Judgement – A person of interest
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Cardassian Gul Turrel G'mar

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Title   A person of interest
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Cardassian Gul Turrel G'mar
Posted   Tue Jan 04, 2011 @ 8:17pm
Location   Cardassian Embassay
Timeline   SD 35 - 13:00 (BACKPOST)
Trellis personally would've preferred to be anywhere else except standing here at this moment. He knew it had to be done, but he would have preferred to do so in a much more delicate, if not diplomatic format. However, with the station's Chief Diplomatic Officer off-station, and Captain Tahir still settling in after being away for so long, there was no other person available to handle the situation at this stage except him.

"Well Si'Lar, might as well get it done." he said to himself as he approached the entrances of the Cardassian Embassy.

"Good afternoon sir, how can I help you today?" Lemat asked with a diplomatic smile.

"Good afternoon, I am Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis. Head of Station Security. I'm here to see Ambassador Tharek Getal." He said in his typical conversational tone.

"Have you an appointment with the Vi'kar Gul?"

"No, he is not expecting me. in fact, this visit is rather impromptu." He said with an attempt to give a reassuring smile.

"You'll have to either make an appointment or have important reasoning for your meeting with the Vi'kar Gul." Lemat replied politely.

Trellis cleared his throat. "Yes, uh. . .it is in regards to an unfortunate accident that has taken place onboard the station recently." he said.

"Accident?" She asked, raising her eyes to meet his.

Trellis did not wish to pubically go into detail, however, the assistant was not making it easier.

"Yes ma'am, it is in regards to a recent murder that took place on the station. I would prefer to speak to the Ambassador about the matter in private." he said with a more serious tone.

She sighed, and tapped the embassy intercomm. "Vi'kar Gul. Another visitor for you, Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis, head of station security here to discuss recent station events with you."

The dark reply came across a haze of light static and a croaky voice emerged in the office space. "Send him in."

Trellis nodded to the young Cardassian woman as he proceeded through the doors into the innner chamber of Getal's office.

Getal immediately stared at Trellis as he entered his office. His dark eyes unwavering as he positioned himself infront of his desk.

"Hello Ambassador, Getal, it is a pleasure to see you again." Trellis said as he extended his hand towards the Cardassian.

"Get on with it." Tharek spat back.

"ahem. . .very well," Trellis said, trying to avoid the awkwardness of the situation. "I'm here to discuss a matter of rather sensitive nature." he said as he took a seat in the chair before him.

"What do you know of the young Orion girl by the name of Kila. She was employed at the 'Box of Delights' establishment on the Promenade." he said as he placed a padd before him to record his notes.

"That impudent slime-ball of a green-skinned whore? She angered me by throwing drink over me and the owner, after we revealed our relationship to her." Tharek knew how it sounded, so quickly regained himself. "However," he resumed. "I have never touched her with harmful intent. I'm not going to kill someone for their first strike against me."

Trellis nodded in response. ~well. . .so much for subtety. . ~ he thought to himself.

"You said 'our relationship', who is the other participant?" Trellis asked.

"Miss Ibalin, the owner of The Box of Delights."

"How long have you two been involved with one another?" he asked.

"I'm not certain, more than a week... maybe less. I can't recall."

"What exactly was your reaction when she threw her drink upon you?" he followed-up.

"What would anyones reaction be?" Getal said, obviously getting annoyed with the amount of questions. "I shouted, loudly. She ran off, and that was it. I haven't seen her since that incident."

"I apologize for the superfolous questions, Ambassador. However, can you account for the whereabouts of Ms. Ibalin immediately after the altercation?" Trellis inquired.

"Miss Ibalin was with me after the event, Lieutenant. We stayed in the Embassy, and I could have several of my staff give valid witness to this." He retaliated harshly.

"Do you know if Ms. Ibalin and Ms. Kilan had discussed your relationship or the covert nature of it in the past?" He continued.

Getal leaned back into his seat. "Probably. It wouldn't surprise me."

"How often had you been inside of her personal quarters?" He asked.

"Who's? Yolanthe's or the green skinned holo-engineer?"

"I meant. . .Ms. Kilan," he replied, bracing himself for the sharp rebuke that he knew would follow from the Ambassador.

"Never. I wouldn't step a nanometer into that place." He retorted.

Trellis nodded as he put down his padd and stood up. "I thank you for taking the time to speak with me." He said as he extended his hand towards the Ambassador.

Getal grunted in response. "I'm a very busy man mister Trellis." He implied.

With a simple nod, Lieutenant Trellis turned and exited from the Ambassador's office.

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Dictator