Unity – Philosphy
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Philosphy
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Jun 09, 2010 @ 1:25am
Location   USS Castor
Timeline   SD17 15:30 - a few hours from DS5
She had butterflies. She didn't know what was going on upon the station or what her crew were going through or for that matter the civilians. She pushed herself out from her seat and into the seating area where Jayfe was sat with a small bundle of wires and a PADD. She watched him for a second before he spoke.

"Penny for them Captain?" Jayfe asked in his usual cheery manner, see her head hung low and looking at what he held rather than at him.

She shook her head. "It would cost you a great deal more than a penny if I told you everything. What is that?" She asked as she bridged the gap between them and sat down next to him.

"This," He lifted the kit up a little, "just wires and a PADD. So tell me what is on your mind." He pressed.

"Consternation and confusion. Far too much for me to keep bottled in that's for sure." She sighed as she turned back to the flight control panel. "A few more hours and we'll be back at DS5 and I am not sure what we're heading into, if I'm honest." Her voice trailed off.

Jayfe smiled, though he now looked at the back of head. "some things don't change. We're set on a path that has already been mapped out, we just make deviations from the norm." He said as he began to twist the wires together.

Her hand stopped as it made the slightest of contact with the console as what he had said made no sense to her in the least.
Her hand fell back and gripped the armrest as she craned her neck around.
"That is a highly philosophical comment if I ever heard one, especially from you and I have absolutely no idea what you mean." She smiled stupidly at him.

He shrugged his shoulders and twisted the final 2 pairs of wire together. "Just something that was running through my head. Do you ever think about where we are, how and why we are where we are and why we do the things we do?" He asked without looking at Tasha.

She shook her head and chuckled. "Sometimes, but it is not something that occupies my every waking hour. What exactly are you thinking?" She countered.

He chuckled at her response.
"O, this and that. Take this." He held up the PADD and the braid of coloured wires as his eyes met hers. "What is it?" He questioned.

"A PADD and some wires." Tasha replied.

"And what are they for?" He responded.

Tasha shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, you're making it." She said with a lop sided grin, wondering what it was he was trying to say.

"Nothing. It's just something to do to occupy my mind, keep me alert and pass the time." He admitted.

Tasha shook her head and turned back in her seat. "Honestly Jayfe, you're getting space crazy. When we get to DS5, I suggest you see the Doctor!" She remarked.

"Aye Captain." He said with a silly grin on his face and disappeared back into the crew area.


Captain Tasha Tahir

And Jayfe Devero