Beg, Steal or Borrow – The Morning After.....
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   The Morning After.....
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Wed Aug 12, 2009 @ 12:39am
Location   Holodeck Suites
Timeline   SD10

Chelsea's ankle was stiff but it was on the mend. She regenerated it a little more, carefully staging the repair with an experienced eye. It was coming along nicely, she thought.

Her thoughts were first to thank Richard for rescuing her and then they went immediately to Ryan in a kind of guilty feeling that she'd thought of Richard first. She told herself it was natural and proper to be grateful and then she made herself contact Ryan first to make silent amends.

=^= Adams to Milarno =^= she tapped her comm and waited, anticipating the sound of his voice. Perhaps he'd be sleepy, she loved it when he was ........before she could finish that thought, a breathless Ryan came back, sounding wide-awake and less than enthusiastic to hear from her.

=^= Chelsea? Is it urgent? We're dancing. You *know* today's the show, what do you need? =^= he said, music loud in the background and the sound of his elevated heartrate drumming in her medical ear.

~Most people wouldn't even *hear* his heartrate, let alone be sad enough to count it!~ she reproached herself unfairly. It was a medical skill so there was no reason for her *not* to do it automatically.

~8.9.10 seconds~ she tapped off mechanically with one hand, simultaneously counting the beat in her head, stopping as her fingers finished rolling out to the 10 mark. ~30! Times 6. That's 180. He should have got his return down by now, the amount he's been practising, his heart should be more accustomed to dealing with the exercise better.~ She couldn't help but be the doctor, instinctively giving him a medical, even remotely like this.

Suddenly, Chelsea could hear another set of heavy breathing very close to the comm. "Ry? You chatting all day? How long does it take to tell her we're busy! Not that she *ever* takes that for an answer, eh?" Nora's dismissive tone stung Chelsea's self-respect and her instant disappointment changed from sorrow to anger.

=^= IF.. Doctor Milarno has anything to say to his superior officer, Miss Mind-your-own-Business, he's perfectly capable of thinking it up for himself, without needing your *tender*, *compassionate* intervention! =^= she snapped, sarcasm dripping. Horrified with herself, Chelsea quickly shut off the comm abruptly before either of them could react.

Now the tears came. Chelsea had never had any intention of telling Ryan *that* way about her promotion and she hated that sort of nasty confrontation under any circumstances, but Nora's attitude towards her had cut deeply. Perhaps Chelsea might take that sort of thing from Ryan but 'that woman' had no right.

None the less, no matter how Chelsea justified snapping like that, she couldn't bear that she'd just ruined her own lovely surprise that she'd been so busting, waiting and trying in vain, desperate to run to Ryan and proudly seek his approval on her promotion. Now it had gone sour.

She wanted to kick over the coffee table or do something frustrated and violent like that, but her damaged ankle might collapse under the weight if she tried balancing on it. Swearing in a very unladylike manner, Chelsea threw a much loved ornament and regretted it immediately, cursing herself justifiably, for being her own worst enemy.

With formality and seriousness in his tome Richard activated his comm to contact Chelsea. "Lieutenant Dunham to Lieutenant Commander Adams. Ma'am Will you please meet meet me in the corridor outside Holodeck 3?"

=^= Acknowleged Mr Dunham =^= She replied matching his formality.

If it had been anyone else Chelsea would have made an excuse. She really wasn't in the mood right now to be nice to anyone. Richard's voice however seemed to soothe her and her curiousity about why he was being so formal was too much to resist.

Tidying her hair and face and strapping up her ankle to protect it, she took herself to the place specified and found him waiting for her.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting Lieutenant" she maintained the formality he had begun but seeing his face brought back a curl of a smile that flickered at the edge of her lips. "What can I do for you?"

With a smile on his face. He brought his hands from behind his back. In them he carried a World War 2 British Bomber jacket and flight suite complete with goggles. "Well you can start by putting these on." He winked. "were going to fly in the battle of Britain. In some old school Spitfires. Think of it as another flying lesson."

"How.... but....?" Chelsea stopped herself from trying to ask questions and just shrugged her shoulders. She took the suit and leather jacket and looked them both up and down, then looked Richard up and down too, smiling.

"I need cheering up and you're just the medicine!" she sighed. Pulling the suit on over her casual clothes.

