Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Bloodlines - part 2 - Enter here and be damned
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Bloodlines - part 2 - Enter here and be damned
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sat Jan 17, 2009 @ 3:21pm
Location   Romulan Consulate
Timeline   SD4 (backpost) After 'Fix You' & 'Keeping Score'

“This is it,” he said pausing to key in an access code. It was a moment before the door was released, “Please,” he said standing back to allow Adams to enter the small dark office ahead of him.

As she stepped past him and into the room, Chelsea had a sinking feeling as she remembered the darkness of the previous time she had visited this part of the station with Rh'vaurek. She eyed him suspiciously but walked confidently in. She wasn't going to let him see that he still struck shadows into her psyche.


Putting the padd and vial into his outstretched hand, Chelsea looked around for the first aid kit. "Where do you keep your medical tools? I didn't bring my own this time" she asked him.

”On the side,” he said placing the vial aside. “I think they’re faulty. Computer, increase the lights. So what have we got,” he said resting against the edge of the desk as the lights came up and he began to flick through the data, grinding his teeth together as he pressed his free hand to his ribs.

Following the sweep of his gesticulation Chelsea's eyes found a container marked in Romulan lettering which she couldn't understand but the universally recognisable cross on the top and the contents were all too familiar. Diving her hand inside she chose a portable scanner and a dermal regenerator to begin with.

Returning to his side as he was reading the report with it's reams of figures showing Us and Es, micropathology and histochemistry readings with all the other standard listed test results scrolling down and down, she raised the scanner over him, starting at the top of his skull and working downwards.

The little piece of electronics blipped prettily and flashed colours at her indicating a myriad of extensive minor injuries, bruises, contusions, cuts, swelling, abrasions and so on, but little in the way of anything serious so far.

She could tell that with so many small but angry lesions and contusions, he must be in considerable discomfort, if not outright pain. That fact in itself caused her mixed emotions.

Chelsea wanted to be angry with him, instinctively perceiving him as Ryan's assailant and, if things had not worked out so fortunately, potentially even the instrument of Ryan's actual death! Her own considerable skill and efforts had been tested to the limits in that rush to haul Ryan back from the brink last night and she was still emotional about that.

However, she was also aware that Ryan's confession of having left Raedheol alone and unconscious could equally have ended just as badly and she was after all, as the CMO himself had pointed out earlier, sworn to prevent suffering no matter to whom, what or why it had been caused.

Her internal dilemma became short lived thought, as the auto-doctor in her cut in and took over. She found four cracked ribs, one completely broken and a tiny shard of bone loose within the left side of the Arrain's torso. There was no more hesitation or resentment as she moved straight into command of the situation, so fast that she could perhaps have taken his breath away had his lung been in a better condition.

Snatching up some analgesic in a hypospray she applied it like lightening and almost snatched the padd out of his hands, ordering him brusquely to stand carefully up and lay on the desk without jarring himself or twisting his upper body. His surprised protest hadn't left his lips before she was barking more instructions over his half-uttered words.

"NOW! Arrain! Before that lung punctures!" she snapped. "Unless you *want* to end up at my mercy in Sickbay instead?"

“I thought you people were meant to have a bedside manner!” Rh’vaurek rolled his eyes. “You’re a fiend, Chelsea, I’d no sooner put myself in your power than I’d present myself to a professional Cardassian torturer. Do what you must.”

Unstoppable now she was absorbed by her professional comfort zone she swept his papers and files onto the floor on the other side of the desk and scanning the room she pounced on what she wanted, a nearby sheet of plastic which she offered up against his side and guided his arm across to hold it in place.

”Watch it, that’s organised,” he protested, grunting as the movement caused a fresh burn of pain down his side. Rh’vaurek exhaled slowly, trying to relax. He lowered his hands eyeing the gleaming blade of the scalpel she held between her fingers. “Lung, you say … ok, just don’t slip,” he said.