Beg, Steal or Borrow – Loyalty ... for what its worth.
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Loyalty ... for what its worth.
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Fri May 15, 2009 @ 3:41pm
Location   DS5
Timeline   c. 19:00
What is his problem? Isha thought as they guided her toward the infirmary. All along she had counselled Rianni not to allow his jibes to irritate her though Isha fully understood the anger that she felt. But Rianni had not been bred to be exhibit patience even when she wished to act. Isha had, but right now she rather wished that she was the sort of woman whose punch could lay a man out. Gabriel was going to ... quite what her companions would think if they knew she was thinking about their boss Isha did not know.

"Ensign Opaka," she said pausing in the middle of the corridor, "Do you think you could escort me to my quarters rather than the infirmary? I imagine they are rather busy at the moment, and I'm not sure my face will be welcomed either by the staff or by their patients. Perhaps it would be better if I wait until the pressure on their resources is reduced and invite Doctor Adams to attend me in my quarters when she has the time."

Isha glanced at the other man, Ayers, Gabriel had called him, but she did not know him. Whilst Opaka might accomodate her request she did not know if he would. But that was the plan, get to her quarters, see doctor Adams, and postively refuse to admit Gabriel when he worked out where she had gone.

The Chief looked at the Romulan ambassador, "Madam Ambassador, I'd prefer if you go to the auxilary sick bay first, its one of the few areas not over run with wounded, and it's closer by. Plus the ensign appears to not have a side arm, and I happen to still have mine" patting the weapon holstered on his hip. "And I have a few tricks up my sleeve that the young ensign does not know, so Madam Ambassador, if you please."

Isha glanced at Opaka, she had a feeling that despite what the older man thought that the Bajoran knew several tricks that he had not yet had cause to demonstrate. "It will be a wasted journey if Doctor Adams is not located there," she said, struggling to keep her tone placid, "I will consult with no other medic."

Jo'el glared at Isha from under his sweaty crimson hair. He really wished she would let this one go, as he was growing weary of stretching his loyalties today.

=^=Computer, locate Dr. Adams=^=

Dr. Adams is in lower habitat ring, section 7G.

The ensign looked at Chief Ayres. "Sounds like the Ambassador should probably get some sleep and worry about the doctor tomorrow, Chief."

With a wide grin, Jo'el unsheathed his katana, holding by the blunt side of its blade. He positioned the handle and slapped Ayres' holster, causing the phaser to fly into the air. Jo'el reached up and caught the sidearm, holding it like a peace offering to the Chief.

"And as you can see, I'm far from unarmed." He extended his arm toward the Chief, handing him back his phaser.

The chief pulled out the TR-110 hidden behind his back and just smiled. "Never take a knife to a shootout kid, good way to die" as the laser sight glowed. He grinned and took back the phaser. "As much fun as it is to piss off Lt. Gabriel, I'll tell him it's not practical to get you into sickbay right now, besides that the security issues are too extreme right now to escort you every where, considering that Ensign Opaka has to go there himself." The chief just grinned, "Something about ringing in your ears Ensign?" hoping the kid would get the message.

Jo'el reached up to his ear. His earring made sure there was ringing in his left ear at all times, but that was beside the point. "Yes, of course." He looked at Isha to his left, considering the events of the past few hours. "Let's get you home, Madame Ambassador."

Isha looked from one man to the other hardly able to conceal her delight, "Thank you," she breathed unable to keep the tremor out of her voice.

Upon reaching Isha's quarters, Jo'el stepped to the side, checking the door for any possible explosives. Once he was satisfied, the young Bajoran glanced along both sides of the corridor.

"Ambassador, I-"

"There's no need to say anything, Opaka. You have given me much more support than I had any right to expect and saved my life twice in one day ... I really need to make some friends who don’t wish to kill me,” she observed wryly.

He nodded. "I have to debrief with the chief. Then I need to talk to Da'nal."

“Da’nal,” Isha repeated with a shake of her head, the Klingon was trouble but she didn’t need to share that with Opaka, dynastic rivalries between the Empires were often so convoluted that the only thing keeping them alive was tradition, but in this case … Instead Isha forced a smile onto her face and looked at Opaka, “If I or my House can ever be of service to you, Ensign you only have to ask,” she said.

"Thank you," Jo'el said. "I'm happy to know my judge of character has improved since I came to the Academy. Good day, Miss Isha."

With that, Jo'el turned and headed back to the turbolift to meet the Chief again.


Ensign Opaka Jo'el
VIP Bodyguard

Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Craig Ayers
Encryptons Officer