"Let me help you with that." Said Dunham stepping close to Chelsea and helping her zip up the flight suite main front zip that ran from top to bottom. He then put on his suit. "Ok were going to be stepping straight into the action. We will be on an airfield yours is the Spitfire next to mine. Ok?"

"But Richard..." Chelsea gasped. "I don't have a clue how to even get IN one, let alone fly the thing." It was too late, Richard had opened the holosuite door and they were inside, running across short, rather brown grass towards a tarmac strip.

"Richard?" Chelsea called after him as she ran behind him. "I... listen, later.... can we talk? I need some of your famous counselling...." she began to say but her words were lost as the sirens blared out from the little concrete control tower above them, it's glass viewing windows glinting with the glare of the English sun. It seemed to be around the middle of the day judging from the height of it.

Chelsea gave up trying to talk and just copied whatever Richard did, pulling her bomber jacket down in a 'Picard manoeuvre' and clambering up rather inelegantly, trying not to end up in the cockpit headfirst with her feet sticking up in the air.

She had to climb well above and lower herself in, using her arms on either side to steady herself and carefully avoid doing anything to bump or strain her recently mended ankle. A couple of times she almost lost her footing. "How the Heck did they manage these?" she called out but was again drowned out.

A couple of mechanics came out and threw the propeller on each plane into a circle, forcing them into life making the little planes splutter into a bone-rattling roar and shuddering. Chelsea struggled to get the harness straps done up and the soft leather helmet over her hair which was up in a clip behind her head at first. She had to release it and allow it to fall loose over her shoulders to get the helmet on.

She then had to wrestle with the goggles and their strap and all in all she was feeling exhausted and dishevelled by the time she was ready to even begin the actual flying. She looked over at Richard when she was finally ready to go. He looked calm, collected and was smiling as if it were nothing at all. ~I might have *known* this wouldn't faze him at all!~ she thought to herself, wondering how much of an idiot she'd made of herself just then. She fervently hoped there were no vidcams running.

Seeing the funny side of it now and smiling back at Richard, she put up her thumb to indicate she was ready at last and thought randomly to herself that in the original battle the pilots would have had to be ready in a quarter of the time it had taken her.

Dunham spoke over the radio to Chelsea. "Dont worry its just bit of fun"and smiled at her from his spitfire.
As the other fighters in the squadron began to roll over the grass to the runway Dunham followed suit. When he reached the runway he throttled forward and the elliptical wing span of the fighter began to rise of the ground. Dunham was rocked about a bit in his cockpit. The Merlin engine hardly ticked over as the small fighter pulled up into the clouds above to join the rest of the wing.

Chelsea immediately fell in love with the burbling, roar of the little plane's engine and the excitement of just edging her nose up and feeling her glide elegantly into thin air. She seemed so little at first, but then growing larger and larger as the landscape shrunk away beneath, becoming a patchwork carpet with tufty clouds floating over it. The dominance of the South Downs marking out the south of England as they circled above the whole area, grouping in a formation behind the Wing Commander whose voice crackled over the primitive radios.

"Woh!" she breathed, doing her best to keep in formation, concentrating hard on the mind-boggling number of dials, pedals and switches.

Dunham eyed the area around him. Keeping and where possible on every passing cloud. He held the stick in his hands tightly. These old World War Two Dog fights were fast and intense affairs. Lasting only minutes. "Keep an eye out for those Messerschmitt Bf 109E's"

"The what?" Chelsea was out of her depth, had she but known it. Blissfully unaware she was enjoying flying the old craft and looking around at the scenery below and the cloud formation around them.

"The Bad Guy's." Said Dunhum with a little bit of a muffled giggle. "The Luftwaffe. Shoot Anything with a large black cross on it. You only have about twelve seconds of machine gun fire from your machine guns"

"Twelve?? Is that ALL?" Chelsea squeaked in horror. "It'll take me *that* long to get my sights adjusted, let alone take anything down!"

At that moment a particularly dark cloud rolled aside to reveal both a blinding flash of sunlight and two *enemy* planes, larger than their own, heading directly towards them.

Chelsea squinted into the sunlight and froze as the first plane bore down on her plucky little plane, strafing the fabric covering one of its wings with a neat line of gaping holes with ragged edges.

