Cascade – This ain't no kennel
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Arrival John Quinn

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Title   This ain't no kennel
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Arrival John Quinn
Posted   Wed Apr 17, 2013 @ 10:59pm
Location   Security Sub-station 6
Timeline   SD 71: 09:30

"You had one job, to do." John said sternly. Before they left he had asked Jamie to make sure they had registered Chromie's travel from their last posting to the current posting, otherwise they'd have to...

"Sorry," The Crewman paused as he looked at the PADD. "Mr. Quinn, but that creature -"
"It's a dog, man! A dog!!" John replied, his frustration becoming clear. Two security Crewman stepped forward from their observation position to the side of the checkpoint.
"- that creature, sir, is an unregistered guest upon this Station. Please place the crate on to the yellow zone on your right. The creature will be placed into quarantine for 6 weeks, upon completion of quarantine..." The Crewman continued with his by the book response to a situation, but John's attention was elsewhere. Jamie was pulling on his sleeve.

"Dad, what are they going to do with Chromie?"
"Observe him for 6 weeks. Make sure he's not carrying any Ferengi Worms... One job." He held up one finger. "Just one job."
Jamie frowned and looked away. Two other crewman had appeared to take the crate with Chromie away, his little nose poking out of one of the holes.


Chief Warrant Officer U'van sat the computer terminal processing the recent arrivals into station quarantine. His eyes narrowed as he observed what looked to be a terran canine. It was hard for him to believe that those things ever left the planet, let alone made it onboard the station this far out. Obviously its owners didn't care much for its safety.

John Quinn entered the Security Sub-Station, it seemed strangely unwelcoming, but then that was probably by design. The morning hadn't been the greatest, and in truth John was still half asleep after his early bird wake up call from the local welcoming committee. He hadn't adjusted to 'Station Time' at all. Now here he was on deck who-knows-what, having followed PaDD instructions to get here, half asleep, half dressed and on a crusade to free his dog simply because he was annoyed.

U'Van looked up at the short man as he entered the area. "Can I help you?" he asked.

"Aye." Quinn replied trying to tone down his Scottish accent. "I was wondering if this is where ma'dog was taken to."

On any other day, John would have just slid the ownership details over to the whoever it was and meekly let it slide. But he was tired, and when he was tired he was grumpy, and when he was grumpy he looked for confrontation. It was often his undoing. He never used to be this way. He used to be calm, collected, reserved and usually pretty logical, but over the years his anger has become more and more apparent. He was a Scotsman at heart, and it was often joked it was in his nature, but he never believed it.

"Oh yeah. . .I thought that was the lunch I had ordered." U'Van said. . .half jpkingly.

John looked at the Warrant Officer stone faced, with no hint of emotion or reaction to what he had just sad. It was far too early in the morning. Far too early.

"Listen - just give me the bloody dog."

Officer U'Van wasn't familiar with Terran culture too much, but he could certainly recognize an uninviting tone. He looked at the man for several moments before responding.

"Why bring that thing on here anyways? What do you Terrans call it. . .a Kennel? Yeah, this is not some sort of Federation Kennel for citizens to stop and observe all walks of life." He replied.

John fixed his gaze down at U'Van sitting at his console. Aliens, he thought to himself. It wasn't 'right' to share your disdain for other cultures, even if they openly questioned you on yours. Earthlings had always been labelled as 'volatile' and 'discriminating' ever since the early days of Starfleet and well before the Federation formed. Yet, it seemed perfectly acceptable to keep those old stereotypes around nearly 300 years on. He took a slow breath in through his nose, and let it out through his mouth, regaining his composure.
It was early - too early, but U'Van wasn't the person that woke him up this morning, so he shouldn't have to suffer the poor attitude.

"He's part of the family." John responded, a calmer tone carried through his voice (even if the Scottish accent threatened to break back out).

The Bolian stared back at the Human. "Family, huh? IF that's how you Terrans treat family, I'd hate to see how you treat enemies." He said with a gruff tone as he tapped several buttons on his console.

"Lucky for you I had breakfast already," He chided.

"Temporal loop in here." John muttered at the Bolian's repeated joke.

As the forcefield lowered U'Van walked over to the compartment and withdrew the container with the dog inside. "I'll remind you of station protocol: All animals are to be checked for various diseases on a regular basis. Failure to do so might lead to termination. . .or grilling." He smirked.

"And I always thought Bolians were vegetarians... but thank you." John managed to force out with a fake smile. "You've made a wee lass happy." As he said that he calmed down a little, realizing that the Bolian had been helpful after all.

U'van merely gave a grunt in response as he went back to his console.

John let out a slow sigh and looked at the Bolian, before giving out a half hearted laugh. It was the lest he could do in return for whatever favour the Bolian had decided to show to release the dog early. "Thanks." He had made a little Scottish lass happy that was for sure.


U'Van Sal'meh
Chief Warrant Officer
Security Officer


John Quinn