Things Past – All Oiled Up - Part 1 (Backpost)
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt

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Title   All Oiled Up - Part 1 (Backpost)
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt
Posted   Sat Apr 13, 2013 @ 10:43pm
Location   The Marine Barracks' Armoury
Timeline   Backpost (Pre-mission)
Luke was down in the armory cleaning his weapons from the previous mission. As he placed the weapon down on the desk he extended his arms and let out a yawn. He was exhausted and the heat in the room was a notch above normal sending beads of sweat trickling down his forehead, he even only remained half dressed gun oil blackened parts of his skin making him appear grubby and tramp like.

It was usually quiet at this time of day most Marine either in their room or down the galley drinking themselfs senseless a culture which was envied and frowned upon by so many. So when the sound of light foot steps slowly snuck up him he couldn't help but wonder who it was.

Petty Officer Cerys Williams had sent reminder after reminder and today she had received yet another notification that Gunny Wyatt was STILL avoiding his medical once-over at the Starbase Medical Facility. She had no other option but to confront him face to face so she found out where he was from the Computer and set off to ambush him.

~Ambush an experienced Marine Sargeant?~ she questioned herself. "I'm likely to get myself a black eye for my trouble. I hope the DS5 CMO will give me a medal for bravery for this!~ she told herself as she rounded the doors to the armoury, beginning to become a little nervous as she got closer to her target, becoming less brave as she came face to face with the very man, in a state of semi-undress, his muscles well defined and shiny from exertion.

Cerys blushed a flattering pink and lost all that resolution she had started out with as her senses changed tack and confused her higher thoughts. She couldn't remember what she had prepared to say, nor even what she had come here for during those first few seconds as she stood gawping at him uncermoniously.

"Erm.... you didn't reply to my messages...... " was all she could blurt out, her eyes dropping to a suddenly interesting spot on the floor as her cheeks continued to burn.

Luke looked up and gave a slight confused look on his face as he crossed his arms. "Hi there. How are you doing? Good thanks you?" he joked, "What messages Chief?" he replied more formal this time as to to not press any wrong buttons. Somethign was different though and then suddenly it clicked "You wasn't messaging me for a date was you because you're glowing an awfully bright pink right now!" thats it he must have got it.

"NO" she answered too quickly and then had to set herself back right. "I mean no sir." This wasn't helping the pink look which she was getting very hot beneath. "I'm not a Chief... just a Petty Officer... and i'm an Admin. It's my job to remind you to get your physical......" that word caused her to hesitate a tiny bit as she wondered if she should say that word as it have several possible meanings, some of which she didn't want to convey right now while she was so aware of his body.

"I've had the Base Sickbay on my back about it and I've sent you three messages......" she explained why she was pestering him with the reminders.

"You never replied and they say you never went to report for your check up, I thought I should try making sure you really got the message....... s...." this was still stuck in inuendo hell and somehow she couldn't get herself out of it no matter how hard she tried. ~This is crazy~ she thought.

Luke laughed aloud he couldn't help but see the madness behind this "Are you trying to say that You're the pesty reminder person that when I lay in my pit at night i am awoken by your message....s..." he replied smugly copying what she said "Maybe you should have come personally the first time" he said standing up wiping his hands.

"If I had known you were going to give me such a hard time, I might have." She was getting a bit braver with the sting of being laughed at. "And I never sent ANY messages at night". she added defensively, her bottom lip pouting prettily against the accusation that she would be so thoughtless.

"Not everyone works during the day you know some work at night and hell some work both day and night!" he said expressing his recent work routine of sleepless nights and working days "None the matter, i dont wish them to be prodding me and pinching me and sticking things god knows where! I'm going to get a drink" Luke threw on his over jacket but she was in his path "P'r'etty officer... you're kind of in my way" he made sure to use the word pretty as to arouse another flurry of pinkness in her cheeks.

"I'm sorry if my messages woke you on shift days." she said, genuinely sorry as she hadn't thought of that at the time. "But you really have these medics wrong you know. They don't prod, pinch or intrude in places these days. Most examinations and even any treatments, are done by ultrasound, hypersound, med-laser and microgeneration or regeneration. Very few diagnoses, applications or medications need to be inserted or removed." she stated factually.

As she was explaining all this she was ticking items off on her slim, elegant fingers and watching him from beneath her long dark lashes.

luke shook his head "Ultrasound, hypersound, med-laser and microgeneration or regeneration, I think I preferred my way" He always hated medicals ever since he was a boy he hated the doctors or the dentist. People looking and searching for things he thought to himself. "I wont go."

"But you *have* to." she sighed. "Regulations..... what if there's something wrong with you? You could endanger your whole squad or worse?"

Luke squinted his eyes and looked at Cerys "or worse? when did that become a card in this argument?" he questioned carefully studying the woman "As you should know I'm not used to taking orders."

