Unity – Assessing the Aftermath
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Assessing the Aftermath
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sun Feb 21, 2010 @ 4:22pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD17 - 08:15
He was livid. He slammed the PADD hard onto his desk. "I don't bloody believe it'" He voiced his anger as he stood, forcing his chair backwards with the back of his legs.
He made directly for the replicator and ordered a hot, sweet tea and drank it faster than normal, just to try to calm himself down.
He strode around his office for a minute, trying to figure out how things had gone from bad to worse on the station and just kept shaking his head.
Looking at the report PADD, he picked it up and turned about, tugging open his door and pushed open the door of the XOs office.

"Can I come in?" He asked, trying to keep his tone respectable and already moving into her domain.

"Be my guest," Karen said glancing up from her screen glad for distraction from one of the many, many reports covering the incidents of the previous night. "Did you manage to catch a few zees?"

As he approached her desk, he held forward the report. "Have you read this?" He asked.

Karen had. "Not our finest hour," she said, panic did funny things to people, hysteria was infectious, it could swing a room from one side to another if played with sufficient skill.

He sat down on the chair and sighed.
"We get a few hours sleep and whilst we're busy with trying to figure out the whys and whatfors, this happens. We can't blame them, but a barfight? What the hell did the think they could accomplish." He stated, looking to Karen for some guidance.

She steepled her fingers, touching them to her lips, "The feeling of powerlessness," she said, "while it might not achieve anything they feel as though they are doing something and gain back a bit of control. Everyone is tense, stressed, afraid, tempers flare, and then. Poof!" she pulled her fingers apart as she said that.

"Where was our security presence? Why was nobody on hand to martial the civilian population and control the situation, that's what I want to know."

Her poignant questions stunned him. The thought had not even crossed his mind. He was more angry that it was a report PADD had informed rather than the hearing about it earlier and the fact that the civilians had tried to take matters into their own hands.

He fell into the back of the chair.

"I can say with all honesty, that I will be glad to hand back this station to Captain Tahir tomorrow." He replied with a hint of rue to his tone. "Things are never this complicated on a Starship." He rubbed at his cheek. "Death and danger at every corridor." He added as he pulled his leg up onto his knee. "but reading this report, nobody is certain as to what actually stopped the fight. Yes, there were injuries, they are reported, event the bar owner," He glanced downwards searching for her name. "er, Yolanthe Ibalin was stabbed, several officers in the bar were minor wounds, the administration assistants also treated for secondary wounds and abrasions, but nobody can recall what stopped it, not that it should have started in the first place." He looked at her and realised she was going to make another point.

"I like having a firm base, I'm solid and everyone else moves around me, probably why I've spent so much time climbing the greasy pole to secure a plum job at the JAG office on Earth," she said, "its still mine, once I'm done here, that is." Karen sighed, "An investigation is underway, we'll find out what stopped it. I'm setting our new diplomatic body to press the ambassadors, I don't think any of the major powers are involved, it has none of the hallmarks, but something might come up. As it is the reports we have are both incomplete and contradictory," she said.

David nodded then realised that the new Diplomatic Officer was still awaiting permission to come aboard. "Talking of Diplomats, with the lockdown, I forgot that Lieutenant Totti is on the USS Anubis awaiting transfer. Better get him across sooner rather than later, but we have to get down to the Promenade, try to sooth things over a little." Davies stated as he rose from the chair.

== Promenade Administration ==

Bryan stood at the counter, still worried about mercy and the backlash from last night. He had wanted to head back to the bar today, but had been ordered not to until Davies and Gabriel had been to see the owner first.
Several of the civilians involved last night had been in to apologise, stating fear and drink along with bravado had made them do it. Bryan had been polite and had asked them to leave with a claim PADD and return later that afternoon.
Now it was fairly quiet and he continued with his own report when Commander Gabriel entered the Administrative office.

He looked upwards to the Security officer and he knew that he did not have long before he was re-incarcerated, but he still had a duty to perform and as Security Chief, he wanted to know what had happened last night in the bar first hand.

"Morning Sir. I know that Commander Davies is coming down this morning, but I didn't expect to see you." He stated, moving from behind the counter.

"Shut it down," Gabriel replied in a simple tone.

Bryans jaw dropped. "Commander, I know we have had some problems...." He began.

"I said shut it all down. The entire promenade goes into lock down. I'm not about to have this entire station go to hell in a hand-basket. If they don't want to act civilized, then we'll keep the entire area secure the best way possible." Gabriel replied in the same unwaivering tone.

He surrendered to the instruction. Although he didn't agree that every shops and service on the promenade should be closed off, he could see where the Commander was coming from.
"Everything?" He questioned, "Even those that had no part of the riot in the bar last night?"

He wished Mercy was with him, though if the Promenade was locked down, it would give him the perfect opportunity to visit her in her quarters.
The doctor had sent her there to get bed rest and she had today off duty, but he knew that as soon as she was able, she would be at his side.

= = Box of Delights = =
It could have been worse. The bar hadn't been comprehensively trashed. Most of the furniture was intact. Most of the stock was intact. Yolanthe spotted a distinctive glass shape at one side. The neck of a bottle of Special Reserve kanar. Her violet skin desaturated slightly. What a waste. At least power was restored back-of-house. Most of the damage was to the glassware. And that would only take twenty minutes to replace now the replicator out back was up and running.

