Things Past – The In-Laws
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   The In-Laws
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Wed Jun 15, 2011 @ 9:09pm
Location   Cardassia City. Coranum Sector. Cardassia Prime
"Calm down, dear," Nalana told her daughter. The doorbell had sounded all of a minute or two ago and the housekeeper had gone to answer it.

To Imanil, sitting by her mother in the main reception room it felt like a much longer time. Perhaps it hadn't been him at all. "She's such a slow old ..."

"I'll thank you not to finish that sentance, Imanil. Gilyna has been with us for decades. If this man is going to make you insult our faithful retainers your father and I will not meet him at all."

Imanil was not sure if her mother meant that. "I apologise," she said, "and I will apologise to Gilyna. Its just that she's just taking *so* long."

Nalana took her daughter's hand and looked into her eyes. "That's because I told her to, child. Our servants are also deserving of our respect and patience, and if she does not think that your friend recognised that, she will be sure to let me know."

"Mother, must you set up this vole trap?"

"I sometimes forget that you even have a temper, we so seldom see it," Nalana said with a sigh at her daughter's uncharacteristically strident tone. "Now really is not the time to remind us. Everything is in hand, and if I am not much mistaken, here is Gilyna with your friend."

As the door opened Nalana rose to her feet, followed swiftly by Imanil. Nalana was a little taller than her daughter and were it not for the difference in years, they might have been sisters.

Just behind her mother, and (she thought) out of her mother's line of sight Imanil grinned and waved her fingers.

"Imanil, why don't you go and help Gilyna in the kitchen. I believe there was something that you wished to say to her," Nalana said in no uncertain terms. She waited for her daughter to leave before she continued.

"You are Gul Getal, I think," Nalana said with a polite bow of her head. "Welcome to our home."

Getal bowed, lowering his head considerably. "Yes ma'am. Gul Getal of the Fifth Order." He said, introducing himself, trying to hide the nervousness in his voice. Once he had spent the reasonable amount of time bowed, he raised himself. "Your housekeeper was very polite, it is rare to find a servant of that distinction." Tharek spoke, attempting to strike up conversation.

"I have known Gilyna since I could walk. She is part of our family and treats our guests as though they were hers." Nalana said. Imanil had been quite correct. Between them Nalana and her husband had set up a vole trap, but not because they believed him to be one, just to be assured that he was not.

"My husband is expecting you, but not for another five minutes, I believe. Perhaps you would like to sit. If you would not mind conversing with me in the meantime, that is?" Nalana left it a question; his choice.

"I would never pass up the opportunity to converse with somebody as wise as you ma'am." He said, smiling politely.

Flattery! But well meant Nalana thought.

Despite her daughter's attempt to catch his eye, he didn't acknowledge her, not even when Imanil walked right by him. Very correct behaviour given that he was not here to bestow attention on his intended, and anyway, if he failed to impress them they were were not going to be seeing each other again.

When she eventually showed Gul Getal into her husband's study Nalana suspected that she was going to have to use that time to explain a few more things to her daughter.

But that thought only took an instant. "Sit then, Gul Getal," she said, gesturing for him to choose his place.

"Thank you." He said, the gracious smile still on his face.

"Perhaps my recollection is flawed, but I thought that Imanil told me that you were of the Ninth Order, not the Fifth," Nalana said as she sat.

Getal was obviously nervous. "No ma'am. Your recollection is perfect. It is I that is mistaken. I am Gul Getal, of the Ninth Order and the Union starship Rakara"

Nalana's smile widened very slightly. "I'm sure that you know who you are. One order or another; that will matter to my husband more than it matters to me," she said. If anything that was a clear, if unspoken instruction to Gul Getal to get his story straight before this brief interview was over and she took him to meet Imanil's father. "I'm more interested in what prompted you to consider my daughter. I can, of course see and appreciate why she deemed to consider you."

