Judgement – Passengers...Really?
by Arrival Alexander Sinclair

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Title   Passengers...Really?
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Arrival Alexander Sinclair
Posted   Wed Jul 06, 2011 @ 6:40pm
Location   Nautical Wind
Timeline   SD 37 2300 hours
AJ opened the door to the bridge of The Nautical Wind and found Lobes at the engineering panel. The Ferengi was working hard from the looks of things. His eyes were glassed over as he stared at the panels and fingers flew over the buttons.

“So what’s the deal?” AJ asked his friend as he leaned against the console next to Lobes.

Lobes looked at the human and then gave him a big grin. “We have work.” The Ferengi started. “Passengers, we are just taking them a few hours away from the station to link up with some friends.”

“And why can’t their friends come here to pick them up?” AJ asked already suspicious of the passengers. Trust was not something he had much of.

Lobes got a confused look on his face. “How am I supposed to know?” He said as he reached into his pocket and pulled at a couple of bars of Latinum. “They paid in cash, up front.”

“I should have bloody known.” AJ growled.

“What? My lobes where tingling.” Lobes responded as if that was an answer.

“Oh frackin great. I got shot last time your ‘Lobes tingled’!” AJ said as he moved over to the Conn to check the ships’ status. As his eyes scanned the panel he could find nothing that would keep the ship in dock. That’s not to say there were not problems. The ship itself was falling apart around them and there was little he could do about it. He had hoped they would have had more time to work on the systems to bring them up to something even close to Federation safety standards.

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that.” Lobes said as a thoughtful look crossed his face. “I did apologize for shooting you, right? Well not to worry I won’t be armed this time.”

AJ just stared at his friend and shook his head. There was just something not quite right with the little Ferengi, but he was the only person that had AJ’s back so that was all that mattered. “Well that’s something at least. So what is our status?”

Lobes may not have had the lobes for business, but he did have them for technology. “We are stuck at warp 3, though I think I could pop us to warp 4. If someone starts shooting…”

“’Someone starts shooting’?” AJ interrupts.

Lobes walked up to his friend and patted on the arm. “When doesn’t someone start shooting at us? It’s not like anything ever goes anywhere near any of your plans. So we have Warp 3, our shields are holding steady at about 50% normal, but the forward around is still acting up and will only give us 10%. But the rear shield will give us almost 90%. Since we always run away I figured that would be OK.”

“We do not run away…” AJ started but they both completed together. “We strategically withdraw.”

“Weapons?” AJ asked afraid of the answer.

“You know how the torpedo launcher was broke?” Lobes said as he strategically withdrew to the other side of the Conn. Out of hand reach. “Well I scavenged the parts we need to bring the port cannon back online. We have both online now!”

AJ was about to say something mean when he realized the Ferengi’s logic was sound. It would be better to have both the phasers online than it would be to have one with a still broken torpedo launcher. AJ knew that Lobes was trying to right by the two of them, but AJ had a bad feeling about this one. The money that the passenger had paid them for this little mission was too much. The money that Lobes had shown him was probably fine, but AJ knew that the Ferengi usually skimmed about a quarter off the top before AJ ever got to see it.

He sighed as AJ started going through the preflight checks. Maybe getting out back into space was what he needed. They really could use the money and the two of them had been through some pretty tight spots together. How bad could it really be?


Alexander Sinclair
Civilian Trader

Lobes (NPC)
Ferengi Engineer