Judgement – How stable is he?
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Ambassador Cala Lurn

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Title   How stable is he?
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Ambassador Cala Lurn
Posted   Tue Jul 12, 2011 @ 9:44pm
Location   Deck 59, Federation Representatives' Offices
Timeline   SD 38 - 12:00
Security Investigator Debrah Kato stepped off the turbolift and looked around the area intently. She still had not learned her way around the station. She felt as if she needed to take a station-wide map with her every time she left the familiar confines of Main Security or even the Promenade.

Now she found herself traveling to Federation Embassy offices. She had received information that the station had become the new temporary home of a particularly infamous officer. Captain Augustus Maxentus Cyphadrus was formerly the captain of the USS Athena, but now he found himself on medical leave after the loss of virtually his entire crew to the Borg while in the Delta quadrant. Now he was onboard the station. However, Investigator Kato wanted to fully understand the situation, thus she found herself here.

"Ambassador Lurn, please." Kato said to the younger assistant.

"You are," as the Lady looking over all who were to see Cala for the day.

"I am Security Investigator Kato. I am here to speak with her concerning a Starfleet officer." Kato replied.

"Aw yes. She had been expecting you," the assistant stated, "Please go right in."

Kato nodded as she turned and began to walk down the hallway towards the designated office. She passed by various offices until she finally came to the glass double-doors. she pressed the chime and waited for the Ambassador to respond.

After speaking with Augustus earlier, she was slightly off herself, she knew what he was going through and she felt she was compeled to help him. As the doors open she looked to see to whom it was, "Security Investigator Welcome," Cala started with a smile, "How may I help you this after noon?"

"I'm here to discuss Captain Cyphadrus. I understand that he has recently visited your office in regards to his recent placement onboard the station." She began as she activated the padd before her.

Cala took the PADD and looked things over to make sure she was really Kato and that is why she was truly here.

"How did your meeting with him go? Did you notice any out-of-the ordinary behavior?" She replied.

After everything check out Cala came out, "Yes I did Inspector. Um he seem to have out burst of rage when I mentioned of his temporary leave of command. But he soon calmed down when he noticed that he yelled at me and he apologies for it. Why do you ask?"

Kato tapped several buttons on her padd as she listened. "I'm primarily concerned, Ambassador Lurn, because it is not everyday that a Starfleet Captain is one of the sole survivors of a Borg attack. Not to mention that this particular Captain was partially infected with Borg nanites as well." She replied calmly.

"I wanted to ensure that he is stable while on board this station and not a threat to others." she supplemented.

Cala took what the woman had said to her very carefully in to consideration. She had read unclassified in his medical and know she understands the dangers ahead. Her duty as an Ambassador was to insure the safety of others.

"If you wish I can personally keep an eye on him," she came out, "You know be like a friend to him. Making sure as 'a friend' (she give thous words more meaning) to help him get through this situation and get all the information I can get. Since after all he doesn't have any family here or anything. I can help him out."

Kato nodded. The former Captain was more likely to trust the Ambassador and open up to her than he would any other individual. Additionally, the Ambassador's conversations would not be protected by the same Doctor-Patient confidentiality that the former Captain would have with the station's counselor.

"Very well, Ambassador." Kato said as she stood up and moved towards the door. "Please remain in contact with Captain Cyphadrus and I shall be in contact with you." she said.

"Of course," she smiled kindly, "Anything else?"

"No," Kato replied. "That will be all." she said as she exited the room.

"Good bye Special Investigator Kato," said Cala as she watched the woman walk out of her office.


Posted by:

Ambassador Cala Lurn

Security Investigator
Debrah Kato