"Thank you," he said, smiling graciously again. "Your daughter interested me ma'am, because she is the embodiment of Cardassia. She made my heart melt, and no woman has managed to succeed in such a thing in my existance."

"Imanil is quite unique," Nalana said. It was an understatement of course, "but you are correct. She believes, accepts, and represents all that she she is, all that she has been raised to be." Nalana paused and reached for the cup that had been on the table since before her guest's arrival.

When she had sipped, and placed it down again she spoke again. "We hold very high standards in this house, and you should feel honoured to be here, for her head has not yet been turned by any suitor we suggested to her."

"Honoured doesn't mark close to my feeling ma'am. I am above and beyond honoured to even be by your daughter's hand, let alone to take it."

"Of course," Nalana said as she rose to her feet. He had told her everything that she needed to know, but quite what her Husband would ask Nalana had no idea. "I believe that my Husband will be available now," she said, "I will take you to his study, and I hope that when you have spoken together you will join us in the dining room. This way, please."

Tharek nodded understandingly, and wiped a small fraction of sweat from his brow. Standing, he followed Nalana and waited to be addressed by Imanil's father, before he spoke.

Nalana entered the study and whispered something to the old man behind the desk before she smiled and turned away. "Be yourself," she advised in a breath as she passed Getal, and for the briefest second touched a reassuring hand to his back before she withdrew and allowed the study door to close on him.

"So you're the one who wants to take my child from me," Enarim said as he stared at the young man who stood before him. "You might as well sit," he continued. "You're a Gul of one Order or other I believe."

Getal sat as requested. "Yes sir. Gul Getal of the Ninth Order." He said, still not including his other title. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you sir." Getal said, bowing his head in respect. "The halls of Central Command echo with your triumphs."

"Of course they do. I may have retired from active service, but I still advise. Getal," Enarim said thoughtfully. "Your father was named J'trey if I'm not mistaken."

"Yes sir. Both him and my mother served in the military, under your command of the joint fleet I believe." Getal said, thoughtfully as he reminisced about his parents, who had been massacred with no provocation. Just for being Cardassian.

"A good man," Enarim said. Liked was not the word for his opinion on Getal's late father, it implied far too great a familiarity and one that simply had not existed between them. "That was a nasty business," he said, "The chance to reach his full potential was taken from him in that attack, a loss for Cardassia, and a personal loss to yourself. Still," he continued, "it doesn't appear to have stopped you from following the example of your parents."

"Sir, I follow Cardassia's influence, like my father before me, and his father, following down to the ancestors of my house. Cardassia's will is made reality by my hand. My father taught me that before he died."

"And now you believe that you are ready to instill that into a new generation?" It was a question that had no right answer, several wrong ones. Enarim was not going to waste his time stating the obvious, if Getal just wanted a bit of fun he certainly didn't have to take a wife to find it, and if he was just after a trophy, then Imanil would very quickly regret entering into a union with a man who valued her only for the way she looked on his arm. He wanted to know Getal's motivations for seeking out his daughter, because he would not allow her to make that sort of mistake.

"Sir. I only wish to honour you, Imanil, her mother and all that you hold dear. I hope that I too may be a man you come to hold dear." Getal said, losing the nervousness, but replacing it quickly with seriousness.

Enarim chuckled as he linked his fingers across his stomach, "I believe you, Tharek, but what are you going to do with her when you are away" He paused for a second and then cut in before a reply could be made. "Oh, I know that you plan to take her with you to Terok Nor, but you will not always have that luxury. If you are to make a home, you must both make it here," he said.

"I understand that sir. And I plan to. But... Seeing Imanil's passion sown into everything she does, it would've broken both mine and her heart to stop her work, likewise with my military career. Terok Nor has labs, and my posting. We can both be happy... And after Terok Nor, we come back to Cardassia, and we make our lives."

"I'm not blind, Getal. You're a military man and if you tell me that you'll be settling down to a quiet life then you are blatantly lying to me and to yourself."

