Beg, Steal or Borrow – Uncovering the Lair
by Arrival Kaia

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Title   Uncovering the Lair
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Arrival Kaia
Posted   Thu Jun 04, 2009 @ 5:53am
Location   Deep Space
Timeline   SD8 15:00 Hrs
"WHAT A RUSH!" Kaia exclaimed, prying her hands off of the armrests of her chair as the ship shuddered and shook as it dropped out of transwarp. "ahhhh ha ha ha ha ha! did...did that just happen?"

"I believe it did." Natrina let go of the edges of her console and looked at the readouts. "Though I'm not entirely sure what just happened... I'm assuming that was transwarp."

Kaia peered over the readouts before her own console. "Why the heck didn't I get one of these ages ago? The ghost is disengaged and all systems are nomin-Wait...maybe not... Damnit.... looks like something happened back there when it shut down. I'm going to need to get back there and fix some things before we can run at transwarp again..."

"Transwarp is hardly a technology perfected by the federation. I think we're lucky we haven't been atomized."

"I suppose so." Kaia replied. "Short range scans are picking up something strange. Looks like an energy field of some kind. It's not showing up on long range sensors at all... You'd never know it was there unless you were right on top of it, and at warp, the chances of that are infinitesimal."

"We probably only stopped here because we were following the radiation trail." Natrina replied. "Which, according to sensors, enters the energy field."

"Well, if that's where the trail leads, then that's where we follow."

The ion engines engaged and the modified science vessel changed its course. A crackle of light shimmered through space as the vessel passed into the energy field.

"Getting some interference, I'm compensating the field emitters." Kaia said. "Cloaking field is holding, what have we got out there?"

"Looks like we've got an O-Type star. in the middle of this energy field. No planets, but there is a very dense asteroid field." Natrina answered. "The interference is completely obscuring the trail we were following..."

"That O-type is probably one of the contributing factors to this energy field, might be worth a bit of a study if we had the time. It certainly explains how the Feds haven't found the base yet. I don't think their patrols drop out of warp, let alone when they don't even detect anything."

"That may be, but for the time we're here for a different purpose." Natrina commented with a smile. "The radiation trail did not exist this star system, so somewhere in here is a pirate base filled with the loot they've been gathering for the past few years..."

"You're right. And when you're right, you're right; first things first. The pirate base has got to be in that asteroid belt somewhere, but this energy field is still mucking up the sensors a bit. Let's go closer."

"Taking us in, scan that asteroid belt. I doubt they've got their own station. They'd probably mine out one of the large asteroids to protect them from the star's radiation."

"You're right again," Kaia responded with another sensor sweep. "Looks like there's an energy signature coming from that side of the belt. That's probably what we're looking for."

"I'll take us near the belt and we'll close in close proximity, less of a chance we'll be spotted that way."

Suddenly a small alarm rang out and Kaia's console lit up bright yellow. "Whoa! We just got a spike in radiation in the tachyon band. All stop while I get a quick intensive scan of the asteroid belt." Kaia uttered as she began typing with urgency over her console. "Looks like the whole belt is saturated with Tachyon beacons. Even a Romulan scout ship couldn't penetrate a field that thick without being detected. It's one heck of a thorough warning system."

"Makes sense, the asteroid belt sets up a perfect array for a tachyon grid to detect cloaked ships. If one part of the grid gets disrupted, they whole system goes off, wouldn't be surprised if they didn't have a few defensively armed satellites in there as well..."

"There's got to be a weakness in the grid somewhere Nat...Let's keep this distance and do a once-around of the belt."

"Setting a course." Natrina responded. "Don’t forget to keep an eye to the stars, this is an ACTIVE pirate base after all, don't know what other ships may be coming or going."

"Here we go..." Kaia said partway through their route. "We've got a large asteroid on the edge of the belt. Looks like it's got a tachyon beacon on one side, but the size of the asteroid creates a large blind spot. We could hide the ship there. Let's exit the field and relay these coordinates back to the probe, the feds will probably get a bit itchy waiting for us to tell them where to aim their guns."

"Taking us out of the energy field. From there we should be able to send a clear subspace signal to the probe I prepared. The feds should be able to pick up the message from that."

"That's an idea..." Kaia replied. "If we want to make good on the loot, though, we'll have to find a way into the base before the marines get here."

Natrina smiled at Kaia, "Oh, I've got some plans for that..."