Lieutenant JG Miranda Aeylon’s Personal Log - Miranda Aeylon: Personal Log Stardate: 63081.17

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Title   Miranda Aeylon: Personal Log Stardate: 63081.17
Author   Lieutenant JG Miranda Aeylon
Posted   Thu Jun 23, 2011 @ 9:05am

Miranda walked slowly towards the chair in her quarters carrying a tall metallic mug of freshly-replicated black coffee. She gently sat down, took a sip and spoke "Computer, begin Personal Log, Stardate 63081.17". The computer subtly beeped and began recording Miranda.

"I have just boarded the station and am yet to meet any of the senior crew members, however I will hopefully meet some in the morning, when i'm on official duty for the first time ever on a starbase! How exciting..". She picked up a PADD from the table next to where she was already sitting, it read 'The tides of Britain', she threw it back down onto the table. "Also note that surfing in Britain is not as good as in Australia or America.. Computer pause log"

The computer paused in compliance with her command, Miranda then got up from the chair and walked over to the replicater, leaving her mug of coffee on the table. "Fruit Salad, no pineapple", as it materialised in-front of her she reminisced of the time when she first discovered pineapples, a sharp, unattractive fruit which brought an allergic reaction, along with 5 days of hospitalisation to Miranda. She picked up the bowl and took it back over to the chair she was previously sitting in, looking out the window of her quarters across the stars, wondering if this was the right place for her, whether she belonged here and could feel at home. "Computer, continue log" Whilst saying this she took her first bite from the salad.

"I have heard good things about the Commander of this station, Captain Tasha Tahir. Once a young, promising Operations officer, now commanding officer of a starbase. Makes you think, doesn't it? After spending most of my own life in Starfleet i've been reduced to a Lieutenant JG, although the position of Chief of Communications does strike my interests." she took a bite of the salad.

"I am also yet to meet the Chief of Operations, thus, havn't had the chance to work out how easy or not it'll be to get his or job. A.. Arthur Anderson, same rank as me, from what I have heard, swooping in and taking his job should be a piece of cake." She smiled to herself and continue to take bites from the salad."

"Well, I guess ill find out who is who in the morning.." Miranda said this whilst consuming the last piece of fruit from the bowl.