Beg, Steal or Borrow – [Freedom] Orders
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

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Title   [Freedom] Orders
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Posted   Sat May 23, 2009 @ 7:47am
Location   DS5/USS Freedom
Timeline   c. 00:00 (DS5 SD8)
Finally Da`nal had time to rest. It had been a fast paced 24 hrs. First the battle, then his promotion, and assignment as Captain, the interrogation, the 'incident' with the Doctor, his talk with his father. At least he had managed to get a few hours sleep. Now he was doing a little unpacking before he had to get back to tending to his ship and crew. Suddenly his monitor chimed and began to rise from the surface of the desk. Hanging the Bat'leth his father Gave him on the wall he turned, took a seat. Seeing that the incoming transmission was from command he tapped the panel on the terminal to complete the connection.

The monitor changed from the Federation seal to the that of an Admiral. "Hello Commander, I didn't catch you at a bad time did I?"

"No sir, just finishing my unpacking."

The admiral grinned knowingly, having been in Da`nal's place on more than one occasion. "So how do you like command so far?"

"Its definitely different calling the shots, but it is a challenge I am looking forward to.'

"Great, that what I was hoping to hear. How are repairs coming?"

"Nearly complete. We should be ready to go within 36 to 48 hours."

"Excellent. Oh I've approved your recommendation for the Medal of honor for the crews of the Firestorm and Lockridge. I would like you to write the letters to their families."

Da`nal nodded. He thought this might happen. While technically they were under Commander Davies' command they had died under his command of the task force that had been combed together to defend Deep Space 5. "Understood, sir."

"Good now that that’s out of the way I have your first assignment as Captain..."

Da`nal's heart raced slightly in anticipation.

"...and you're not going to like it. The Romulan Ambassador to the Federation, assigned to Deep Space 5 has requested that a Federation Starship take her to Romulus and your mission is to make sure she gets there. Full details are in the data transmission to follow. I know this isn't what you may have had in mind..."

Inside Da`nal was furious. ~Was Star Fleet out of their minds? Now he had to play nursemaid to that....Romulan Qu'vatlh!~ "...the Honor is found in doing one’s duty Admiral."

"Yes...well, you will be taking all remains, any materials you deem relevant. You'll have plenty of time to analyze everything during the journey. Once you are ready proceed to Romulus at your best possible speed. I won't keep you commander, good luck."

"Admiral." As Da`nal read through his orders his mood wasn't improving. The only up side that it would probably piss Lt. Gabriel off.

[Isha’s quarters. DS5]

For the tenth time Isha paced toward the door, her arms wrapped around her. She paused and again considered making her way to the consulate – but what if her daughter replied while she was away? What if the Continuing Committee roused their collective behinds and confirmed her request and she missed their message? What if something else she couldn’t control happened?

Burning with frustration at her own impotence Isha turned away from the door, she could not go on like this, shutting herself away just in case something bad happened, but right now she did not know who was out there – the station was about as secure as a Ferengi’s handshake.

“I hope you’re happy now, Rh’vaurek,” she muttered twisting her hands together, “I’m too bloody scared to leave the room without assistance – that’s what you wanted isn’t it? You could at least have stayed to see it.”

Her eyes fell upon the glasses that she and Chelsea had drunk from when the doctor had treated her, the fact that they still stood there after all these hours; another reminder that Isha was not coping. She grabbed one and hurled it against the far wall where it shattered and sprayed the room with the remnants of the sticky purple liquid. The other glass toppled sideways to the floor as she upended the table.

As Isha turned looking for the next object on which to vent her frustration, the motion interrupted by the persistent beep of the console - “What?” she demanded as she waited for the communication to load.

To: Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'lllialhae, Romulan Ambassadorial Delegation to Deep Space Five

Pursuant to your request you are granted transport via Federation Starship to Romulus to attend hearings regarding the attack on Deep Space Five. In return for this consideration you are to ensure safe passage of ship and crew and that Federation representatives are allowed to present the Federation’s position on the attack. You will be allowed to be accompanied by one aide and no more. Contact Commander Da`nal on the USS Freedom for departure details.

Admiral Rittenhouse
Star Fleet Command

-End Transmission-

Isha crumpled into the chair, disbelieving laughter spilling uncontrollably from her lips. Sending a Klingon to Romulus was one thing but packing one bearing a grudge into a crate along with the very Romulan who personified the other side of a long and bitter feud represented a new degree of insanity.

As her breathing slowed Isha began to laugh again, her earlier distress leaching away as she found a new question to occupy her mind; at least she wouldn’t have to watch out for hidden assassins on that ship, the threat to her person was quite obvious. She leaned back in her chair, suddenly feeling quite recovered as she mused on a question; How often could one tweak the nose of a Klingon who chose to squeeze himself into a Starfleet uniform before he forgot what he was wearing and tweaked back?


Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae

Cmdr Da`nal
Commanding Officer
USS Freedom