Interlude – Good To Be Bad
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Good To Be Bad
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Sun Jul 11, 2010 @ 9:45pm
Location   Cardassian Embassy
Timeline   SD 26, Afternoon

Yolanthe stared at the doors of the Cardassian Embassy. She wasn't exactly embarrassed. It had been a very good night. But it was still something she'd not done before, and she wasn't sure of the protocol. Had she left it too long? Would they have even kept the clothes she had left behind, and how the hell did you go about asking for them. Just wander in and say 'Excuse me, can I have my knickers back?'

She sighed. Pull yourself together, woman. Get on with it Steeling her resolve, she strode forward and into Cardassian territory.

Lemat immediately passed a dim look over Yolanthe. "You must be here for your clothes... " She said in a cold tone.

Yolanthe winced at Lemat's frostiness, then smiled. She couldn't help it. She didn't feel guilty at all. "Yes, if you still have them?"

"Go on through to the Ambassadors office, he's expecting you." Lemat said, casting her one last icy glance.

Her smile turned to a grin, she hadn't been thought he would want to see her again, and the thought of seeing him again was pleasing her more than she thought She had a brief pang of guilt as she remembered Klia, but it was swiftly forgotten. "Thank you," she told the cardassian woman and moved off. It was almost as an after thought she turned back with an impish look, and said, "I hope we didn't keep you up the other night," before disappearing inside Getal's office

Lemat grunted in Cardassian under her breath, before blowing off the comment with a quick shake of her head, before concentrating on her mass of work.

The door whisked shut behind the bokkai, and she found herself alone with Tharek once more.

Tharek smiled as he layed his eyes upon her. He immediately got up and made his way around the desk to her. He didn't say anything just yet, just stood there with an amorous look in his eyes. Then, he opened his mouth, and the words that followed we're sweeter than honey, softer than silk.

"I missed you."

She'd had a half dozen witty lines ready, meaningless and charming, that she'd used a dozen times on the VIPs she'd served aboard her previous berth. They all evaporated as if phasered, and her skin flashed through a rainbow of colours before settling into a whole body blush of warm peach. She was utterly speechless.

Tharek laughed gently as he took her hand into his. "What, no hello?" He asked playfully.

"Er," she replied, the very soul of wit, surprised at how she had reacted. Then she gave her self a mental slap and engaged her brain. "I'm sorry. Its a pleasure to see you again." and she really meant it. The peach took on a subtle hint of pink. "How are you, ambassador?'

"Come now, we've gone past the formal stage. Tharek, will suffice." He said with a smile. "I'm fine thank you. Refreshed at seeing your face again." Tharek was deffinitely the charmer, even if he was a corny one.

The peach started to fade into blue. "That's sweet of you to say so, Tharek," she emphasised his name to acknowledge the informaityl, "and the feelings mutual." And to her own surprise it was. She hadn't realised until now how pleased she was to see him. "I hope you didn't mind that I left without saying goodbye the other night? I thought you were asleep. I didn't want to wake you."

"I don't mind. And, I wasn't asleep. I don't sleep. Call it... being part of a paranoid Order. Obsidian Order agents were told to watch their back at all times." Tharek said, changing from sweet to serious. "But... None the less, I'm glad you came."

"I did, repeatedly." The memories surfaced and coloured her a light red for a moment. The she focused on her business. "I'm sorry I left it so long. I wasn't sure whether you'd want to see me again. Jumping on you like that, and then sneaking off... but in the end, I had to." And not just because of the dress, she realised.

"Why wouldn't I want to see you again?" He asked, partially rhetorical.

She waved a hand, avoiding his question. "No reason, I'm glad I was wrong." She felt suddenly awkward. Sexual relationships for her species were pre-arranged and ruthlessly scheduled, and whilst she knew how it worked in theory for the rest of the galaxy, she wasn't entirely sure what the correct next steps were. "I'm going to need my dress back. The romulan ambassador is holding a big party for her niece in the Box, and I have nothing to wear."

Tharek gestured over to his desk, where a neat bundle of clothes lay, which had been cleaned, pressed and folded. "There you are my dear."

She looked at them, not wanting to grab her clothes and go. She turned back to him, "You know there's a fight tournament in the lower decks tonight. I close at two, and you don't sleep. We could catch the big matches at the end. Its no holds barred, any weapon, any style, last being standing. Sound like fun?"

"Participating or watching?" Tharek asked, quite serious about joining in.

"I like to watch," she shrugged, "and bet, at these things, but I understand anyone can challenge. And since i know that expecting you not to join in is..futile" she gave him a knowing smile, remembering his session with the borg simulation in the holosuites not long before, "i'm guessing I should be going prepared to put my money on you."

Tharek rubbed his chin in thought. "Well, if it makes you happy, I suppose I could stop dishing out blood, and share the moment with you." He said, stroking her hand gently.

Yolanthe moved closer to him, "I wouldn't want to deprive you of your fun." She put her own hand on his waist. "Or myself of a very enjoyable view."

Tharek smiled, as he drew her in closer with his free arm. "Then I'll make sure you get one hell of a view. Before, during and after the match."

"Now that sounds like fun," she murmured, closing the final distance between them, and lifting her lips to his.

He locked his lips with hers, brushing one hand against her cheek whilst doing so.

All thought of anything rational dissolved. Instead she savoured the moment, The warmth of his hand, the taste and smell of him. Tension she didn't realise she had flowed out of her, and she found herself returning his touch, sliding her fingers along his neck ridges, The scales shifted at her touch, liquid like and smooth as snake skin.

He flexed a few times, as her fingers moved over some of the more sensitive areas of his scaly skin. He in turn moved his hand from her cheek, and slid it all the way down her body, to end up on her thigh.

She was caught between the urge to pull away and get back to her work, and the urge to press him down into a chair and enjoy him. For a moment she fought to extricate herself,pushing him back. But she didn't quite manage to let go. "I should get back to work."

But one look at the expression on his face, at way he was looking at her, and she didn't want to be anywhere else, settling back against him with a small sigh of delight. "If we keep carrying on like this, its going to be bad for business."

He enveloped her in his arms, and hugged her close against his chest. "You've got too many of my men hooked on your Kanar, I doubt you'd be going out of business any time soon."

"In that case," she paused to run the tip of her tongue around his ear lobe, "I won't worry." And then, slowly turning from a velvety blue to a rich blood red, she made sure he didn't worry about anything much either for quite some while.


Yolanthe Ibalin
Having fun and to hell with the consequences

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Supplying the fun