Beg, Steal or Borrow – Chance Meeting
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Chance Meeting
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Thu Feb 05, 2009 @ 12:23am
Location   Corridors
Timeline   SD7 19:00

Claire was deep in thought, worried about T'Lan, worried about what she had seen when she was with T'lan. She had already sent her request in to get T'Lan's medical files from Vulcan. She had been walking when she heard someone else's thoughts and she stopped.

Jarred was looking at a PADD when he felt a new presence. Jarred looked up and saw an unfamiliar face he smiled. The fact she was Betazoid was the only interesting fact to him, Jarred nodded to the new person and went back to his PADD.

~Penny for your thoughts?~ She smiled.

He looked up and realized what had been said. "I think you'll need more than a penny for what's on my mind." Jarred paused " Lieutenant....?"

"Mackenzie, Claire Mackenzie. You don't enjoy using your telepathic abilities?" She asked.

"I don't use them too often, off duty, haven't had any need to for a long time, Lieutenant Mackenzie" Jarred decided to close the file on his PADD.

"You're Wallace aren't you?" She asked.

"Yeah, ACIO Jarred Wallace, Starfleet bad boy and all around knock-around guy." Jarred said with some sense of irony.

"Zorana told me about you." She smiled.

Jarred felt his face flush at the mention of her name. "She’s said nothing about you, then again, I didn't ask about anyone she works with."

Claire giggled, "I just joined the starbase. She had a feeling that she would have to leave the for awhile and asked me to come and join her team. Looks like she was right though...she did have to leave the base."

"I know, I sent her along with the Captain, someone needed to keep an eye on her and having an intelligence officer shadowing her was a little too obvious." Jarred said. "She's hopefully going to provide more insight into what happens on Earth, than a trial transcript."

"Oh you made her your little spy then. She didn't tell me why she was heading back home."

"Not really, she's more qualified than I am at making sure the captain is mentally ready for this. The fact that she was sent by me is supposed to be a secret." Jarred joked

"You don't keep secrets very well then do you Mr. Wallace." She smiled.

"That's not exactly classified Lieutenant, I've sat through a few of those, I know the drill and the emotional effects. Not exactly quantum mechanics."

"Yes, looks like you are busy..." She wasn't going to tell him that she had been a consultant for the prosecution for several court marshals and other trials. She knew more than anyone else what kind of toll the questions from a court marshal can takes on a witness not to mention defendant.

"I was heading to that Bajoran Cafe on the Promenade, care to join me?" Jarred asked off the cuff.

A moment before she thought he was dismissing her and now he was asking her to join him at the cafe? Interesting..."Sure." She smiled.

The turbolift door opened and Jarred stepped in, "coming?"


The low mechanical noises were almost to much for Jarred ~I wonder if the Romulans are up to something?~ His thoughts slid back to his work, and he shouldn't have thought about it.

Her head shot up at him, ~what about the Romulans?~ She thought back.

Jarred realised he slipped up and figured he'd come clean, ~just some really unusual fleet activity, nothing that should be of concern.~

~Just enough to have you worried that they are up to something right?~

~Enough. I'm going to a Cafe frequented by the Romulan ambassador, chances are its just an exercise.~ Jarred thought with a lack of confidence.

~Sorry Wallace, you just seemed worried.~

The turbolift stopped on the Promenade level, and opened with a hiss, Jarred stepped out ~it's enough to make anyone worry if you know as much as I know.~

She nodded ~Lead the way; I'm too new here to know where I am going.~ She giggled softly.

As Jarred played tour guide out of the corner of his eye he saw a Romulan leaving the Cafe, Jarred just guided his guest to a table a blonde Bajoran female walked over "Brazilian Coffee, and a Jumja muffin. You lieutenant?"

"I'll have the same, thank you." She replied.

"First time not a a repli-mat?" Jarred joked

She laughed as she took her seat.

"Didn't picture you a coffee drinker, even for a Betazoid." Jarred asked a veiled question.

~I stayed with Zorana a lot, she made a thick Turkish coffee. I got used to it and eventually started to enjoy it.~

~I drank so much Klingon raktjino on my last assignment this will be like drinking water.~

~That is what Zorana kept telling me...that after drinking her coffee drinking regular coffee would be like drinking muddy water.~

As there drinks and pastries arrived jarred continued ~the first non-Klingon meal I had was a replicated hamburger, fries and a side salad. I missed that. ~

~The Klingon food or human?~ She asked teasingly.

~Human, I grew-up on Mars, human dad, mom was betazoid. dad always had a way of finding meat, so we'd have a BBQ, it was alot of fun.~

~Family.~ She thought to herself, she never had had one, until she found Zorana and they were like sisters now. Before Zorana her life was dark and so lonely. She smiled up at Jarred ~Sounds wonderful.~

Jarred looked up at Claire and let his thoughts betray him ~Wanna go some where more private?~

She blushed but nodded.

OFF. Continued in Mind Storm

Lt. (JG) Claire Mackenzie (Played by Zorana)
ACIO Jarred Wallace