Cascade – Did you see what she did!?!
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Rakka

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Title   Did you see what she did!?!
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Rakka
Posted   Sun Apr 07, 2013 @ 7:35pm
Location   Main Security
Timeline   after "So what are you doing about it?" SD 71 - 01:00

"Yolanthe. . .st--stop!" Kato said as she tried to summon a better amount of authority into her voice.

Trellis' back was to the Bokkai as he continued to talk to the security officer at the front desk. If it weren't for the peculiar look in the officer's eyes, Trellis would not have noticed that someone was coming towards him. Instinctively, Trellis drew his phaser and raised it around the same time that Kato shouted for the barkeep to stop.

"You have done enough damage for today, Ms. Ibalin." He said, being forced to remove his bloody hand from his face. "If you do not stop this instant I will use necessary force." Trellis said. As he spoke, the other officers drew their phasers and trained them on the taller woman, whose color shifted rapidly.

But she didn't stop. The cats claw dagger she had taken with her to sit with Getal was still sheathed under her shirt. He may have been talking, but all she could hear was the bleating of a pathetic animal. She pulled the wickedly curved knife

At which point every armed security officer shot her. She dropped like a stone, stunned multiple times over.


"Get her inside of a cell, now!" Trellis said, uncharacteristically loud to the other officers. "And get sickbay down here!" he said as he once again cradled his nose.

Ryan had finished a routine physical when he heard "Medical emergency in main security" sounding over the comm. He looked over to Chelsea as he quickly grabbed a med kit. "I got it" he called to her and rushed out.

[Back in Main Security]

Thanks largely to her mistrust of Trellis and his tendency to leave her out of everything possible, Commander Rakka had recently requested the assistance of a few "little birds" around the Security department, who promised to keep her apprised of notable incidents so that she did not continue to be the last to find out about everything important. When a little birdie told her that Ms. Yolanthe Ibalin had been checked into the brig for assaulting Trellis, the Nausicaan knew she had to see this with her own two eyes. When her eyes rested on the rather bloodied Security Chief, the less evolved part of her wanted very much to gloat, but instead she just felt a mild sense of pity.

Trellis looked up as Rakka walked in. "She hit me! Yolanthe Ibalin HIT ME!" He said behind his bloody hand, still waiting for the Doctor's arrival. "She just walked in here demanding to see Lieutenant Duquesne and then she just went ballistic. We had to shoot her several times to get her to comply." He said.

Rakka balked at his last statement. "Sorry--what? You shot her *SEVERAL* times?" She threw her arms up into the air in consternation. "Did I miss the part where the Bokkai magically gained the constitution of a Circassian plague cat?!"

"SHE HIT ME! WHAT PART OF THAT ARE YOU NOT UNDERSTANDING?!" Trellis exclaimed, moreso than asked, irritably, but then wincing in pain as he felt the bridge of his nose pulsating.

"She repeatedly refused lawful commands to cease and desist, I used absolute necessary force to subdue a beligerant suspect." Trellis said in a more formal, but excited tone.

"What the hell was she 'suspected' of before she bloodied your face?" Rakka exclaimed. "Please tell me she's not too badly injured..."

"She's in unconscious inside of a high-security cell." He replied quickly. "Medical should be here momentarily to deal with the damage she caused to my nose." he added, his concern obviously focused on his own injury as opposed to any that have occurred with the Bokkai.

Rakka squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, pressing her hands against either side of her skull as if to prevent it from shattering apart. "Stop... your... whining," she said emphatically. "I've seen CHILDREN sustain worse injuries in sport, and make less noise about it than you, so STOP embarrassing yourself--and your entire department!" She leaned forward, facing him with a hard glare. "Do you realize that excessive use of force is one of the most common complaints against Security, and one of the most effective ways to compromise an investigation against a suspect? Shooting her one too many times may well have effectively given her immunity in any case we might have against her, for ANYTHING, past, present or future?!"

"I DON'T CARE!" Trellis responded. "I will not allow her or ANYBODY to walk into my office and assault me." He shouted back at the looming woman. "As far as I'm concerned, she will stay in that brig until. .until. . .until I'm good and damn ready to release her!" He said furiously.

