Unity – Into the breach
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Colonel James Darson

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Title   Into the breach
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Sun Aug 01, 2010 @ 2:54pm
Location   Outside DS5
Timeline   SD24 23:00 (Backpost)
Life on the station hadn't exactly returned to normal, the station looked more like a bombed out settlement than a starbase. Jarred and the bridge crew for the Montana were walking the back through the airlock for the last time for a few days. The marines were squared away, the eight fighters, and numerous other small craft were crammed into the shuttle bay he looked over at Rhiana "Looks like your my helmsman Rhi." he commented

"Thank you sir, here comes Lieutenant Freeman." Rhiana observed.

"Jarred." He said walking up the the two and stopping.

"Looks like Rick is out for this mission, so we're going to have to adjust the plan, but I want to depart in a few hours as planned, the marines are getting rowdy and CPO keller is having a heck of a time keeping them from ripping apart the ship, so I want to get moving."

"Alright, which ship do you have scheduled for me to be taking?" Bruce asked honestly forgetting with everything else that was happening on the station.

"You will be CO of Nautilus, I am going to over see the the operations of the Montana plus co-ordinate with the marines, if you can fly with the four fighters we still have for this mission on flying cover for the landing we should be able to pull this off with out too many gang ups, I've got my crew watching the cardassians in case shit hits the fan." Jarred said

"Alright, sounds easy enough. Hopefully it will stay that way." Bruce said enthusiastically. This was one of the few times he was going to be able to get off station so he was looking forward to it.

"Soon as the Marines replenish their supplies and we get some additional medical supplies we can get going, here's' whats his name, the marine platoon commander."

“Yes, I’m here.” Lt. Ambrose said in clipped tones as he stepped in through the hatch onto the bridge. He presented himself to Wallace and handed over a PADD, “All weapons are stored and ready, transports are ready to launch and gunships are being prepared to drop as soon as we drop out of warp.”

"We launch in thirty, soon as we arrive on station the marines will launch and the fighters and Nautilus will fly cover during the landing, Montana will stay in orbit and get ready to receive prisoners and casualties, if things go to hell get as many as possible and get out, no unnecessary risks." Jarred emphasized that last part.

Ambrose stared at him haughtily, but nodded in acquiescence. This fleetie didn’t have to tell him that. The first thing they taught you in OCS was that unnecessary risks got people killed. He was going to play this one as by the book as possible.

“Yes sir,” he said before turning on his heel and proceeding back down to the Marine Barracks.

Jarred sat back down in the command chair and looked forward to the main viewer, "open a channel too the nautilus,"

"Nautilus here." Bruce answered.

"Lets get underway, Secure stations and lets depart." Jarred ordered.

"Aye." Bruce acknowledged the Intelligence chief. He turned to the crew, "Well you heard the boss lets batten down the hatches and get going."

The two ships began to move, Jarred spoke again "D-S five ops this is Montana we're ready to depart."

Davies had waited patiently for this call and jumped into action, slapping at his comm as soon as the call came through, without waiting for anyone to re-direct.
=^= "Good luck Montana. Look me up when you get back. Davies out. =^=

"Helm set course" Jarred paused as the helmsman set course "Punch it."

The two ships accelerate into warp leaving the station behind them, there next stop was to a mission that would prove to be eventful.


Lt Jarred Wallace

Lt Bruce Freeman

Lt. Ambrose NPC’d by Colonel Darson

Commander David Davies