"By worse I meant 'endangering your squad or worse, ie endangering even more people.... like your Battalion or your shipmates..." she clarified, the blush returning as he seemed to become more hostile to her imagination and perception, particularly as his eyes had become squinted and scary. Always very aware of him at the best of times, this situation was more un-nerving than usual since he wasn't fully dressed and that made her super-conscious of his physique. She was suddenly aware of an instinctive desire to grab a rag and clean that oil off his chest and six-pack. She resisted it firmly, digging her nails into her palms to remind herself that this was not an acceptable thought to have.

"Since you seem so damn sure of it then maybe it would be best for both of us" He watched her clench her fist and smiled slightly she seemed to be battling something inside "Its an offence to strike someone with higher rank than yourself. It will get you a court martial actually" Luke positioned himself strategically an arms length away from her "Go on do it, I've been a pain in the neck and hell maybe I deserve a good bruise" he said teasingly.

Cerys looked shocked, not having realised she had let him see her clench her fist nor realised what that must have looked like. "I would never.......... " she gasped, struggling with her confusion. "Wha... what would be best for both of us?" she wondered if he was an empath and had read what she had wanted to do... or if she had made it obvious somehow. She went deep red now, her large eyes looking up at him for clues but then down again as she couldn't bear the scrutiny just in case he really did find her transparent.

"Hey hey hey... Williams" Luke raised her head by placing his index finger under her chin "I was only teasing you about the whole punching thing and as for things being better for both of us... Well I only meant the medical exam" he studied her closely rolling his eyes up and down her figure "Perhaps you should think about taking one to"

"..... are you saying that if i agree to go for one, you'd come too?" she asked, wondering if he really meant that or if it was another misunderstanding. She was good at those. Or bad... if you looked at it that way?

"Yea, why not?" he motioned towards the closed door "Perhaps we can even hold hands" he said teasing her more. Luke didn't know if it was a game she was playing but he started to play his own anyway.

Cerys had started to go along with him, taken in by what appeared to his co-operation but now suddenly she had begun to think he was just making fun of her when he said they could hold hands. She stood still, mortified that he must think her such a baby.

"It's okay. You can just forget your check up. I really don't care!" her hurt tone said she *did* care as did the way she held her hand protectively against her, subconsciously trying not to let him get to her. She had really taken a liking to him and lately she'd made a real effort to try to keep him out of trouble over the Medical issue but now she was sorry she'd put herself out there for him to reject her help and make fun of her efforts.

Luke was mortified by her reactions, he clearly got her intentions mixed up somewhere along the line and a knot of guilt began twisting in his stomach. "Whats the Matter Cerys, you are beginning to sound like...." his voice trailed of and that's when it hit him, the warmth of his cheeks were burning him mouth and from what he could guess is that they were now a peachy red.

".... sound like what?" she asked, wondering why he'd changed and was now the one who seemed embarrassed. Had she read him wrong? They were both looking confused and just standing there, wondering what just happened.

"You're inappropriate burst of anger, the protectiveness over me and the fact you cant stop yourself from blushing suggests that you have feelings for me" Luke finally said bluntly knowing that it was better to go direct to what they both were thinking about instead of beating about the bush.

Taking in a quick breath, taken aback by his bluntness, Cerys pulled her shoulders back and followed his example, speaking plainly at last.

"Yes" was all she said. There was no point denying it and she didn't know what to say to expound on it so she just waited for him to say he wasn't interested in her "like that" and then perhaps it could be easier between them for a change.

"You do realize the complication's of admitting such a thing don't you?" Luke now said his rank and experience started to quick in, she was a nice enough girl and she was pretty intelligent but he never saw this one coming. Something inside of his head told him that she didn't see what was coming either.

"Not really... " she admitted sheepishly, feeling that perhaps it hadn't been such a good idea to be honest about it now. ~But i couldn't lie..... he'd guessed anyway...~ she argued with herself, biting her lip.

"Don't do that, bite your lip" he said, now finding his index finger and folding a loose bit of her behind her ear. "You are truly a mind game you know that!" he stepped closer to her they now occupied the same space and were breathing the same cool air.

Cerys let go of her lip obediently. Once a soldier, obedient first, think about it later but her mind went into melt-down with him so close and the question of why not was never asked. Standing so close she was sure he must be able to hear her heart beating. "A mind game?" she replied, her voice not much more than a hoarse whisper. "That sounds like a bad thing, right?"

He shook his head "There's no good or bad about it" he could feel an imaginary current running between something he hadn't felt since her first met Abby's mother, with their marriage over Luke felt he was able to break free and stop being restrained emotionally and physically. "I wish i could see what you see" of course he was speaking metaphorically and meant what she was thinking.

