Cascade – It's been awhile.
by Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   It's been awhile.
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Thu Feb 14, 2013 @ 1:37am
Location   Saria's Quarters
Timeline   SD70. 10:00H

David was in his quarters reviewing some work from engineering when he went off on a stray thought. He hadn't really spent much time with Saria lately. He tapped his comm badge. "David to Saria."

=/="Saria here."=/= Saria said trough her combadge.

=/= "Can I come over? Missing you." =/= David said.

=/="Of course, you're always welcome."=/= Saria said, smirking.

David stepped out of his quarters and into a turbolift. He arrived and walked to Saria's door. He pressed the chime.

"Come in!" Saria said, straightening her uniform and utility belt.

David stepped in. He walked over and hugged Saria followed by a kiss while she was in his arms. "I missed you. How are you feeling?" David said softly.

Saria snuggled into his arms. "I missed you too." She said. "And I've been a bit better, but I'm not recovered yet. A Guardian from the caves of Mak'ala still has to come, to cure Rex."

"You hungry?" David said. "We haven't had a meal together in awhile."

"Yeah. Honestly, I'm starving." She smiled. "Did you have any place in mind?" Saria said, giving him a kiss.

"I wanted it to be more private. Can we use your replicator?" David asked as he stepped over to the replicator gesturing his desire to use it.

"You know the custom, David" Saria smirked. "My quarters, are your quarters. You can use anything you want." She said, walking up to the table and igniting two candles.

"What are you hungry for?" David asked. "Any Trill dishes?"

Saria smiled. "Rak'myat, please. It may look... uncommon, but never doubt the taste of a Trill!" She joked. "I thought, I'd be showing you a little Trill cuisine from my database, since you only see me eat Eartly food."

"Sounds good. Computer, one Rak'myat and one plate with a cheeseburger and fries." David said. The replicator materialized the two plates of food and he brought them to the table.

Saria giggled over the simplicity of the cheeseburger and fries. "Seems you've been original with dishes, David." She said, teasingly. As soon David sat down, Saria grabbed his hand with her left hand, which was partially covered by the external implant to assist the weakened muscles in her hand. She then looked at her own dish, which looked like some kind of pasta, but more organicly.

"So what did the doctor say about your condition?" David asked as he started eating the fries.

"Uhm..." Saria hesitated. "She said that it was indeed the Zian'ri causing the imbalance. So therefore, I've requested a Guardian from the caves of Mak'ala, which would bring two symbionts that have been in contact wirh Rex a lot. Just like friends. They'll eventually help Rex recover it's memory." She said, eating her dish. "You should know how much those Guardians worship Rex. Like it's some kind of Messiah to them..." She chuckled.

"Interesting." David said as he bit into the cheeseburger.

"Quite so, but hey, on the other side I'm just a Chief of Science." She smirked.

David chuckled. "So how are things going in the science department?"

"Not too bad, actually" Saria said. "Although, we have to rewrite the decrypting program for the Romulan Core. It seems to give some strange content lately, so we have to decrypt that as well again." She ate the last bit of her dish.

David was just about finished with his meal. He got up and grabbed Saria's plate well. He placed them in the replicator to be recycled. He sat back down. "Anything on that ship we brought in?" David asked.

Saria froze the moment David mentioned the ship. "I.. uhm... well, the internal sensor have been scrambled. Badly scrambled. I don't know who or what did it, but nearly all secondary systems are fried." She said, in a cold tone. "Besides... nearly all my officers are too scared to go in."

David was intrigued. "I know what you mean. It seems something about that ship is effecting the entire crew's morale..." David paused for a second. He felt some sort of agitation come on ever so slightly. His finger and eyelid twitched simultaneously. "Anyways." David looked into her eyes. "I haven't really taken the time lately to look at you and appreciate you. You're beautiful." David continued looking at her face as he smirked romantically.

Saria blushed. "And you're still the most sweet propulsion specialist in the Milky Way." She said, looking him in the eyes. David was still the man she wanted to be with so badly.

"I was thinking. We should get away. Take some shore leave. Maybe after this mission clears up?" David twiddled with his thumbs a bit and looked to Saria.

"Well, as long I'm not required at the Science department then, you can count me in." Saria smirked. "Already had an idea for a destination?"

"I was thinking Jouret IV. The colony was rebuilt recently and has been created into a more modern area ever since the Borg attack. I believe they have some very nice sites we can check out... What do you think?" David asked.

Saria hesitated, but eventually nodded. "Sounds good." She smirked. "I'll check it out in the database, see what they've all got there. But you can trust me on it that I won't bother you with Scientific lectures there." She joked.

"Well, I should get ready for duty here soon. I'll arrange for transport as soon as we're finished with the Ivor Prime away mission." David said. "If you wanna wait, I'll walk you to the turbolift." David walked over to his closet while looking back to Saria.

"Sounds like a plan." Saria said, following David.

They walked out into the corridor and into the turbolift. The doors closed.
