Interlude – Know your enemy, know his sword - Part Two
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Know your enemy, know his sword - Part Two
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Sat Jul 31, 2010 @ 10:44pm
Location   Very lower decks
Timeline   SD27 , small hours

Yolanthe stood, sky blue, and grinned. "I'm in the money. They weren't expecting that." She turned to t'Merek. "I'm going down. I'm want to enjoy the next bout up close. Want to come?"

"Sure," Arrienye shrugged, standing up. She really had nothing else to do. She wasn't a betting person so the outcomes weren't too important for her. She followed Yolanthe down.



Down by the arena, Tharek was prepping. But, it didn't look like it to a normal person. He was just staring at the Human. Analyzing him. Breaking down every little thing about him. His stance, the way he walked, the way he held his blade. All these were insights into his defense, his offence and soon, his inevitable death.

The human examined him right back. He had no intention of underestimating the Cardassian as the Gorn had done. As the staring match went on, the air between them seemed to thicken and crackle with electricity. The crowd hushed, anticipating a bloody combat to come.

The two women stopped briefly for the bartender to collect a bar of latinum and a handful of strips before elbowing their way through to the front of the crowd. The compere shouted "fight" as they arrived and Getal and his more wary opponent began to circle one another.

Tharek had picked up no weapon. He enjoyed knowing he could bring death with his bare hands. Getal's dark eyes didn't move from the Human's. Not blinking, breathing or wavering from his circular path until the Human made his first, and last, move.

The human kept his fists up, watching for an opening, and then snapped out a jab towards the more delicate ridges of the chufu.

Tharek crouched, avoiding the Human's blow. In a split second, Tharek brought up his body, and his fist, into the gut of the man.

But the human had been expecting a powerful response, and had taken the blow well. In return he grabbed hold of Getal's fist, and twisted hard, bringing his knee up hard into Tharek's side.

Tharek winced momentarily, but, quickly regained himself in quick enough time to smash the Human around the nose with a closed fist.

As his nose erupted blood, the human dropped his grip on Getal and moved back, keeping out of range long enough to wipe his face with the back of his hand. The he launched himself forward, aiming a scissor kick at the Cardassian's neck.

Tharek moved to the side with blinding speed, and placed a well timed kick into the Human's back.

The human crashed down, numb from the waist down. It wasn't going to last long, but he was paralyzed and at Getal's mercy. Knowing how the Gorn had fared, he raised a hand. "I Quit!"

Tharek laughed. "How typically terhăn." He said, standing over the man.

The compere stepped forward at that point, held an arm out towards Getal and shouted "Winner!" This time there were more cheers. "Ten minutes, Ladies and Gentlemen, and then tonight’s final bout."

As the crowd buzzed around the various bookies, and the human crawled away, the Bolian gave Getal an acknowledging nod, one professional to another and turned away to speak with two of her own species.

Arrienye looked down at the teal leather of her boots to see a spray of red blood over them. Frowning, she took out a black handkerchief and wiped it away before tossing the material aside. She'd watched Getal's technique very carefully, assessing his every move with a trained eye. This was information that would come in quite useful as she carried on with her goal of how to get rid of the animal for good. She glanced discreetly at Yolanthe, trying to hide the look of disgust from her gaze. Her opinion of the rather unique female had dropped substantially when she'd seen her first arrive with, and then kiss Getal. The mere thought of it sickened her.

"Well, that's another bar in the retirement fund," Yolanthe said happily to the Romulan, unaware of t'Merek's distaste. "Not bad for two fights and pocket change."

"Hm," Arrienye simply acknowledged, looking back at the ring.

Tharek was down in the ring, absorbing the crowd’s cheers. He had not broken a sweat in his previous battles, but expected more of a fight from the Bolian. Wiping the last speck of blood from his face, Tharek turned and exited from the ring, and to the side to prepare again.

Yolanthe moved over to him. "Having fun?"

"You have no idea." He said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Good. I knew you’d like it. And it looks like you're not the only diplomat slumming it tonight. The Head of security for the Romulans is over there." She pointed towards t'Merek. "I don't think she approves of my gambling." She flipped the bar of latinum over in her palm, enjoying the heft of it. "I should bring you to more of these things. She told him with a smile. "I could retire five years earlier."

Tharek glanced over in Arrienye's direction. "I don't think it’s your gambling she disapproves of," he said, turning back to Yolanthe. "Put what you won tonight and some extra on me during the next match. It should up your winnings by more than half."

"If they're accepting odds on you after you've trashed the competition." She put the bar in her pocket. "Be right back. Don't start without me!" She pushed her way back into the crowd, seeking out good odds.

Tharek glared at Arrienye. His piercing eyes penetrating the crowd, to lock contact with hers.

Arrienye looked up to meet his gaze, holding it and returning it with a piercing icy gaze of her own. Her aqua eyes were clear, void of any fear or trepidation.

Tharek continued his gaze, trying to figure her out. But, she wasn't like anyone. Isha had that fearful tint in her eye when he had been present before. She would be difficult to find out.

Yolanthe returned as the compere was beckoning Getal and the Bolian forward for the grand finale. "I'm all set." She wouldn't be certain until the two combatants actually squared off, but she was feeling confident. She leaned into the Cardassian and gave him a swift kiss on the cheek. "I think you're past the point where you need luck." she told him. "But just in case...“

As Yolanthe reached over to kiss Getal, while their eyes were still locked, trying to figure one another out, Arrienye did something that undoubtedly confused the hell out of him. Her stony, contemplative face suddenly brightened into a lovely, if mysterious, smile.

Tharek stood completely in awe. He thought it best not to look at her anymore... She sent an all too familiar chill up his spine. She was neither afraid nor angry at him... Her eyes let nothing go. She was... Complex.

The Bolian woman moved to the chest of weapons to take her pick.

Tharek moved to the chest too, picking up a curved blade, he swung it in his hands, which to anybody but Tharek, and a few trained in swordplay, looked like showboating. Really, Tharek was measuring the blade, testing its capacity to slice the air. Satisfied with the blade, he moved to the ring.

His opponent glanced at the weapon and turned back to the chest, eventually choosing a weighted net and a slightly curved blade on a long handle, a cross between a spear and a scimitar.

Yolanthe frowned. Anyone who chose such weapons with confidence would be a difficult foe to dispatch. Looking at the two, her confidence in her prediction was reduced. The Bolian now had an aura of renewed arrogance about her, that she had been saving something special for this round. The Bokkai knew Getal would still win, but now it wasn't a simple certainty; if he didn't hold his focus, he was lost.

As the fight began, Getal saw Arrienye stand up from her place on the makeshift seats and start moving around the ring, ultimately going behind his back. As she passed, he caught a glimpse of a sizable blade tucked into the side of her boot, which Arrienye knew wouldn't assure him of any good intentions.

Tharek was know stuck. Was Arrienye an assassin? If so, she had the perfect opportunity. But, Tharek wasn't going to let some lackey of a higher power kill him. Or a Bolian. He would deal with Arrienye afterward.

The compere shouted "Fight!" and the entire maintenance bay seemed to hold its breath.


JP by

Yolanthe Ibalin
Shamelessly profiting on unnecessary violence

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Dictator

Arrain Arrienye t’Merek
The moral center