"In you?" she asked and without waiting for his answer to that, she went ahead and told him. "You make me feel like I'm someone worth bothering about. You talk to me like I was someone whose opinion you don't laugh at. You're fit.... " she blushed as she admitted that. "You're kind and you're brave and when I'm bothering you... I feel like I'm doing something that isn't just something they made up just to keep me quiet." Cerys wasn't aware how odd that had just sounded because it all made perfect sense to her. "If I had to get killed, I'd want it to be with you." she added, unaware of how morbid that sounded. To her it was the ultimate measure of someone's worth. If you could go the last mile with them, literally.

"You know you are absolutely insane?" It wasn't a question but a statement, "the last time someone said anything like that to me was my ex wife... Whom by the way is on the station and my daughter too" his hands hand found hers and their fingers entwined that current of electricity pulsed through him again "I couldn't imagine sharing those emotions with anyone after Abby's mother, but here you are and i just thought all those times were you just doing your job" Luke could see it as clear as day now the times she would stay behind and help with his work and cover for him when he wasn't even work even when he argued with Abby she was there to listen to him rant... Yes he could see it now.

"But I *was* doing my job...." she picked out the most obscure part of what he had said with a smirk and a sparkle in her eyes, knowing perfectly well what he was *actually* wanting her to hear, and hearing it loudly too.

"If she has your eyes....... your daughter..... then she must be irresistible." She added mischievously, tightening the link between their fingers and stroking his palm softly with her thumb, almost absently but it was making the right connections inside her too. They were close together now and she was more aware than ever of his bare chest, oil and all. If they had got any closer, she would have been having to explain why she was wearing gun oil when the door at the end of the armoury opened suddenly.

O'Conner had forgotten his PADD with the mission's specifics, after last time he knew that the gunny would rain all hell on him if he'd done it again. He had been retracing his steps all the way back to the armory where the gunny originally gave it to him. As he walked through the door he was met but a very unfamiliar sight "Oh gunny..." He grinned awkwardly and looked over to Cery's which wasn't far because they were hand in hand.

Cerys' blush returned. "Hi Daniel." she replied with a little wave of her other hand. She wasn't going to let go of Luke unless he did it first. She suddenly developed an interest in the floor again though. "I... er.... I should go... I have some stuff to do before i go off duty.... " she began, waiting for Luke to release her fingers but at the same time wishing he wouldn't have to.

Daniel reached over the gunnies work desk and grabbed his PADD, shaking his head in disbelief before he caught the 'death glare' from Luke, "Well I best be off" his smiled reach from ear to ear and it wasn't till after disappeared round the door's he laughed. Wait till the boys hear about this! he thought to himself.

Luke waited for O'Conner to leave. His face was a bright red, he knew it was already to late for explaining and by now O'Conner had informed the entire marine detachment he turned to Cery's releasing her hand from his grip "I don't think this could get any more awkward" he said as he cheeked burned a brighter shade of red. Had she always been this beautiful?

"Please don't tempt fate!" she laughed. "Tell you what... have you eaten lately?"

He couldn't re-call eating after the mission. After what happened all he wanted to do was sit by himself and forget everything but something about her pushed that aside "As a matter of fact no, I haven't. Been avoiding it like a lot of things lately" he gave a queezy smile. Looking down to his stomach he rubbed and noticed he was topless this couldn't get worse and wondered if she had seen his latest scar.

Cerys frowned. "Why have you been avoiding eating." She was worried about that. "And what else have you been avoiding. She looked up into his eyes and searched there, her concern obvious on her face.

He let out a sigh and sat down on his desk at an obsequy angle "Perhaps i'll fill you in time but right now I don't think I am ready enough for that, I dont think you're ready enough for that" he could feel the absence of her soft hands on his so standing up he placed his hands around her waist and embraced her tightly. "but right not I could eat, with you" he admitted. His heart was pounding, another side effect that he had not had since Abby's mum.

“Okaaay” she grinned up at him, enjoying the feeling of his hands on her waist and the closeness of him. She felt like she was out in the sunshine and lying on a blanket or on the grass, the warmth seeping into her whole body and the scent of the summer air filling her nose. It was almost real. She could ALMOST smell the scent of the grass... She pulled herself back from the image in her mind and back to the reality.

“Come on then.” she said suddenly. “I’ll race you.. to the mess? Or shall we have a picnic in the holosuite?” she asked, the idea coming from the sunny feeling in her mind.

Luke knew that the other marines would probably me eating in the mess and the chance of crossing paths with abby also concerned him, he’d have to tell her about cery’s first. “A Picnic sounds nice” he said tactfully as he lost his grip from around her waist. “Guess there’s no saying no to you anymore anyway” he joked giving her a playful nudge.

“I would hope you wouldn’t want to say no to me anymore!” she replied with a twinkle in her eye and a smirk playing around her lips. She responded to his nudge by shoving herself free of him and taking off at a run, sticking her tongue out at him as she disappeared out of the door of the Armoury and off down the corridor.

“TOO SLOW!” her voice called back at him.

To be continued.....

Gunnery Sgt Luke Wyatt
Marine First Sergeant
Deep Space Five

CPO Cerys Williams
Marine Administrator
Deep Space Five