the reality of what she is going to have to deal with."

"People?" Dorian said inquisitively. "I'm not even totally certain that your kind doesn't EAT people, let alone use that word to describe yourselves." He replied pointedly.

Rakka shrugged as the comment bounced off. There were plenty of things he could have said to hurt her, but she was rarely affected by jabs against her race. She was usually the first one to criticize them.

"So the little one wants to join Starfleet, huh?" Dorian said, turning his attention to the much younger girl. "Well, I'd be mindful of such aspirations, child." he stated. "Starfleet really doesn't show much loyalty to their own kind. Of course they have no problem sending you off to fight their wars, but when some alien accuses you of a horrific crime, well. . . ." he said as he leaned closer to the girl through the field, "Don't expect too much from them." he said in a lowered tone.

Rakka leaned down to Abby's level. "Mr. Gabriel used to be a Security officer himself. When people destroy their own careers it's easy to blame the organization."

Dorian merely stared at the Nausicaan in response to her comment directed towards him.

Abby could feel the bitterness between the two and maybe it was her naivety or her un-experience but she felt there was a lot more behind what the two were saying and she felt curios as to what actually happened.

"You know, Rakka" He said with evident contempt in his voice, no longer hiding behind the formality of ranks since he had been stripped of his. "I never did receive a 'Thank You" from you." he said in an accusatory tone.

The Nausicaan crossed her arms. "Oh, I can't wait to hear this one."

"Yes! A Thank You!" he replied, the veins in his neck tightening in response to his amplified voice. "A 'Thank You' for keeping this station in one piece when you abanonded your post! A 'Thank You' for making sure the security of this station didn't fall into the incompetent hands of that damn Jarhead, Colonel Darson. Yes, a simple 'Thank You' would have suffice by now." he said, his chest heaving.

Rakka turned to Abby again. "See that? Arrogance--mistake number one. He's also extremely racist, if you haven't picked up on that already.

In a way Abby could feel his pain, he had been locked up by his own people and maybe wrongly accused but on the other hand he could have done something terrible and that intrigued her "What did you do Mr Gabriel?" she asked speaking for the first time since being there and brushing off the commander bitterness slightly.

He returned his attention back to the human in conversation. "What did I do?" He asked rhetorically. "I faithfully served the Federation while this one ran off to deal with her daddy issues." Dorian said while pointing a finger towards the taller Nausicaan.

"And I did a damn fine job of it, until the bureaucrats who run this station caved under the pressure of Romulan influence and allowed them to try me in a kangaroo court for the murder of a green-blooded bastard." Dorian said, his tanned skin turning visibily flushed as he re-counted his tale.

"That sham of a trial resulted in me being stripped of my rank and formally court-martialed." He continued. "As if that wasn't enough, the Romulans wanted to finish the job, so they had me locked up for 'inciting a riot' near that monstrosity they call an embassy." He said with added frustration as he turned to walk back towards his bed.

"But I don't have ANYTHING to worry about as a Federation citizen, because I have the likes of Rakka and Lieutenant Trellis here to provide for me AND keep the station's inhabitants safe." He said with a scoff as he sat down.

"You must've been a horrible person in a past life if Rakka has been assigned as your mentor. If you want to know how great of a job she does, go ask Ensign Riley." He said.

"Who is Ensign Riley" She asked bluntly.

"Well, he was a Security officer, until he was murdered while serving under Rakka's command." Dorian replied.

Abby moved closer to the brig wall, not sure why she did but she felt the urge to look into his eyes "By you?" Abby asked delving deeper, this man fascinated her on the exteria he made himself to to be some patriotic federation fighter but also he seemed to be an absolute madman.

Before he could properly respond, he was interuptted by Rakka.

"Ensign Riley," Rakka said, her voice lowered to a tone of great respect, "was killed in the line of duty when he stepped between Captain Tahir and an assassin. If his actions had anything to do with my leadership, then I can only be tremendously proud. One could hardly ask for more from an officer. Captain Tahir owes her life to him, and I will always remember him as one of the bravest officers that ever served here."