He was tired of being pushed around. It was bad enough he had to deal with it from Command, and even from his own department due to the instigation of Commander Rakka, but he was not going to allow some civilian to commit such an act of disrespect before all of his officers, an example had to be made of her.

"And where is that Doctor!?" He said, once again wincing and cradling his nose.

Ryan heard the sound of a man shouting and complaining about being assaulted, he could hear him from outside as he neared security. He rolled his eyes as he stepped inside. "Here!" he called out. The injured individual was easy to pick out as soon as he walked in, blood all over his face. He nodded to Commander Rakka in acknowledgement then looked back at his patient. "Right then lieutenant, i'm guessing someone's hit you" Ryan spoke as he unlocked his med kit and pulled out his medical tricorder; he didn't really need a reply however it was obvious to anyone. "This shouldn't take long granted that you don't move at all" he told him authoritively.

Trellis tried his best to stand still despite the pain and obvious annoyance generated by Commander Rakka. ~The nerve of her to question my actions. . .I was the one who was assaulted while she was off doing who knows what!~ He thought to himself angrily.

Ryan ran the scanner unit slowly over the lieutenant's nose and double checked the read-outs filtering through to the tricorder. He nodded to himself and slapped his tricorder shut, placed it back in the kit and pulled out a tricorder and quickly inserted a vial that would help with the pain. "Just a few more minutes, and I'll be done here" he told him as he injected him with the medication by pressing the hypospray into the side of his neck. as he worked he noted the atmosphere seemed very tense. "So, a drunk was it?" Ryan asked as he picked up the regenerator and activated it over his nose in the same fashion as he did the scanner.

"I'm not sure, but I can assure you that once she regains her senses she'll STILL be in confinement." Trellis said angrily as the Doctor continued to work on his injuries.

"Speaking of which," Rakka said tranquilly, crossing her arms and perching on Trellis's desk, "what can you tell us about Bokkai constitution, Doctor? Would you say they require more force than average to stop... or would a single phaser stun affect them with the same force as most other species? What is your medical opinion?"

Trellis was annoyed at her attempt to undermine him in front of the doctor. "That's not relevant!" Trellis interjected. "Ensign Kato attempted to restrain the hostile subject and she refused to cooperate, therefore, the officers within this office saw a threat and responded accordingly." He said pointedly.

Ensign Kato wished to respond, but she decided that this was a larger discussion between the two "Heads" of the department.

Rakka turned to Kato as if just noticing her presence. "Ensign--you were present for this? What is your version of the incident?"

Deborah appeared caught off-guard by the question posed by the Commander. "Yes, Commander, I was present and I did attempt to restrain Ms. Ibalin, but for whatever reason. .. she did not appear to be herself." she responded.

"And just how many phasers were fired at her?" Rakka continued.

"At least 4, sir, including Lieutenant Trellis." She repeated. Still in shock at being present for such a use of force. Outside of her training in the academy she herself had never been forced to use a phaser on an unruly suspect, but then again, she typically didn't have to patrol the promenade bars either.

"At least four," Rakka repeated, turning her glare back to Trellis, and then Milarno. "I find this _extremely_ relevant, not to mention deeply concerning. Please, Doctor--your medical opinion?"

"In my professional opinion" Ryan began his eyes shifting between Rakka and Trellis. "The Bokkai, while being almost similiar to that of humans despite the obvious, they are more resilient to the effects of a phaser hit" though as he felt himself about to share his opinion on the situation he stopped himself, he had answered the given question, he wasn't asked for his personal opinion, simply medical.

Rakka gave a nod and a sigh. "That is lucky." Her eyes shifted to Trellis. "Lucky for you, at any rate. If she decides to make a case of excessive force, you might actually have a chance of getting it dismissed!"

"Regardless, she will sit in that cell until she either pleads guilty or has her trial." He said with finality as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Thank you, Doctor."

"Now, if there is nothing further, I have paperwork to do on this matter." He said to the gathered office.

"On the medical side you're fit to resume duty, if you'll all excuse me I have an appointment to get to" Ryan told them as he closed and locked his med kit then he nodded to them all before leaving.

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Lieutenant Ryan Milarno

Commander Rakka
Security Consultant/Trainer