Beg, Steal or Borrow – Discussions with the Commander
by Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Discussions with the Commander
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Mar 04, 2009 @ 8:24pm
Location   Corridor adjacent to Conference room
Timeline   SD8 Directly After Meeting

Commander T'Lan gestured to Commander Davies in order to join her in the hall for a walk.

David understood what she was asking and pushed the pushed chair beneath the table, glad to be leaving the conference room.

T'Lan spoke, "I have had extensive disciplinary problems with the Chief of Intelligence. Unfortunately I cannot take any official action. Gabriel has thus far kept his hands clean of any wrongdoing. But it is only logical that one day, he will 'cross the line.' As you humans say."

David nodded. "A shame, he has the makings of a superb officer, but at least he is well balanced." He remarked as they made their way to nowhere particular, though David didn't even know where they were actually heading. "He has chips on both shoulders." He clasped his hands behind his back. "I want to thank you for taking control in there. I didn't realise that the heads had an ongoing battle. Commander Rakka must have had her hands full with Dorian and I had not been forewarned of what to expect from the crew by the Captain, so it did come as a bit of a shock. He glanced at T'Lan, who seemed a little pre-occupied, similar to last night.

He stopped, taking stock of the current situation with the Vulcan.
"T'Lan, what's wrong. You seem distant?" He asked in a soft voice.

"I have been under a great deal of stress lately, and it seems that not even my meditation can be of help. I have been considering approaching the Chief Medical Officer about my headaches." T'Lan stated.

"Then you should. I can't have the first officer ill, especially now, when I need so much guidance." David stated, not meaning to sound like a wimp.

T'Lan nodded, she was becoming somewhat fond of the man. "If it is acceptable to you, perhaps we can discuss the situation over a meal this evening?"

"That would be delightful Commander, if you are feeling up to it. Best see what the doctor has to say first." Davies replied, not reading anything into the invitation.

"A logical course of action Commander. I will contact you with the Doctor's results." T'Lan stated.

"Commander, if I may be so bold, you have not been been on the station long, but can I ask what you think of the meeting there, or would you rather keep that until later?" David inquired as they strolled towards the VIP lounge.

T'Lan spoke, "Perhaps in private Commander." She wanted to make sure there was no chance that someone might overhear.

David nodded and partially closed his eyes. "I understand totally." They walked on a few steps with their own thoughts.
"So what are your plans for the rest of morning?" He asked, heading towards the Observation lounge and his own request to meet with the Chief Medical officer, Doctor Milarno. "If you want to see the doctor, I am meeting him in five minutes in the Observation lounge, or if you prefer, Commanders privilege, I can ask him to make a personal visit." David offered.

T'Lan nodded, "That would be acceptable."

David smiled, feeling a little pleased with himself. "Super! We shall arrange that for later." He said. "For now, we had better head back and thanks T'Lan." He said, thanking her again as they turned around and headed back the way they had come.


CO: Commander David Davies

XO: Commander T'Lan