Things Past – Do you understand what you've done?
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Do you understand what you've done?
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Tue Oct 15, 2013 @ 5:09pm
Location   Main Security Office - Detention Cells
Timeline   SD 71 - 19:00
Thom: I figured we could begin the interrogation of the Embassy bomber with Trellis and Villiers

Louise: Totally agree. I'll try and start something this weekend. Unless you'd like to.

Finally Karen was able to make a half hour break in her schedule to make it down to the Security Office. This situation had to be handled carefully, and she wanted everything in place before the new Diplomatic Officer arrived. He was going to have his work cut out for him, that was one certainty.

"It's time for me to see her," Karen said to the duty officer. They would have been expecting her. "I want Trellis in the room with me and the suspect," she requested, "An interview room, not a cell please," she added.

"Yes ma'am," the Officer stated as he signaled for Lieutenant Trellis to come to the interview room they were preparing. After the message was sent, he got up and went to the designated room. He performed an initial search of the room, checking for any weapons or devices. Once he was satisfied that the room was clear he stepped out and nodded towards the Commander and recently arrived Trellis.

Trellis stepped into the room and looked around for several moments before bringing the young girl into the room. He instructed her where to sit. Once she was inside of the chair he then activated the restraints.

"Let me know if they are too tight," He said softly as he stepped back and observed as the Commander entered the room.

Pip stared straight ahead. She didn't expect support, kindness or understanding from Starfleet or the Federation. She was one of the ones who fell through the holes in the net. One of the ones that the Federation would deny existed at all.

Karen's own face was expressionless. The girl was small, technically a minor despite the audacity of her crime. How could it be that she even existed? The system was there to help but nothing seemed to have worked with her.

"Miss Sullivan," Karen said the temptation to ask for the restraints to be removed gnawing at the back of her skull. Physically this child was little thrat to anyone.

"Pip," the prisoner stated, "I got no family no more."

Karen nodded. "Pip. You have been involved in a very serious crime. I am here to represent you and to support your case. For me to help I need to understand whay has happened."

Pip shrugged her slender shoulders but remained silent.

Karen's eyes swivelled to Trellis, the unspoken question - where to start with this one?

"First, we'll need to establish her age and where she is from." Trellis replied. He was certain that the girl didn't just "get lost" and wind up on the station. He was certain that she was a part of the growing Human Terrorist faction on the station. It was highly likely that she was brought on board for the purpose of attacking the Embassy.

Karen nodded. She usually got involved when the initial interviews had been done, but this case was sensitive enough to command her direct involvement from the beginning. Managing the fallout was going to be a delicate task.

"we'll also need to get a full confession from her on the record." He said. Once that was done, then anything else the girl had to say wouldn't matter. Trellis could begin processing her and thus putting an end to this madness before it could fully get going.

"From her body language she doesn't look as though she'll be inclined to be co-operative, though didn't she confess the moment she walked in?" Question was, would she repeat it for the record.

Trellis looked at the girl squarely. "Repeat to the Commander what you told me when you came into my office previously." He stated flatly. He wanted the girl's confession on the record, otherwise his investigation would be deemed incomplete and he'd have to drag out this matter even longer.

Pip folded her arms a little tighter as her slender shoulders raised in a shrug. "Can't you remember?" she asked then as she recalled the man's earlier kindness she relented - the remains in that flask were still tucked in the fold of a blanket and when that was gone she'd need to find a way to get some more.

"The Cardassian. He slaughtered my colony. When I found he was still alive, what else could I do? Eden Colony. I was the only one left alive. I saw his face from under the body of my dead mam. I looked for him, once I knew he was alive and I saw him here. I had a knife for it. Someone gave me another way," Pip said.

Trellis knew what she was getting at, but he needed her to state exactly what she did. "You said, 'another way', what was the way you choose to use?" He asked her directly.

"The man in the bar. He told me how I could get a bomb, an' how to use it."

Trellis' brow furrowed. This was news to him. "What man? What bar? How did he get the bomb?" Trellis pressed.

"There was that trouble on the promenade, he was there in the Box. I saw him again later an' we got talking. He reckoned if I was serious about getting the Cardy than I should use whatever method I could. It seemed to make sense at the time."

Trellis leaned back as he took in the information. IF what she said was true, then that means she was a part of a much larger conspiracy. Particularly, a conspiracy involving the anti-human faction that had been developing on the station. She had suddenly gone from being the primary suspect into being the star witness.

"Commander, we need to get this witness to a safe location, immediately." Trellis stated directly to the Commander.

Karen nodded her assent. "Pull all the footage of the promenade around the time of the riot, and any from inside the Box of Delights. I want to see who she's been talking to," she continued with a curt nod towards Pip.

"Oh, and while you're at it I want surveilance on anyone who appeared to be involved in that trouble, freeze their accounts as you find them. Ought to drive them out of the hold. Start with your former colleague Dorian Gabriel," she knew for certain that he had taken centre stage that day and the man was quite unstable enough to make an issue of it. What Karen wanted to know was how deep his involvement went - was he the tool or the hand?

"I'll arrange the court order for protective custody."

Trellis nodded as he grabbed the girl and directed her back to a cell until proper arraignments could be made. "Yes, ma'am." He said.