Beg, Steal or Borrow – Evac Order
by Commander Leksi Nayron

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Title   Evac Order
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Leksi Nayron
Posted   Wed Mar 18, 2009 @ 7:18pm
Location   Promenade, Weiltzer Corps Offices
Timeline   SD8 13:25-13:35
Leksi paced her office, waiting for news of the Fleet. Sergeant Harris, her new right hand man, was still out collecting information for her. Sighing, she sat down at her desk. It was only her first day, and she was already knee deep in work.

"Enter" she said, as her door chimed. In walked Sergeant Harris, holding three PADDs in his hand.

"Commander, the reports, as you ordered" he said, laying them down on her desk.

"Thank you, Mister Harris. What's the latest?" she asked, bidding him to sit down.

"The Station has been ordered to lockdown, the shops have been closed and all civilians have been ordered to the lower levels" he said, still standing.

"Well, we had better get moving" she said, standing up. "Sergeant, come with me"

Leksi stood up and walked out of the room, with Harris hot on her heels. Walking into the offices, she stood at the top of the room. "May I have your attention please"

Every head in the room turned to look at her as she made her address. "We are evacuating to the lower levels of the station, as per the orders of the Station Command. Let's move"

The staff of the Corps began to pack up their equipment, but Leksi interjected. "Bring as little as possible. We need to move quickly"

The staff nodded and within five minutes, they were all on the move. Leksi and Harris were the last ones out of the offices. "Sergeant, close it up. You and I will make for the ships"

"Yes, Commander. Your Exec is with Mister Weiltzer" he said.

"They'll know where we are, lets go"

Harris closed to offices and together they made their way to the lower levels of the Starbase.