Getal smiled, and laughed slightly. "You caught me sir... But I must protest... " Getal began, knowing he was treading a dangerous path. "I love Imanil. I would give up my career now, at this very moment if she asked me to."

Enarim sighed, "Yes, you probably would. Tharek," Enarim sighed.

Tharek almost matched Enarim's sigh, but thought it best to remain professional. Keep calm, and calm will keep.

"I had two older brothers, I now have four married sons, and I once upon a time, many years before that, I pledged my life to the flower of Cardassia. I will tell you now what I told each of my sons."

Getal sat foward anxiously. It was not everyday that you came face to face with Fi'ta Gul Enarim. Let alone get advice, or take the hand of his daughter.

"Frankly, you're better off without the sort of woman who would ask something like that of you. A a wife is supposed to enhance your life, not turn it upside down. Not something you'll have to worry about with Imanil, of course," he added. "If she finds there's something about you she doesn't like she'll adapt to it."

"If she finds something she doesn't like sir, then I wouldn't be having this conversation with you now." Getal finally adopted a little courage toward the man. "Me and Imanil find each other perfect. She is the perfect Cardassian wife, and I only wish to be the perfect husband. But, I can only do that with your blessing."

"Well, one half of that statement is true," Enarim said. Why was it that every young man thought he knew best? Getal would find out soon enough that there was no such thing as perfection, however, Enarim had promised his wife that he was not going to be unreasonable or difficult about this. "Listen Tharek, you wouldn't be my first choice for my daughter, but I gave her the freedom to choose for herself and I see no reason to rescind that freedom. I will not stand in your way."

Tharek smiled widely. "Thank you sir. I will make you proud, and hope that you will find it more than a word when you call me your son, and alike, you, my father."

"I hope you do, because the thought that my daughter could have made the biggest mistake of her life not one I wish to entertain. Come on, let's go and put the ladies out of their misery."

Getal smiled, wider than before. "Of course." Tharek's heart leapt at the chance to pay the attention that was deserved to Imanil. It took most of Getal's strength to stop himself looking at her earlier. Now, he was going to be rewarded for his efforts.

After they left Enerim's study they went further into the house until he stopped by another door. "Knock," Enarim said, "My wife's parlour. It might be my house, but even I would not dream of entering her private rooms without her invitation. If I go first, Imanil will assume that I have sent you packing," he added as he knocked on the door and waited for it to be answered. "Let's spare her that."

"Why are they taking so long?" Imanil said. Even though her mother had explained the reason she still felt sick that he could have found it in him to look through her like that. They were sitting on the window seat in her mother's sitting room, the window standing open to the little private walled garden behind them and the sun pouring in, but it did nothing warm Imanil.

Nalana sighed, she had no answer for that question. She could understand her daughter's frustration but working herself up into a state was not going to change anything. "Don't fret," she said, and was about to say more when she heard the knock at the door. "Why don't you go and open it dear?" Nalana suggested.

She did so, and was immediately greeted by the smiling image of Getal, with arms wide open.

All of Imanil's worries melted in that instant. "Tharek!" She threw herself into his arms and wrapped her own around his neck. "Don't I have the most wonderful father in all of Cardassia?"

"You have the most wonderful parents in all of Cardassia." He said, embedded in her shoulder.

"I know, and I'm just so happy that they are going to allow me to be yours," Imanil pulled back slightly, "We should all move inside. He might change his mind if we keep him there behind you!" she whispered into Tharek's ear.

"Ah, this is true." Getal said, moving away from the door with Imanil. The smile was still present on Tharek's face, so much so, that it looked painful to smile that much.

"Well," Nalana said, "I suppose a little celebration is in order. You will be joining us for lunch, won't you Tharek?" The way she phrased it was not exactly a question, "Indeed I assume you will be staying with us until you both depart for Terok Nor."

"I will." He said, in answer to both questions.


The Lemarrevs
NPCs by Louise

Gul Tharek Getal
Ninth Order Gul/Obsidian Order Agent