Incommunicado – Closed Door, Open Window
by Commander Rakka

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Title   Closed Door, Open Window
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Rakka
Posted   Tue May 08, 2012 @ 1:03am
Location   USS Spartan
Timeline   Weeks earlier
Rakka’s heart thudded as she fixed her eyes on the still and silent ship on the viewscreen. She knew the ship well, though she said nothing even as the other officers on the bridge debated over its unusual design and smattering of parts and weaponry from races all over the quadrant.

“Unidentified vessel, this is Captain Peres of the USS Spartan. Do you require assistance? Please respond.”

Rakka swallowed hard. Her fingers moved surreptitiously on the console before her.

“Ensign Swinimer, are there life signs aboard?”

“Eleven, sir—all Nausicaan.”

Rakka straightened as silent eyes across the bridge turned in her direction. Keeping silent was now no longer an option. She cleared her throat: “Sir, I r-recommend we raise shields.”

“They haven’t taken any hostile action, Commander—”

“Don’t give them a chance!” she barked.

Captain Peres glared. “Your opinion is noted, Commander, but I would advise you to put aside your personal prejudices.”

She wanted to snap back, but swallowed it. Her hands remained near the console. “I know this ship,” she said evenly. “I know who’s aboard. This is some kind of trap—I guarantee it.”

“Captain—incoming response to our hail.”

“On screen.”

The face of her father filled the screen. Rakka didn’t give him a chance to even open his mouth. She touched the controls, and the image on the screen fizzled out a moment later as a photon torpedo penetrated the Nausicaan ship’s hull, resulting in a cascade of explosions.

“Uh.... zero life signs, Captain,” said Ensign Swinimer, stunned. Once again all eyes turned to Rakka.

Some deep and horrible knot unclenched inside of her, and she raised up her arms and her face as if to receive an outpouring of blessings from the heavens.

“It’s over... oh gods, oh gods it’s over... oh, thank you....” she breathed, two large cleansing tears rolling down her temples.

“Commander Rakka,” said her Captain, “you are relieved of your station. Meet me in my ready room. Now.”

Unconcerned, she drifted to the ready room and stood serenely before her Captain.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” he hissed.

“Absolutely nothing, sir.”

“You just fired a photon torpedo of your own will and destroyed a ship without provocation!”

“It was the right thing to do.”

Peres threw up his arms in frustration and sighed deeply. “I was warned about you. I knew I was taking a chance accepting a Nausicaan on board my ship. You and I have had our differences of opinion, but little did I know just how abso-bloody-lutely nuts you actually were.”

“I did the right thing,” Rakka reiterated calmly, “and I’ll explain why if you’ll hear me. I won’t have any trouble following orders from now on.”

“I have no interest in your stories or useless promises. Command will want a full report from you—I want nothing more. Turn in your badge. You’re done here.”

Normally being reprimanded like this would horrify her, but Rakka had never felt finer as she set down her comm badge and prepared to leave the USS Spartan. Whether or not she would still be a member of Starfleet after this was up in the air, but regardless of what occurred she was deeply contented knowing she would never have to worry about her father again. No more jumping at shadows, no more nightmares coming true. She thought of her dear old friend Petro as she packed. Now that she didn’t have to worry about danger to her loved ones, perhaps it was time to go and find them again.


Cdr Rakka, soon to return to DS5