"However you want to color your failure, Rakka." Dorian replied as he turned back towards the human girl. "Why would I murder Riley? We're human, we don't murder our own kind, remember?" He stated. "As humans we've risen above that more animalistic mentality and have learned to see past petty revenge." He said, crossing his arms.

"We strive for the betterment of others, not just our own simplistic desires. Unlike a certain. . .wayward daughter that I know." Dorian said as he cast a knowing glance towards Rakka.

He did not have the full report, but he was close enough with the Chief of Engineering onboard the USS Spartan to know enough about what happened. While he wasn't exactly sure what had happened between Rakka and the Nausicaan, he knew that he was her father, and she had killed him.

Rakka glared at the wall behind Gabriel. He knew nothing about her... and yet, somehow he knew too much. She was going to have to look into exactly how he managed to follow the gossip about her father even while confined to the brig. At any rate, she had had more than her fill of Dorian Gabriel bullsh*t for the day. Her temper was rising... perhaps even more quickly than usual, and she was feeling a nagging temptation to lower the force field and have at it with that jackass, once and for all.

Abby turned to Rakka, "Maybe we should carry on with the tour?" she asked seeing the distress in her eyes.

"I quite agree," the Nausicaan replied, ushering the girl away from Gabriel's cell.

As the two began to walk away, Dorian continued to speak after them. "Be sure to take her by Trellis' office, I'm sure he's got a drink or two hidden inside his desk!" the man shouted after the two down the corridor.

Rakka rolled her eyes. At least she could agree with Gabriel on one count.

The comment by the former Chief of Security had its intended affect of rankling his predecessor. Trellis closed his eyes and took a deep breathe to steady his nerves. It was several moments before he opened them and saw Rakka and the young girl exit the Brig area.

"Commander Rakka," Trellis said with a nod as he saw the two approach. "I assume you're investigation of the foreign vessel was informative." He said in a clipped tone, trying to maintain his visage of professionalism, despite the woman's accusatory comments to him earlier.

"It perhaps raised more questions than it answered... but the investigation continues," the Nausicaan replied, equally trying to remain as professional as possible despite the annoyance of having to introduce Abby to what were probably the two people on the station that least liked Rakka at the moment. "This is Abby Wyatt... she wants to join Starfleet Security."

Abby extended her arm, "Hi its nice to meet you".

Trellis extended his hand to embrace the girl's when suddenly the alert klaxons began to sound.

{ALERT} "Explosion detected within the Cardassian Embassy" the computer stated. It's detached tone did nothing to soften the fear that immediately set in as the scenario began to set into Trellis' mind.

"Wh-wha? An explosion!?!" He said in a confused voice.

Rakka held her breath for a moment--the announcement was as equally as shocking to her, but Trellis's flustered response drove her into an instant rage. She grabbed him by the front of his shirt and only narrowly kept herself from backhanding that stupid donkey look off of his face.

"Get it together and MOVE!" she roared, letting go of him with a disdainful shove. "I'll escort Abby home and meet you up there!"

Trellis jerked himself away from the larger officer. While he was beginning to become accustomed to her assertive nature, this particular action seemed more aggressive.

"Y-ye-Yes, that's right. Get all civilians to safety, I will see who is closest to the scene and can begin to assist in rescue operations." He said, getting his mind wrapped around the situation and heading back towards his office.

Gritting her teeth, the Nausicaan quickly ushered Abby toward the lift. In fact, she was surprised by her own response... usually she had more self-control than that. But there were so many more important things to worry about right now.

Abby hated being taken away from the commotion she wanted to go see it for herself but she couldn't imagine this Nausicaan giving in, "You should go to the scene, i can walk myself back from here" she offered wanting to wait for her to go far enough and then follow her.

"No!" Rakka snapped. The Nausicaan was an idiot about many things, but not about this--the youngster's hungry curiosity was obvious. "You are in my care until the moment I see you back to your quarters."

She sighed heavily "Fine!"


Cdr. Rakka


Dorian Gabriel
Former Chief of Security

Si'lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security


Abby-Mae Wyatt
Daughter of Gny Sgt Luke Wyatt