Beg, Steal or Borrow – Loyal adversaries
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Loyal adversaries
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Aug 11, 2009 @ 7:02pm
Location   Romulan Consulate
Timeline   SD 10, 13:00

=A= Getal to Raedheol, may I speak with you please? =A=

"Of course, Getal," he pointed to Nahir i-Orinwen who was sitting opposite, "Leave," he said, noting as she rose that she appeared to be relieved not to have to listen to any more of his lecture.

As she activated the barrier to isolate his office from the corridor he spoke again, "Have you had lunch yet, Getal?"

"Yes I have, but im sure we could share a drink of some sorts. Would you agree?"

Rh'vaurek shrugged, "Name the location, I'll join you in fifteen minutes," he said, "A casual, random meeting of course." The Cardassian would have a slightly easier journey as his facility was already located on the promenade, but the dedicated turbolift would aide his own journey.

"I think that delightful bar outside here will do." He tried to crack a warm smile toward the ambassador.

"I'll be there."


The bar in question was still suffering from lunchtime traffic when Rh'vaurek arrived, but it was not difficult to locate Getal.

"What a coincidence," he said as he approached, "may I join you, Vi'kar Getal?" he asked to keep the deception complete.

"Please." He gestured toward the seat opposite him. He then raised his hand and motioned for the waiter.

As he sat Rh'vaurek took a glance at the menu, "Plomeek soup," he told the waiter before turning to Getal; unlike his companion Rh'vaurek had not yet had lunch. "So, Getal, what shall we talk about?"

"Well, let me first apologise for the secrecy. Second; This is really about our... Cheerful Klingon ambassador." Tharek lowered his head and moved closer toward Raedheol.

Rh'vaurek nodded, "he's quite a change, isn't he," he agreed the room was quite crowded enough for a conversation to be held in confidence even so he placed a Romulan padd on the table and jabbed a button with one finger, "To take care of any electronic ears," he said switching into the Cardassian language, "and this will make it much harder for prying eyes to follow what we say ... funny language, Cardassian ... incredibly difficult for lip readers to follow. So about the ambassador ...?"

"I dont trust him. Nor his intentions. And as with our previous meeting, I have no intention of dividing the station up between him. I respect you, and the Romulan embassy of course." A sly grin creepeed onto Tharek's face.

"I've spent a long time establishing our presence here. I would be lying if I claimed not to be irked by the sudden interest of alien powers in the sector ... not to mention the ease with which they have been allowed a foothold. I particularly don't trust Klingons who want to make deals."

"A friendly Klingon is a bad Klingon. An old custom I still go by." Tharek shifted his eyes around the room, searching for anyone suspicous... Other than the ambassador and him.

Rh'vaurek smiled thinly as the waiter brought his soup. He took the spoon, balancing it for a moment between his fingers, "So you are reluctant to include our esteemed friend in our division of the station," he said, knowing that the Klingon's alliance with the Federation made such an exclusion more difficult to achieve, "... or did you have a supplementary arrangement between our embassies that will overlay the one we discussed with Toran?"

"It shouldn't be too hard to overlay Toran, as long as we don't anger him, or give him reason to be suspicous. Perhaps a subtle way to get him off station, then quickly act would be an apropriate arrangement." Tharek then switched his tone of voice into that of a persuasive one. "Wouldn't you agree Raedheol?"

"This muck is flavourless," Rh'vaurek complained dropping his spoon onto the table. "I would agree that Toran should be malleable enough as long as he sees cause to trust us, and as long as that girl of his keeps his mind off business." He was not about to make any precipitous alliance, not one that had a good chance of ending with a Cardassian knife between his shoulder blades, either literally or metaphorically, "A man who turns up with a ship crammed with troops is not looking to go anywhere in a hurry ... unless he suddenly sees a better use for those troops than draining the Federation's stock of third rate blood wine."

"Well, lets give him a reason to go, I think the Rakara could come into play here... " A sly smile formed on Tharek's face as he looked through his eyebrows at the Romulan.

"I'm listening," Rh'vaurek said, waiting for the Cardassian to go on with his plan.

"The Rakara is equipped with a cloaking device. It'll create a distraction large enough for Toran to leave. Once he's left, the Rakara slips past, masking any trace it may have left behind. It'll hide its I.D. So Toran will never know that the Rakara is responsible, just a renegade Cardassian ship."

"If he doesn't take the bait the alliance of convenience we all agreed to last night will be void, and you will have half a dozen angry Klingons waiting outside your door every time you wish to use the station's facilities ... its too soon," Rh'vaurek concluded, "Let's deal with Gabriel first, lest Toran decides that an arrangement with him would suit him more than an arrangement with us."

"Agreed. What's the plan for Gabriel at the moment?" Tharek interlocked his fingers and sat back in his chair.

"I wonder if we should each make separate complaints about an attempted breach of security at our embassies ... I blame Toran, you blame me, he blames you - that should be enough to get the intelligence department interested too - the idea being that they suspect their own highly regarded colleague Gabriel of each 'attempted breach' - it has a certain poetic quality, yes?"

"Beauty in words Mr. Raedheol. Mr. Gabriel shall be annoyed... To say the least."

"I do hope so," Rh'vaurek said.

A sly smile creeped onto Tharek's face. "If this plan doesn't work, which, it hopefully wont. But still, what will happen if the plan fails?"

Rh'vaurek smiled thinly, "Then we come up with another, and another and another until our friend ... have patience, Getal, everything comes to thsoe who wait."


erie'Khrein Rh'vaurel Raedheol

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal