Interlude – Like a virus, I corrupt.
by Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Like a virus, I corrupt.
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Fri May 07, 2010 @ 9:23pm
Location   Cardassian Embassy - Tharek's office
Timeline   One hour after 'Curiosity kills the Cardassian'

Ryan was sat in his quarters, in the quiet twiddling his thumbs, it had been just over an hour since he bumped into Tharek in the corridor. Ryan thought about it all again and stood up, deciding to visit the consulate.

As he wandered the decks on his way to the consulate he wondered what kind of information he would have find, if any. Several minutes later he arrived outside the consulate, stopping hesitantly outside for a few seconds he then walked in, unsure of what to expect.

Lemat immediately greeted him with a warm smile. "You must be Doctor Milarno!" She exclaimed, ushering him through the foyer. "The Vi'kar Gul's expecting you. This way please." She said, taking him by the crook of the arm. As they walked to Getal's office, several gigantic Cardassian soldiers walked past, and did not pass a glance at Ryan. One of them smiled at him, but that was it.

Ryan looked surprised. "Well it's not as bad as I thought..." he said to himself, maybe a little too loudly.

She noticed his comment, and laughed a little. "We're really not as bad as people make us out to be." They finally arrived at Tharek's office, having gone through the modern looking foyer past quite a few Cardassians. Most of them armed.

She tapped the chime, and ushered in Ryan.

Ryan looked around, he felt out of his comfort zone. "Sorry I was more than an hour...was thinking about all this...before I finally left my quarters" he chuckled. "I'm glad I did"

Tharek smiled at him, and gestured to the couch to the far side of the room. "This'll test if your Cardassian or not. Care for some Kanar?"

Ryan started to walk over to the couch. "Yeah please" he replied as he sat down on the couch.

Tharek poured out two tall glasses of thick, black Kanar. It was like syrup, pouring from the twisted bottle. "I got what I could from the official records. Although, theres quite a bit missing from the Dominion attack on the Order."

Ryan took the glass and took a drink, strangely it didn't seem to bother him, it was a nice taste but to some he could see why it would be an acquired one. "I see, well that's understandable...what did you manage to find?" he asked him.

"Well, he was a respected man, in his own right. Great military tactician, blah blah blah." Tharek said as he skipped down the PADD. "Basically, your dad was a warrior at heart, and a charmer by nature." Tharek then lowered his voice and mumbled his words. "Also he served under me in the Kendra Province incident." He said, coughing at the end.

"What? Well if you knew of him when I mentioned his name why didn't you say anything?"

"Because of this next part. This needed to be discussed in private. Your father served under me in the Kendra Province incident, during the Occupation. He was my right hand man, my deputy 'opressor' if you will."

Ryan nodded. "Go on..."

"I... He... We, were responsible for the construction operation in the Kendra Province. We provided Terok Nor with all of the minerals needed for the construction of the minor things. Tables, chairs and the like. We had a nice little thing going on. I believe your father wanted me gone though. He didn't like serving under anyone, and wanted my position."

Tharek took a deep slug of his Kanar before continuing. "After he had made sure the Bajoran's were in their apropriate quarters one night, he 'forgot' to lock the rooms, or the armoury. His plan was to quell the Bajoran's once they had killed me, taking everything I had for himself. I didn't allow it. Me, and several elite Cardassian soldiers took back the Province, with a few casualties in the process. Your father, among them." Tharek finally said, getting up and walking to his desk. He lent on it with both hands, looking out the window on the other side.

"So he betrayed you, and all that Cardassia stood for at the time...sounds typical of him...did you know he had a son? Me I mean?" he asked.

"Most men under my command had children. Back on Cardassia. Children born of Bajoran and Cardassian blood were swept away to one side, usually as slaves or used for manual work. I'm judging that you were sent away at the end of the occupation." Tharek said, turning to look Ryan in the eye.

"My mother managed to herself and me on a transport to Earth...from there my Cardassian and Bajoran genes were hidden...I was made to look fully human, and I was for most of my life until a few months ago, and again just lately the Cardassian genes revealed you can see" he sighed.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of. The only thing to be ashamed of is your fathers treachery. You can change that though. Your half Cardassian. You can make a difference to the ailing Cardassia." Tharek said, walking up to him again.

Ryan took another drink of his Kanar. As he swallowed he spoke. "How do I make a difference?" he wondered, looking right at Tharek.

"Your a doctor, and a succesful one at that. I could use a physician on hand." Tharek said, sitting himself down again.

He looked confused. "What do you mean? What's wrong with just going to sickbay?" he smiled.

"They can't do the type of procedures I require. Obsidian Order procedures. Can only be done with a Cardassian eye, and a Cardassian hand." Tharek said, gesturing to the apropriate body parts.

"I don't mean to be nosy...but what Obsidian order procedures?"

"I'm not aloud on pain of death to release that information to someone not of the Order." Tharek replied in a machine-like way.

"Ah I see sorry..." Ryan replied. "Should have realised...but if you need a physician on hand to perform these procedures who is in the order...but yet you mention it to me, but I'm not apart of it..." he was confused, unless he was reading too much into it.

"Well, theres always a spot open. Should you want Order training under your belt that is."

"I'm a starfleet would it affect that?" he asked.

"I can train you in your off hours if you like." Tharek said, starting to speak more seriously. "You won't get another wrong look on this station if you say you've been trained by me."

Ryan nodded. "Alright...I wanna do it" he told him honestly.

"Good. When do you want to start your first session? I must remind you that I won't hold back. You will be trained as I would train my top agent, understood?"

"Completely understood" Ryan nodded. "And whenever both our schedules allow I guess..." he told him.

"I'm a diplomat. I've always got free time. You got time now?" Tharek asked.

"Of course, I'm on sick leave at the moment so I've got a lot of it"

"Good..." Tharek started. He lunged forward with both hands, and grabbed Ryan by his collar. He then flung him across the room nearer the desk. "First lesson, always be on guard!"

Ryan was taken by surprise as he stood up straight again. "Understood, I'll definitely remember that one"

"Good." Tharek said, smiling. He knew that Ryan would grow to become a formidable opponent and respected Cardassian. He just hoped he wouldn't follow in his fathers footsteps.

Ryan nodded. "There's one thing I need to understand though...I'll have to go through Obsidian order order to be able to conduct these...these medical techniques?" he asked.

"If you go through training, I can appoint you part of the Order, and access to the medical files needed. It's well worth it, trust me." Tharek said, rubbing his still tender wound atop his skull.

Ryan remained silent as he watched him. "Is that the reason you need assistance?" he asked.

"No, this was done by a doctor I had to take from active duty near the border. It would be handier to have an Obsidian Order trained doctor close. It's a very high job to get. The pay isn't bad either." Tharek said, straightening his hair back over the inflamed wound.

"Well, I'll do what I have too" he promised.

"Give me your word. I want to hear it from your heart. Swear on the blood of your race that you will never reveal your training, nor the medical information that follows!" Tharek told him. An oath was worth more in Cardassian culture than 100 gold-pressed Latinum bars.

Ryan thought for a second, he would swear...but how could he swear on the blood of a race he was only just becoming to know? "I give you my word, I swear on the blood of my race never to reveal my training, nor the medical information that will follow" he nodded, agreeing to the oath.

"Excellent!" Tharek said, taking the mans hand and shaking it vigorously. "Your first session is on Order history. The Order is an endangered breed, we must keep it alive via the history."

Ryan nodded. "Understood...what will I have to do?" he asked.

"First is embrace Cardassia with open arms. The Box of Delights should help with that." He said, referring to the holosuites.

"Ahh I see...any recommendations?"

Tharek smiled, knowing the next part would break Ryan's heart. "We're going to see how far your loyalty goes."

Ryan looked confused. "I don't get what you mean..."

"You'll see." Tharek said, walking out of the door, gesturing for Ryan to follow.

Ryan got up from the couch and followed him out of his office.

Tharek walked, with Ryan in tow, and made a swift gesture at Lemat to follow also. Tharek spread a smile across his face like a disease. His grin was evil, as were his eyes, and his intentions for Ryan.


A Joint Post By:

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Dictator - Obsidian Order Mentor


Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Assistant Chief Medical Officer