We All Fall Down – Another one bites the dust
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Keth Ohmri & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Another one bites the dust
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Keth Ohmri & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Nov 04, 2014 @ 9:00pm
Location   Security Department
Timeline   WAFD Day 3 - 0613
David decided that he needed to have a staff meeting between his Department heads. It was important to know he was working with and to have them help. He could not run this department on his own. The meeting would include his Deputy Chief Security Officer, the new head of internal affairs, head of investigations, head of tactical and head of security.

He had set up the briefing table in his office, also have had coffee, water and tea for his team.

Security Investigator Ensign Deborah Kato entered the room first. She was somewhat pensive about attending the meeting after learning about the shakeup in the Department. She had become accustomed to Trellis holding the reins of the department; however, she recognized there was a reason the Commander hadn't permanently appointed him to be the leader.

To be quite honest, she wasn't surprised. Trellis never did strike her as being "Leader" material. It seemed to her that he was always trying to appease his superiors. He never took a firm stance on anything if he felt that it would upset those above him. Plus, there was the never-ending rumor of him enjoying the bottle just a little bit too much. She'd have to look into how he was able to get his hands on the stuff without ever having to go to the promenade.

Si'Lar Trellis was the next officer to enter the conference room. He looked at the waiting officers and immediately locked his eyes on the pot of Regelian Coffee that was available. It was just what he needed. He walked over to the pot and pour a glass for himself. It did not completely stop his headache, but it at least help ease his suffering to a significant degree. He fell into a nearby chair and waited quietly for the meeting to begin.

Ever since he had been demoted in position, his responsibilities had changed. The new "Ensign" had deemed it necessary for Trellis to put his experience to work and draft a report for the entire department and leave it on his desk, as if he was a school boy with a book report! In his own opinion, he had done a great job keeping the station safe despite the horrible mess that Dorian had left it in. That reminded him. . .why was Dorian back on the station anyhow? Perhaps if he wasn't stuck in this pointless meeting, he'd be able to actually investigate it.

"Thank you everyone for arriving promptly." Ensign Harris stated as he began to activate the holo-projector before him. "We...we have a lot to cover in a short amount of time." He began.

Ensign Kato noticed that the new Chief of Security was beginning to perspire despite the atmosphere settings in the room being set to mild. If she didn't know any better she would have noticed that he was staggering a bit.

"Sir, are you alright?" Ensign Kato asked in concern.

"Y-yes, I'm..." he was interrupted by an abrupt fit of coughing. "F....fi..." he began to say as he fell forward onto the table. He struggled to regain his balance slightly; however, he soon lost consciousness before he could stable himself.

=/= "Trellis to Sickbay! We have a medical emergency!"=/=

=/=Sickbay here. The doctor is on her way with a medical team. Location please. =/= The nurse replied as the medical team took off towards the patient's location.

=/= "We're in Main Security, Conference room B" Trellis said as he knelt beside the fallen Security Chief.

Si'Lar Trellis
Assistant Security Chief

Deborah Kato
Security Investigator (NPC)