Beg, Steal or Borrow – Keeping the Homefront secure
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Nicholas Gregory & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Ensign Brian Moxis

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Title   Keeping the Homefront secure
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Nicholas Gregory & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Ensign Brian Moxis
Posted   Tue Mar 17, 2009 @ 2:23am
Location   Deck 580 - Security Office
Timeline   SD-8: 13:35hrs
Gabriel was flipping through the stack of padds that had accumulated since the sudden departure of Lieutenant Commander Rakka and his subsequent elevation to head of Security. He was still trying to figure out which way was up, on top of that his original department was still in disarray since Wallace mysteriously left and was now missing in action, assumed dead. . .

Oh, and the Romulans were about to attack, too.

Gabriel looked at the most recent crew manifest and noticed two newer additions to the department. He figured now would be the best time to get them acclimated to the way that HE did things around here instead of the looming Nausicaan.

*Taps* Gabriel to Specialist Moxis, and Ensign Jo'el, report to Security office immediately." He said into the unit as he sat down in the uncomfortable chair of his predecessor. He knew that it would be the FIRST thing he got rid of.

Just now finding his quarters Brian had no time at all to unpack. The message on the com had told him to report immediately to the security office. He threw his bag on to the small hard looking chair and placed the security uniform on that had been left in the room for him. With uniform on and phaser tucked in at his side he proceeded down to the corner and in to the lift. "Deck 580." The lift was quiet and a little faster then what Brian had been accustomed to.

Arriving at deck 580 he walked straight down the hall. Straightening up his uniform and his posture Brian walked in to the room.

Gabriel looked at the crew manifest one more time and noticed a particular name on it. Lieutenant Gregory. He immediately recognized him when he saw his name due to his uncle Anthony James Cardel's career within Starfleet Intelligence. Hopefully Cardel's sense of duty and diligence and rubbed off on his nephew.

Gabriel assumed that the officer walking into his office was Ensign Moxis. "Moxis, you are late! You were supposed to have arrived along with the USS Trinity almost 8 hours ago!" Gabriel said angrily. He couldn't stand substandard performance from his subordinates. Now that he was back in the saddle in Security, he wasn't going to allow it in this department anymore than he would've in his previous department.

"Sorry sir. The ship was.."

"I don't want to hear it!" Gabriel interjected before the man could have a chance to finish his statement.

"We don't have a lot of time, so the meet & greet will have to wait until after this crisis is adverted." Gabriel said.

=^="Opaka to Lt. Gabriel. I'm on duty with Ambassador t'Khellian. The ambassador has requested that I stay with her, considering our situation. Is there something I can help you with from here, sir?=^=

Gabriel silently swore to himself. He had forgotten that Jo'el had been place as the VIP protector. Irregardless, he was still under the jurisdiction of Security and he was going to be of some use.

"Gabriel here, I'm altering the parameters of your orders. While you are within the embassy, I want you to investigate the communication that was transmitted to that location shortly before our Guardian platforms went offline. I was informed a short time ago that the comm was bypassed around 1400 yesterday, when a transmission was sent to the Ambassadors quarters.I have a feeling that our "allies" know more than they have let on. Report back what you find." He ordered.

=^="Understood, sir. Opaka out."=^=

"The Romulans have shown their true colors and are preparing to launch an unprovoked attack against us. Commander Davies has put us under Red Alert and wants Security to handle any possible intruders, as well as find the saboteurs responsible for taking out our defensive grid." He responded.

"Our primary systems may already be compromised by agents of the Tal Shiar. They could have planted explosive or have sleeper agents aboard." Gabriel continued

"Yer the rookie, so I want you to get your feet wet by seeking out those responsible for the sabotage. Major Darson has offered the assistance of his jarheads, but this is *our* station and the last thing we need is some extra-judicial knuckle-draggers interfering in the investigation." Gabriel stated.

"Any questions?"

"No questions here sir. I am ready to do what it takes to protect this base." Brian said.

"Good, the fact that you are wearing that uniform means that I'll hold you to it." Gabriel said as he sat down again at his chair. "Dismissed." He stated as he looked at he crew manifest as he tired to figure out where the HELL was his Assistant Chief.


Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security/Intelligence Officer

Opaka Jo'el

Brian Moxis
Security Officer

Lieutenant JG
Nicholas Gregory
Assistant Chief Security Officer