Interlude – Its my party
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Its my party
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Sat Jun 19, 2010 @ 9:16pm
Location   Romulan Consulate, Ambassador's Office
Timeline   SD25

"So tell me, Rianni, how are you finding your new ship?" It had been several days now since Isha had handed over command of her flagship to her niece, several days since she had been assaulted and several days since she had spoken to Rianni. That was why Isha's niece was now seated in Isha's office exchanging small talk with her aunt.

"I'm enjoying it immensely." Rianni smiled, "I mean, it's not quite as responsive as my fighters were, but ti's definitely a force to be reckoned with."

"There was something else I wished to talk to you about. Its another one of those awkward formalities over which you have no choice, I'm afraid," Isha told her.

"Seems to be a lot of those lately." Rianni laughed, "Okay, so what's next?"

"You're quite honoured," Isha said with a wry smile. "My mother, Hru'Hfrih of the Khelliana has decided to oversee your adoption in person." Isha's tone did not suggest that this was a good or a bad thing but it did imply that it was not really the adoption that Isha's mother was coming to see. "First you must go through the Citizenship right, and after that you will become one of us with all the rights, privileges and obligations that entails."

"Okay, that sounds great." Rianni replied, even though she did have the feeling of dread in her stomach that usually accompanied impending doom, "Can't wait. When are we going to do this?"

"Oh, very soon," Isha said with a sigh, "As soon as our guests arrive. I thought that you might like to inform your mother," Isha added, "she will be welcome to attend the ceremony, though as I'm sure you are aware, regardless of her relationship with your father, she will never have the same rights conferred upon her." This was the difficult part of the conversation as Isha was unsure if either Rianni, or her mother had understood that while a human concubine might be tolerated she would never under any circumstances become a citizen of the empire. Isha wanted to be certain that Rianni's mother was aware of this before the day and would pass no comment.

"Okay, well, while we're on that subject, I didn't really know how to tell anybody this, but Mommy doesn't have any desire at all to be a Romulan." Rianni replied, almost as though she was afraid to disappoint Isha, "She loves Daddy, obviously, and me, and Ashara, but she doesn't have a whole lot of love for Romulans as a whole. I think it might be the whole POW thing."

Isha rolled her lower lip between her teeth, she had to come right out and say it. "You misunderstand me," Isha said. "I did not wish to imply that she would want to become part of the Empire, I wish you to make her understand that she should show no offence when she realises that in the eyes of your family she is neither your, nor your father's equal. I would hope that R'Vek has already made her aware of this, but as he seems to dote rather I cannot be sure."

That stung Rianni, deeply, but she wasn't going to let on, simply and honestly saying, "To be honest, Aunt Isha, I really don't think she gives a damn what anyone else thinks of her."

She smiled softly, "I do hope that is the case. It is simply the way of things, Rianni," Isha explained, "and I would sooner you knew so that she is prepared. I cannot change their attitude." Isha took Rianni's hand, "I shall make a particular point of showing your mother an equivelant degree of deference to that which I show mine," she offered.

"That bad, huh?" Rianni laughed, gently squeezing Isha's hand, "It's okay, I know you're going to be wonderful, you always have been to me."

"Once all that is out of the way we will have the run of the venue. In addition to those at the ceremony, everyone serving on the station and attending vessels will be invited, those above a certain rank anyway. But I wondered if there were people from your old life who you wished to invite."

"Of course." Rianni smiled, "I've got to have Rick and Chelsea and Ma'erlit there, Andy Micklin, Greo Tovon, Bruce Freeman, and Jarred Wallace." Rianni paused for a second to study Isha's face for adverse reactions, "Having Jarred there won't be a problem will it?"

"Why would that be an issue?" Isha replied softly, this was a celebration and the very nature of some of the guests would attract 'certain' attention, but the way to really draw the eye would be to refuse to invite those who might expect an invitation.

"Okay, good, just asking to make sure." Rianni nodded, "I'll start inviting people today."

"Please do, there is no restriction on numbers, just provide me with the final guest list," Isha said, "Oh, and if you and your father would like to join me we can go and see the venue I propose."

"That sounds great!" Rianni lit up, "When do you want to go?"

"I'll inform you when things are arranged," Isha said. "If you want to get inviting, please don't let me stop you," she added.

"I'm so on it!" Rianni grinned, ~Nothing like a party!~

Isha chuckled softly, there was little of the despondency left that had troubled Rianni only a few days earlier. She seemed enthusiastic both for her new life and her old one, Isha thought as she watched her leave, if only everything were that simple to resolve or hide.


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian


erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian