Judgement – Hell of a Day
by Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Hell of a Day
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Mon Jun 06, 2011 @ 8:32pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 37, Late afternoon

Ka'er marched through the sliding doors into the bar, the various lights, spinning contraptions, and sounds all vying for dominance over his senses. He pushed through the crowd, towards the bar, then slid into a stool directly across the very busy bartender.

"Tall glass of kanar when you get a chance!" he called over the din of the other patrons. A few minutes later, the stuff appeared before him. He took a long drought, smiling as the burning liquid slid down his throat.

"Not many humans can stand the burn of kanar," remarked a nearby Cardassian appreciatively. "I'm impressed."

"Thank the gods I'm not human than," Ka'er answered before sliding out of his seat and heading away from the Cardassian. He couldn't stand the bony-skinned creatures, full of false smiles and haughty attitudes. They reminded him far too much of Telian politicians.

Not that the political atmosphere of Telia was what he'd grown up in. Recent information from his contacts in the Exile Underground was reassuring. The living Monarchs had voted last year to disband whatever was left of the Unity and reorganize into an Empire, with one Throne and one Monarch. Exactly what had been suggested constantly for the last fifty years, but only enacted now, when there was no other choice. And there were other rumors too, even more reassuring.

Spotting a lonely face, Akamu made a beeline for the solitary figure sitting in the corner.

"Hey there," He grinned down at the human sitting at the table. "That's the proper human greeting in this setting, correct?"

“If you say so” said the man rather moodily as he looked up at the man, pushing his horned rimmed glasses further up the bridge of his nose with one finger as he did. He wore a Starfleet uniform with a collar colour of that pale blue that went hand in hand with science or medical personnel in the service. He wore a white lab coat over that, and looked up at the man with a distant look in his eye, his hands nursed a small glass of whiskey. “Can I help you sir?”

Akamu was far from put out by the man's cold attitude. Rather, he eased nonchalantly into the seat opposite the man, setting his glass down on the table. "I'm new to the station, just arrived yesterday," he flashed a brilliant white smile. "You looked a bit alone, and I'd rather not spend my time with Cardassians if I can help it."

The man looked at Akamu over the Rim of his glasses. "Fine," he said grumpily, indicating that the man should take a seat. "But don't expect much in the way of conversation...." he trailed off as he took another sip of his drink. He did not seem much in the mood for conversation.

Akamu grinned, relishing the challenge this man represented. Humans where a bit harder to read than most Telians, who tended to wear their hearts on their sleeves. Deciphering this ice block would be a fun.

"You at least have to tell me your name," Ka'er said, flashing his father's patented 'I'm just a lowly ambassador's aide, what harm can I do' smile. Receiving no response, Akamu tried a different approach. "Oh, come on, sir. I don't bite." His feral grin betrayed the origin of his wolfish nickname.

"Why call me sir?" asked the man taking another swig of his drink and looking at the man now sitting opposite him directly in the eyes.

"It's only polite," Akamu explained. "I just met you. Courtesy is a dying art."

"With charm like that you should be a diplomat" said the man sarcastically.

"I learned from the best." Ka'er drained his kanar happily.

"Sarek hey.....impressive." said the scientist with an appreciative nod of his head, "you look a little young though.....to of learnt from him before he died? Maybe it was his son Spock, also a formidable and renowned diplomat in his own right? kudos to you." The man proffered his glass in a toast, then had another sip of his drink, obviously not having a clue who the man actually was.

"Sarek?" Ka'er repeated. "Spock? Who's tha... Oh. Vulcans." He chuckled slightly. "No. My father was an ambassadorial aide. I grew up in the Imperial court. On my world, those men and women were the best."

The scientist gave the man a speculative look and raised one eyebrow in a very Vulcan manner "Your not from around these parts are you?"

"Not really," Akamu smiled congenially.

The other man shrugged, he wasn't really after any conversation, nor his life story. "Fair enough" he said simply, wandering if that would be the end of the conversation, but getting a sinking feeling that it wouldn't be.

"So... you still not gonna give me your name?" Akamu said. "It's all I ask."

"Rob Field" said Rob, beginning to regret coming to a bar for a bit of peace and quite.

"Alright then!" Ka'er exclaimed. "I'm Ka'er." He leaned back, simply staring at the human. Rob didn't like him, Akamu could tell. That was OK, and it certainly didn't scare the mercenary. He'd just wait and watch.

"Fair enough" said Rob again with another shrug. He opened up his lab coat and pulled out a PaDD. He pressed the touch screen interface of the LCARS display, it beeped obediently as it brought up the data he needed. Rob began to read.

Ka'er watched in silence for several long moments. The human was definitely a grumpy idiot, a lot like many others Akamu had met over the years. Rob read and read, occasionally glancing at the Telian out the corner of his eye. If he thought Akamu didn't notice, he was dead wrong.

Rob continued to read up on how String theory mainly posits that the electrons and quarks within an atom are not 0-dimensional objects, but rather 1-dimensional oscillating lines, and that the earliest string model, the bosonic string, incorporated only bosons, and although this view developed to the superstring theory, which posits that a connection exists between bosons and fermions. Rob began to become more and more engrossed in what he was reading to worry about the man sitting opposite him.

As he got up, Akamu glanced over Rob's shoulder to see what the human was so engrossed with. He barely suppressed a laugh. He didn't pretend to know half of what the PADD meant, but he did know Telian scientists had thrown string theory out the subspace window centuries ago.

Rob didn't look up from his PaDD, but he had heard the other man getting up to go. Rob didn't say anything, instead just lifted one hand and waved goodbye, his eyes never leaving the small screen that he was reading.

Akamu headed out the door, smirking. Rob was strange. Then again all humans were strange.


Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
Civilian Mercenary


Lieutenant Rob Field
Science Officer