We All Fall Down – A new project
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   A new project
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Thu Oct 23, 2014 @ 1:10am
Location   BII Offices
Timeline   shortly after the business owners meeting
Wayne sat in his office and he read over the latest reports that had come in from his agents around the federation. To saythat he was pissed would have been like saying the sun was only a tiny star. As he held the report in his white knuckled grip that threatened to break the PADD he read over the last lines again ingraining them into his head.

"Pirate activity on the rise much more organized and more heavly armed then before suggest major rethink in plan to downgrade ships." read the report matter of factly

There were only a handful of people who could have known that he was actually considering taking the fighters off of all his ships and downgrading some of the weapons systems after all maintance cost on phaser arrays was not cheap. he would also have to reconsider his idea about the small escort that R and D had suggested to be built. He would also have to reconsider some plans that he had been about ready to impliment

With Pirate activity apparently on the rise and knowing that the fleet was still spread kinda thin he would have to take some risks he would have never dreamed of taking before. "Rebecca contact gul kimpar on cardassia use the normal channels and see if they still have that derilict Nor class station that they wanted to get rid of I think we will be in the market for a second outpost on the other side of the federation." Said Wayne flatly he closed the link and started considering the other things the report had told him. Working with cardassians was still frowned on but it was not illegal and they were a new market that had yet to be opened up. if he would get in as one of the first then who knows what kind of things he could get ahold of.

One thing was for sure he was not going to do what everyone thought he would do. If the pirates were becoming more organized and better armed well then he would just have to meet them toe to toe and the first step in doing that was to expand his operations to include a second base as well as to start work on the new escort and get his ships arranged in a convoy whenever possible. He would not be letting pirates win this round