She wandered around the ground floor, surveying her domain. She spotted something lying under the number 3 dabo table; The disruptor that objectionable Bajorran had tried to pull on the Romulan. She pulled it out and threw it to Klia. the Orion caught it, grimaced and held it out at arms length. "What do you want me to do with this."

"Deactivate the thing. I'm going to hang it on my wall." She flipped the knife the Ferengi had stabbed her with in the air and caught it again. Her big night had been a ruin, but it was so far not a complete disaster; as a result of the explosions very few had taken up the free drinks offer. As a result of that, and the early take on the game tables they were up 42 bars on budget. And the Cardassian Ambassador had put in a large order. Yes, things were looking up.

Klia went to her toolbox on the bar and rooted in it for the right tool to disarm the weapon. "You're in a good mood, considering."

"It could be worse. And Tanya's coming for breakfast." She gave Klia a wicked grin. "I took the Cardassian Ambassador up to her and the girls before it all went to hell, and he didn't come down until after! She's promised me all the juicy details."

"Madam Meow and an Ambassador?" The orion was doubtful. "I bet that wasn't the sort of Foreign affair he signed on for."

"On a look-but-don't-touch special." Yolanthe added with laugh. She thought about how long the Cardassian had been upstairs. "At least, that's what I ordered for him."

Klia let out a squeal of laughter. "I would have paid good money to see that. Did you give him the special chair."

"Hell yeah."

"Awesome." Klia threw the now deactivated disruptor back to Yolanthe. "There you go."

"Right then." The Bokkai slipped it into her pocket. "Let me go put these in my office, and then I should go down to admin, see if those two fleeters got out alive."

Davies transported down to the Promenade and it was very different to when he had been there yesterday with Ziggler.
The damage was obvious, but the clean up crews were working had to put right all the damage.
He surveyed his surroundings and mostly it was superficial. He turned to Karen, pointing towards the Admin offices.
"Shall we?" He ordered more than asked.

"Indeed," Karen replied.

They made their way to the first level and the central administration office, to find Gabriel and the admin officer already deep in discussion.

"No, just shut down the establishments that serve alcohol. I'll have an easier time selling it to Davies if there are still some shops open for the people to visit. However, I'm going to put an end to this nonsense before it gets worst." Gabriel said to the administrator as he turned and saw Davies and that lawyer of his walking to his immediate area.

"Commander" He said, addressing the senior officer.

Davies gave a nod of approval to Dorian. "Commander, Officer." He said addressing the admin man, not recalling his name. Selling what to me?" He asked with a wry grin on his face.

Bryan stood as tall as he could, it was not often that the command staff came to the Admin centre, but he knew that every man and his dog would be down today. He did not say anything, as the Commander had addressed the Chief of Security.

"I'm ordering that every establishment on the Promenade be a part of the general lockdown order, specifically those that distribute alcoholic beverages. Gabriel stated to Davies.

Davies brow dropped. "Are you sure? I don't think that is the best course of action, it may well incite the civilian contingent to rise again." David advised as he studied the warrant officer.

"Considering that our most recent incident originated in a den of ill repute, I want to ensure that we won't have a repeat performance." Gabriel responded.

Davies shook his head. "Commander, if you think it is wise, then by all means do so, but I think that it would have an adverse affect. Maybe instead of a lockdown, bring in a curfew?" He suggested.

Bryan backed away slightly, he was never one for confrontation. He liked to tease and jest, but when it came to an affront, he had to have a damn good reason. "Sirs, may I be excused from this, I have work that I must attend to and with my co administrator confined to quarters, I am under a little pressure." He explained.

Both Commanders said 'No' at the same time.

Bryan felt himself redden as his chin tapped at his chest.

"Commander." Davies offered to Gabriel, glancing towards Karen as well.

"A curfew will not be good enough. There seems to be a mob mentality that gets them riled up and like a snowball effect, they just lose their minds. The less bodies we have on the Promenade, the less chance of a full revolt. They can sit and stew inside their own quarters until this matter has been resolved." Gabriel replied.

Davies wasn't sure it would have the desired effect, but he trusted Dorian and nodded his ascension. "Mr...." David started the warrant officer.

"Surzchenko." Bryan uttered looking at the Commander.

"Mr Surzchenko, as of 08:45, all bars and inns are off limits. They are to be locked down for 48 hours or until all the offenders of last night turn themselves in to security. I want word passed along the Promenade that 'Mob Mentality'" Davies nodded to Gabriel, "will not be tolerated on Deep Space Five. "Any establishment found flouting this measure will be closed permanently." He looked to Karen, then to Dorian, before bringing his eye back to Bryan.

Bryan swallowed. He would be the one in the front line, as last night and he didn't look forward to the prospect at all.
"Sir." he acknowledged. "May I request extra security on the Promenade?" He questioned to all three commanders.

Davies turned to Dorian. "Commander, can you spare some security officers, I really don't want marines parading around the Promenade. He also hoped that Commander Villiers would offer support.

"Yes, take Trellis and whoever else you need to shut it down as quickly as possible." Gabriel replied.

Commander David Davies

Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

CWO2C Bryan Surzchenko
By Mark

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner & Bartender, The Box of Delights

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer