Judgement – Mindscape
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Mindscape
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Feb 28, 2011 @ 8:31pm
Location   Inside Isha's head
Timeline   SD37 01:32
Isha paused by the waterfall listening to the cascade that poured over the sharp slick rocks and thundered into the deep pool at the foot of the cliff-face. For so many years when she had come here what lay behind the torrent was nothing but cold wet rock, now once again the way had opened.

She skirted the pool, her feet damp from spray leaving moist footprints on the path – would the way be closed again? She stepped forward, behind the waterfall and eased her way through the crevis – out of the world of Ihhuein and out into the land beyond that took on the aspect of Avilh.

The fissure she had noticed, the fiery slit that suggested another landscape beyond this one was still there. Isha stared at it for minutes, for hours maybe, but she did not approach it – she feared what would happen if she reached in there.

Isha had returned.

She walked on, leaving the flat rocks behind her and out over a green field, the grass tickling her bare legs as she walked. There was a grove of trees in the distance, and it was towards this that she moved. She had been here three times before, and each time there was another name in that grove, another enemy of the state to be neutralised.

The first name had been unknown to her when she had first found the way behind the waterfall; a name and a face strange to her. She knew him now though, as she had come to know the others.

Now the way through the waterfall had opened again and with each step the grove of trees was growing closer, that peaceful sanctuary where the leafy twisted branches diffused dappled light on the loamy earth and cooled the air to the point of winter.

Isha already knew whose name she would find there this time. She had never before considered their guilt or innocence, those strange figures remembered only here lingering statue-like among the trees.

With one hand Isha pushed the trailing branches aside and stepped under the willowy canopy – like everywhere else on this plain the air was silent, not even the sigh of her own breath entered the mindscape.

Here where the warmth of the sun never reached there was a large rock. She reached for its surface, brushing away the soft moss with her fingertips. And there it was, etched in the rock itself, the name of someone utterly deserving of what was coming to him.

She was not here to judge, but in this case …