Judgement – {Relentless} (back post) A little downtime after a shift
by Commander Derek Yaist & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton

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Title   {Relentless} (back post) A little downtime after a shift
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Derek Yaist & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton
Posted   Tue Mar 01, 2011 @ 11:37pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD36 - 2000

Arleyaa walked over to the bar from the dabo table, her winnings from the previous game firmly in hand, she leaned against the bar and waved down the bartender to order a drink then turning around to survey the crowd in the rather posh gaming establishment. The man working behind the bar set her drink down, she turned and thanked him whilst retrieving the drink, noticing a slightly familiar face working his way over to where she was standing.

"Take you long to find me Commander?" She asked with a slight grin, leaning her elbows in the bar.

"No, I was already here, but don't tell any of the crew I was here." he said as he sat down opposite from her. He wasn't supposed to be off the ship for long, if at all.

The dark haired woman gave Yaist a conspiratorial smile while taking another drink from her glass "Your secret 's safe with me Commander, I never saw you here, in fact I believe you where in your ready room filling out paperwork," she gave him an appreciative nod "Yeah we'll go with that story."

Erlohn noticed Ilashanii speaking to Yaist as he walked by the establishment, but thought nothing of it, and continued his way towards the Holodecks.

After a moment of silence between the two of them, Arleyaa leaned closer on one elbow, looking her Commanding Officer straight in the eyes with an evil smirk forming on her lips "So Commander do you play dabo?"

"It depends on if I think I'll win or not." he replied jokingly, "Do you?"

"Commander Yaist there hasn't been a game of chance invented that I don't play." The Relentless' Chief of Security confirmed, standing up as she headed away from the bar and towards the dabo table where the sounds of the spinning wheel where soon followed by cries of adulation or groans of despair.

She stopped to look back before getting very far from the bar "So are you feeling lucky Commander?"

"Sure." he said while standing up. He followed Ilashanii to the Dabo table. He hoped that he would win something this time, not like last time he played Dabo.

The crowd from the previous game was moving away to either celebrate or
assuage their respective states. The two Starfleet officers sidled up to the table, an older looking human with a stocky, rectangular face with short, salt and pepper brown hair readying the game for more players.

Edward, the middle-aged Dabo Boy, smiled at the two new players. "Good evening, folks. Take a seat and let's play a little Dabo." He grinned and them both, giving Ilashanii a wink. "Are you familiar with the game?" He always asked, just in case he had a newbie on his hands.

"We both are." said Yaist speaking for both of them. He had already heard Ilashanii say that she had played every game of chance invented, so he assumed he was correct.

Arleyaa gave Edward a friendly smile, before turning her attention back to Yaist "I believe as the ranking officer here you should have the first go."

"I insist." he said, indicating that Arleyaa should go first.

The woman arched an eyebrow as she placed a few of her gaming chip on the number 33, then looked to Edward with a coy smile playing across her lips "Let's play."

"Anything for you, my dear," Edward grinned. He looked to the Captain. "And you, sir, would you place your bet so we may begin?"

"Sure." Yaist replied. He thought for a moment and them decided to put his chip on 28. He didn't choose 28 for any particular reason, he just chose at random.

Other bets where placed by a few other players hanging around the table as the wheel began spinning with the holographic ball dropping and bouncing as it rolled around the spinning surface.

Spinning the wheel, Edward started casual conversation to distract the players. "So, what brings you two to Deep Space Five?"

"Our ship is docked here. We're waiting to start our shakedown cruise." replied Yaist.

"Business." Arleyaa replied casually as she watched wheel, keeping to the old adage of, 'Watch the wheel, not the pretty.'

The momentum of the wheel slowed gradually as the ball bounced less and less, coming to rest on number 28.

Arleyaa turned to look at the Commander and arched an eyebrow "Lucky touch."

"Dabo!" Edward yelled, after a long pause. He'd expected one of the players to do it - that's usually what happened. But since neither of them had made an exclamation - and because he needed to keep drawing players to his table - he did it for them, adding the customary applause.

"Seems like your shakedown cruise is going to send you away with a bit of fun in your pocket, Commander," Edward grinned at the man, paying him the chips he'd won.

Yaist laughed as he happily accepted his winnings. "Should we go again?" he said as he faced Arleyaa.

"The night is young Commander and I have yet to begun to play." The woman replied, tossing a few of her chips in the air.

"I'm game!" Yaist said as he chuckled and put his chip on the 3 space.

Arleyaa smiled at Edward as she turned to face the table again, following Yaist lead and placing her chips on three, waiting to see if anyone else decided to bet.

Edward nodded, and while he waited for other bets, he called one of the waitresses over to see if the customers wanted a drink. Part of the Box's profit was centered on getting it's patrons inebriated because they made riskier bets that way.

A risian brunette, with short pigtails and a shorter skirt came over, and smiled at the commander, nodded at Arleyaa. "What can I do for you?" she asked the commander, the double entendre resonating in the question.

"I'd like another Andorian ale, watered down please. I don't want to drink too much." replied Yaist as he started to laugh.

"Nothing for me, thanks." She replied as waited for the game to start again.

"Comin' right up!" she gave him a wink, then turned to the others for their orders before sashaying away, hips swinging just enough to give a hint of provocation.

"One more game then I'll have to call it a night...not everyone has it as easy as the Commander here." Arleyaa said with a teasing smirk at the uniformed man and laughed a little.

Yaist laughed in reply. He wasn't sure how much more he could spend, as he wanted to save up for gifts for his family back home and knew that his winning streak would come to an end.

As soon as the thought struck him, Captain Yaist's luck turned. The wheel spun, and to all the players' disappointment, none of them won. Edward took their chips and suggested to the Captain, "Of course, there's always the next spin. You could double your winnings by betting it all..."

"I think I'll play it safe. Ten credits on 15." replied Yaist as he set his chip down on 15.

"Best of luck, sir! And you, miss? Would you care one last chance to win it all?"

Arleyaa smiled and placed a hand on the shoulder of her CO and gave his shoulder an encouraging squeeze "Fortune favor the bold I believe is the human saying sir," then shifted her gaze to Edward "Let him walk away with at least his badge."

The dark haired alien gave the dabo boy a friendly smile and turned way from the table, blending into the crowd of bodies surrounding the Dabo wheel.

The waitress returned with Yaist's drink and put it down with a smile. "if you go double or nothing, I'll blow on your chips for good luck. Now or... later."

"I'm fine, thank you." Yaist replied as he smiled and took a sip of his drink. Watered down, but still good.

Edward chuckled at the exchange. Some of Yolanthe's girls could be so saucy. Yaist's resistance of her appeal intrigued Edward.

"You married, sir?" He spun the wheel as he waited for the response.

"No, life in Starfleet makes you busy most of the time. Especially if you're in command of a starship! Shoreleave is one of the few times I get a break." replied Yaist as he kept moving between looking at Edward and the Dabo table.

"I can imagine," Edward replied, somewhat sorry for the Captain. "It must be a lonely life."

"It is, although I'm somewhat glad I'm not married. If I were, I would have to be sectors away from my family for months at a time. So how's the board?" replied Yaist, changing the subject as a smile returned to his face.

Edward grinned. "Well, sir, you'll be able to leave with your shirt on." He'd lost the spin again.

The waitress finished handing out drinks. "But only if you want to," she added with a wink.

"I think I'm good. Thank you for the conversation, though." Yaist replied as he finished his drink. He nodded at Edward, smiled at the waitress, and turned to leave. It had been a good game, even without winning much. Oh well. All of it was going to that new PADD he had purchased anyway.


Cmdr. Derek Yaist
Commanding Officer
USS Relentless

Lt. Arleyaa Ilashanii
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Relentless

Saucy Waitress
NPC by Notty

Edward Stapleton
Dabo Boy, Box Of Delights
(NPC by Charlene)