"Dammit, Richard, I'm a doctor not a fighter-pi.... " Chelsea tried to mis-quote her hero, Medical-Captain Leonard McCoy, as she (and hundreds of prior and subsequent medical students) had done *far* too many times in the Academy Med. School.

Dunham didn't have time to answer. The first plane was strafing on him turning on his axis with an almost three hundred and sixty degree turn firing his machine guns. Dunham put his plane into a steep climb. Then turning it into a large barrel role to avoid the fire. The grey Messerschmitt stayed close behind him however and he soon had Dunham in his sites again. The fighter fired its machine guns. Several rounds hit Dunhams Spitfire wing tearing holes in the light metal. He managed to pull into another loop the loop this time. coming up behind the enemy target he fired his machine guns an the enemy plane broke apart in fire, its remains began to fall to earth.

Suddenly the adrenaline kicked in and her thumb pressed down on the firing pin raking the nose and propeller of the oncoming second plane which pulled up but not sufficiently now that its prop was damaged. Chelsea was forced to slam her joystick forward to get underneath the floundering belly of the Messerschmitt.

The Spitfire nose-dived and fought against all Chelsea's efforts to pull her back up.

"Chelsea!" Dunham shouted down the comm with worry in his voice even though the holodeck safty was on. "Are you alright? If you cant pull up soon your going to have to bail."

Chelsea fought the little plane, wrenching the stick upwards towards her body, dragging the nose back up, but the wings were badly holed and ripped with the force of the updraught.

"How do I do that?" she yelled into the comm, the sound of the buffeting wind roaring around the cockpit as a couple of holes in the body of the plane began to tear wider too. The ground hurtled upwards, or so it seemed.

"Just unbuckle yourself pull the cockpit hatch above you open and jump out. Try to land on your bum when you land on the ground. Oh and it would be better if you did it with your chute deployed." Well what ever troubles she had this morning she has forgotten them now, thought Dunham.

"Oh, FUH-NNY!" Chelsea replied, rather breathless from her struggles with the joystick and the stricken little plane. Fumbling for the buckles and releasing them, the ground was getting frighteningly close. She wrenched the release which she found by sheer chance and gravity tore the plane from under her leaving her hurtling down alone.

Her heart nearly stopped as the chute pull slipped out of her fingers for a split second but she managed to pull it, way too late as she was barely a few yards from the ground now.

"Tell me the safeties are on!" she just had time to plead as she hit the 'tarmac' of a country road entangled in the strings and upside down.

Dunham know the safeties were on had a little chuckle to himself at the calamity Chelsea had got herself into. He quickly landed the spitfire on the country road where she had landed rather ungracefully. Before the motors on his fighter had even stopped he was jumping out of his cockpit and gently ran over to a pile of silk parachute lines and a pair of legs sticking out from under them. "Let me help you. " said Dunham unwrapping the parachute like a christmas present.

Chelsea had landed in an undignified heap but the surface had become soft to absorb her and she was unharmed. Apart from her pride of course!

As Richard helped her to emerge like a butterfly from a chrysalis, she peered from under her hair which was as tangled as the chute and looked up at him with green and amber eyes in a dazed kind of way. "Hey!" she grinned up at him. "Did we win?"

Dunham Pushed back Chelsea's tangled hair to get a better look into those wonderful eyes. "Yeah we won." he said almost in a whisper. For a moment their was another silence. A familiar sensation to him now. The back of his hand gently rested on her cheek from when he had moved her hair. He coughed and changed the subject pulling his hand away. "So I thought maybe a breakfast picnic was in order too?"

Chelsea was a little bit dazed but she wasn't so dopey that she didn't catch the look in his eyes as he gazed into hers to see if she was alright. Her heart was torn. Her loneliness ached to return that warmth but she didn't trust herself to tell how she *really* felt about him. She was still too confused over Ryan.

She couldn't get up yet, her legs were still entangled and the silk was never going to give her up.

"A picnic? OOOOH! That sounds like heaven to my stomach!" she replied, grinning.

=^= Computer end program =^= she instructed knowing it was the only way she was getting out of this web of silk.

=^= Computer load program Chelsea/Richard =^= Richard added and a new scene loaded.

To be continued/.....

A JP between:

Lt. Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams