Unity – Welcome Home ...
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Welcome Home ...
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Wed Jan 06, 2010 @ 7:59pm
Location   Romulan Consulate
Timeline   SD 16. Evening
Rh’vaurek had ignored his annoyance at Isha for not giving any indication that she was back in the consulate leaving her to settle back in to her suite and concoct whatever particular lie she would choose to tell about events on ch’Rihan.

The lights were low though he could see her clearly, her arched neck and profile in dark relief against the brighter pool of light that spilled over the desk where she sat. He approached on silent feet, wishing neither to alert nor to alarm her while she was at work.

“Stay right where you are,” Isha said, in a tone that invited no argument as she turned the chair in his direction revealing a disruptor angled towards him.

“Do you intend to shoot me, Isha?” Rh’vaurek asked through a chuckle as he held his hands wide apart and wiggled his fingers.

“If you are going to sneak into other people’s chambers you should expect to be shot,” she replied. Isha was not usually this nervous, Rh’vaurek reflected as he saw her agate gaze harden.

“I don’t sneak,” he said keeping his tone reasonable; he had not come here for an argument. “How long were you going to hide out in here without telling me you had returned?”

“Its really none of your business,” Isha said, dismissiveas she laid the disruptor in her lap. “Continue as acting ambassador until such time as I inform you otherwise. Leave me.”

Which was as much as Rh’vaurek was prepared to take. “I’ll do no such thing,” he retorted, his own tension creeping into his voice. “You owe me, no, us an explanation – there were people here willing to risk their careers to come and get you and all that came in return was a hoax about your death.” He meant Doctor Adams and Lieutenant Dunham, of course and still trusted that Isha was not so blinded by her self deception that she would fail to realise that. “And here you are without an ounce of concern about the havoc you’ve caused.

“I owe you nothing, Rh’vaurek,” Isha said addressing him as her subordinate. “Get out, I have work to do.”

Rh’vaurek folded his arms. “You’re going to have to either throw me out or shoot me,” he said obstinately, “because I’m not going anywhere until you give me a satisfactory explanation about your supposed death and about your manipulation of the tribunal’s verdict. Start talking d’Ishaal.”

As Isha rose Rh’vaurek thought she might just attempt it, but she placed the disruptor aside before turning back to him.

“I am not required to provide explanations for functionaries,” she said.

With some difficulty Rh’vaurek kept his voice even, “Then provide one for your friends! They were willing to risk their lives to come and get you. What about them? Do you owe them nothing too?”

“You cannot begin to understand what I am talking about. I owe my safety and continued position to my own actions. I did not ask you or anyone else to take risks on my behalf – why should I show gratitude for someone else’s impetuousness?”

“Have you listened to yourself? You’re a brat, Isha.”

“No. I am the head of my House and finally secure in my position. You’ve spent years telling me that I should stop rubbing shoulders with aliens and here you are, you finally have your way and you don’t like it. Well tough on you, Rh’vaurek. Mind your own business and I will mind mine.”

“You’re on you own then,” he said reaching past her and removing the disruptor from her desk. “Stay out of my way, t’Khellian,” he added as he turned on his heel and stalked out.

As he passed Nahir i-Orinwen in the hallway he thrust the disruptor into her hands, and continued to talk as he walked. “Store this and issue a note banning anyone in this facility from giving the ambassador another – be sure to mention that anyone who violates the order will find that their family is under investigation by my department and will be brought in for questioning immediately. Additionally, have the security grid tightened, no transportation in or out – I don’t care if you have to enlist the Feds to make it so. Oh, and Orinwen, admit no-one to her presence, particularly that Cardassian you let in earlier,” he added before stepping into the lift.

Isha was going to be troublesome and Rh’vaurek needed to think; to plan how to stop her from destroying herself until the temporary insanity passed and to do that he needed neutral territory, and a drink.


Ambassador Isha t’Khellian
Erie’Khrei Rh’vaurek Raedheol

NPCd by Louise.