Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans’s Personal Log - WIP aka Works in Progress

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Title   WIP aka Works in Progress
Author   Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans
Posted   Thu Jan 24, 2013 @ 3:41pm
The recent events have kept me heavily occupied.
Emergency parts stock pile is slowly approaching 'required' levels.
Industrial Replicators damaged due to the 'unique' problems that created the communications blackout has now been repaired.

Repair 'Dock' operational

Loading 'Dock' flurry of activity, function 'green'

Station required PM's (Preventive Maintenance) on schedule.

Station daily required upkeep, also on schedule.

Fabrications department operating to capacity.

Although for these many months I have been like a specter
haunting this station. Heard many rumors about this and that,
however have been far too occupied with WIPS that I honestly
did not pay close attention as the passing days flowed as if they were one.

Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans Deep Space Five