Incommunicado – Returning Home
by Lieutenant JG Petro & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Returning Home
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 10:34pm
Location   Ops
Timeline   SD 40 08:10
Petro stepped off the lift onto Operations and tugged at her uniform. It had been a while, bordering on forever, since she had donned the the apparel and with her new look she was still getting accustomed to the feel of it.

She walked up to the nearest crewmember. "Excuse me," she said, "can you tell me where Captain Tahir or Commander Villiers is?"

Robert looked at the small person and blinked twice.
"Petro? Is that you." His brow furrowed and rose as he realised it was. "It is! Didn't expect to see you for a few more years!" He remarked as he stepped around the communication console and then leant against it.
"Does the Captain know you're back yet? Is it official so to speak?" He fired the questions only expecting her to answer the last.

Petro could feel herself blushing as she tried to remember his name. "Robert." She said, glad she could remember it and even more so that she was remembered. "I'm sure the Captain knows I'm back," she said, "though I haven't been in to see her. As for it being official, yes." She explained with a smile.

Roberts smile widened as he noticed her relax a little. "I am sure that the Captain will see you." His head bobbed in the direction of her office on the next level. "Go on up." He winked and turned, heading back around to his seat at the comms.

The door to Tashas office was as usual, open as the Captain herself was reading a report on a new spacial anomaly that was forming in relative proximity to the station.

Petro strolled to the Captain's office, not certain of what to make of Robert's wink. She tapped on the frame of the door. "Captain?" She said, more a question than a statement. "Have you a moment?"

As she looked up a smile came to her face.
"A moment? You have been back over a week and only now you come to see me." She teased as she refrained herself from leaping from her chair and rose stoically to close the gap between her and the smaller J'Naii. "Welcome back." She was not sure if she hug or just shake hands with Petro and decided to do both.

Petro was still uncomfortable with the hugging aspect, though she tried to remain relaxed. "I haven't been back a week." She said, a little confused by the statement. "Though it does feel as though I am coming home again." She smiled, relaxing a little then realized that the Captain had been joking. "But the between my vessel, quarters and to here felt like an eternity."

Tasha reciprocated with a genuine smile of joy. She rarely had the chance to welcome back someone who had come as far as Petro and still managed to retain a sense of humour. "Eternity is a very long time." She said as she eased herself back around the desk, giving Petro space. "Please, sit down." She waved her hand in the general direction the chair on the opposite of her desk. "It is good to see you back. I noted you did not request a position for your reinstatement. Do you have anything in mind?" She questioned.

"Actually," Petro said, taking the offered chair. "I was thinking about the Quartermaster position." She said, "I noticed the office was still empty and I've learned a great deal more about logistics, inventory, and weapons not to mention personal interactions."

Her lips pursed as she listened. "Quartermaster is definitely available and though you are more than qualified are you sure you want the same position." Tasha leant forward. "Would you like to try something different?" She questioned as Karen appeared in the doorway.

"Did you have any suggestions" Petro asked.

Tasha shook her head with a grin. "Nothing comes to mind. I just thought you might like a change, but if you are happy, then I am too." Her smile widened as she leant forward. "I am not demeaning the role of quartermaster, it is vital to the stations operations, I feel you are more quantified to try something else, to push yourself a little. Maybe communications?" She suggested.

The J'Naii thought about it for a moment. "Communications." She said the word, deep in thought of what it would entail. "That sounds like an interesting challenge. Not something I've considered before." She mulled it over, considering how things had developed during her time away from the station. "What would that entail, generally speaking?"

Tasha leant back in her chair and lay her hands flat on the desk ahead of her.
"Well, it's an OPs position, so you'll be up here, but you would be responsible for all the communications both in and out of DS5. Monitoring, recording, relaying messages and," She leant forward bringing her hands together, "getting to hear all the juicy gossip before I do!" She grinned as she teased the woman opposite her whose face though it appeared emotionless, were given away by her eyes which glistened like two black onyx stones. Her head dropped, the temptation of gossip did little to arouse the smile that Tasha had hoped for.

"I am not being serious, though you will hear a great deal of chatter that is the basis for many rumours that can start from operations. Lieutenant Rushtone has managed to keep a fairly tight lid on most and he is a damn good good communications officer and you will learn a great deal from him and if you decide you don't like it, quartermaster will still be there for you." The captain opened the escape route for her, just so Petro knew she had avenues to fall back upon.

"Would I be replacing him?" Petro asked. "I wouldn't want to supplant anyone from there position."

Tasha shook her head almost immediately. "Not at all. Robert has requested to move to the later shift and he will be over joyed." The captain stated as she rose from her seat and rounded the desk, perching herself back on the corner and looking at Petro. "Still concerned more for others than yourself. A unique asset for you, but put yourself before others occasionally." She advised.

Thinking of others first was natural for her. Anything else seemed selfish. "I'll try to remember that," she said. "When can I start?"

"Whenever you are ready. Never a time like the present." Tasha said with a raise of her brow as she rose from the corner of the desk and walked to the window onto Ops. "Lieutenant Rushtone is at the comms station now. I'll introduce you." Tasha said as she began to move to the door.

"I'm ready." Petro said, following the Captain to the door.


Lieutenant JG Petro

Captain Tasha Tahir