Interlude – When it hits the fan, duck
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Vincent Tan

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Title   When it hits the fan, duck
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Posted   Tue Jun 29, 2010 @ 11:52am
Location   Intel office

Jarred had gotten an encrypted message from Starfleet headquarters on Earth. He'd decrypted the message and recongnized the authenticator in the header, it was from the office of technical studies, a glorified labratory that supposedly had everything from recovered tech from alternate time lines to borg corpses, and supposedly the only complete set of blueprints for the Pheonix time ship. Jarred looked at the mission he was going to be sick.

~Crap!~ he thought, =^="Computer contact the following officers"=^= Jarred keyed in the ID codes for three other senior officers. He reached into his desk and pulled out a black marble box he opened it and pulled out the pistol in its holster. He finished his inspection of the weapon in time to see Rick walk in, "Take a seat, this one is a doozie."

Dunham sat down at the desk, and put his feet up on the table, he grinned "Ooo do tell" he said in a stylized voice.

"Feel like taking a trip too the Dranora sector?" Jarred said

"Aren't you going to by me a drink and dinner first?" said Dunham Jokingly.

"Field rations ok?" Jarred said as he tossed Richard a back-pack "a recon team found a Borg wreck on the farside of the Dranora sector which is located on the far side of the beta quadrant near the Romulan boarder, lets grab a few toys from lock up and get moving." Jarred pushed a button under his desk and an audible click as the cabinet parted and revealed a small room bristling with weaponry and other gadgetry.

"sure, but wouldn't this be in the remit, of a star fleet vessel on patrol in the area?" Said Dunham concerned about jurisdiction issues, not to mention it was the borg

"The closest ship isn't a good idea, if anyone else gets wind of this discovery it could turn into a horse race I don't want to loose, here." Jarred said as he flipped Richard a tricorder, "plus this mission is a high enough priority that getting in first and getting the recovery underway is more important."

"OK......" said Dunham a little uncertain. "What does the XO or CO say about this?"

"No idea, I got my orders from HQ, and I don't have time to get them to clear this, we're already on a time crunch." Jarred noted.

Dunham shook his head slightly from side to side "This doesn't smell right to me, I mean why would HQ just send this to Intel, and not station command? It's missing out a huge section from the chain of command?"

"Its odd the first time you go on a mission like this, but I'm sure Admiral Cuningham has already notified the proper people, the rest of our gear is on the ship." Jarred said trying to reasure the pilot.

"So why do you need me?" said Dunham still not a hundred percent certain, as to what was occurring. He trusted his friend Wallace....well as much as he could, considering the last time he had seen him he had got drunk on duty behind his desk on one of the Wallace class starships. But he didn't trust the brass in intel, Dunham was tempted to get the order in writing.

"Heres' the orders, plus the lone sensor scan they took before they left to avoid attracting attention, Plus I need a pilot not a ships helmsman, and you have the correct security level." Jarred said

"Ok." said Dunham looking over the orders. "Do you want to take a runabout or something a bit bigger?"

"Theres a Raven Class down in hangar eight-teen we can make use of, its equipped for what we need." Jarred commented.

"Wallace to Villiers" Jarred tapped his comm badge.

"Villiers, what is it?" Karen asked over the comm, events were moving and Gabriel having forced into the position of suspending him from duty did not make the outlook any more rosy. Karen knew that Davies seemed to respect the man, but given the security chief's recent performance she had difficulty seeing why.

"Have you been able to read the mission request from Admiral Cuningham?" Jarred inquired, certain to a degree she might not have had the chance to.

"Would you summarise, please, Lieutenant Wallace," she requested as she called up and opened the relevant file. As he spoke Karen skimmed over the brief.

"There was an unidentified wreck in the Dranora sector on a class M planet that was discovered but not investigated by a survey ship in the area, considering its remote location and proximity to Romulan territory we got tapped to send a team in and investigate." Jarred summarized the report.

It was close to Romulan territory, she thought as she saw the co-ordinates, and beyond the protection of the buffer that the Neutral Zone provided down the border with the Federation. One thing that Karen wanted to avoid right now was Romulan trouble - that could otherwise be named leverage in the coming weeks. "All I have is report, Lieutenant, there don't appear to be any such orders attached. Can you explain that to me?" the Executive Officer requested; though they might occasionally be necessary Karen did not really like orders that bypassed the normal chain of command.

Jarred looked at Rick "There should be a mission outline in a second file." there was an obvious pause as Jarred keyed in a command to transfer a copy of the orders he got with the mission brief, "Do you have th file now?"

Karen dragged a hand over her forehead and into her hair and held it there as she read the transmission.

"I don't like this," she said as she scrolled down the page,, "and this excursion will not be allowed to interfere with our wider objectives regardng the Romulans, Admirlal Brailsford will see to that at his level. Lieutenant Wallace, you see to that at your level. Understood?"

Jarred wasn't about to cause an interstellar incident "I doubt we'll attract any unnecessary attention, we're going to keep a low profile."

Vincent had been in one of the promenade cafes when he had received the top priority request. He had ducked into one of the washroom cubicles so that he could read the orders in private. Upon completion he let out a single expletive.

"Keep it down in there," shouted the geriatric Bolian in the cubicle next to his. He added, "You're not the only having trouble," but Vincent had already left the washroom and the cafe, heading as quickly as he could to the Intelligence department, over 100 decks up.

"I just want to throw my 5 cents in here commander," said Dunham chirping on her comm to Wallace, "and say that I don't like it either."

"If this were coming from any other department we'd feel alot better about it I'm sure, and considering the nature of the orders I'm concerned that we could be going on a wild goose chase but at the same time if this wreckage has some value we should proceed before other parties get interested." Jarred said hoping that his point would be made.

"Its not the origin of the orders, its the route by which they reached us,," Karen asserted, "and the target. Wrecked Borg vessels that might be emitting homing beacons are not something I want close contact with. Discrete is the name of the game, Wallace," she said, "any sign alien activity and you abandon this mission. Understood?"

"If the ship is borg in origin I have orders to abort to begin with, if its anything else orders are to recover any salvageable tech and destroy the rest." Jarred said

Dunham shrugged, "kick tires and light the fires."

"Keep me informed, Gentlemen," Karen said, "Villiers out."

"Well then what are we standing here for?" Jarred paused "Computer program wallace three bravo, engage"

The site to site transporter program engaged beaming the two men too hangar 18, "Its not much but its low profile, and its full equipped, USS Darkstar."

Whilst the other two men were admiring the small craft, Vincent huffed into the hangar. "Bloody hell, can't you lot stay in one place for more than two minutes?" he wheezed, leaning against the bulwarks to catch his breath.

"The lift was out on deck 25 so I had to take the stairs up to your office," he pointed an accusatory finger at Jarred. "And then I walk in only to see you two beaming out. I think I threw out my back trying to get down here. Now what's all this about the Borg?"

Jarred rolled his eyes, "Technological recovery directive seven three nine epsilon, chances are its not the borg just some long forgotten DY series that crashed." Jared said refering the rarely used directive permiting intelligence to conduct an investigation into unidentified wreakage.

Frankly, Vincent could not care if it was seven three nine epsilon or seven three nine rho, or sigma, or tau. He was tempted to say as much, but decided to keep his thoughts to himself. "Doesn't matter. How can I help you?

"Help Dorian keep the local black marketeers busy and keep any eye on the romulans and Cardassians if they get a sniff of this mission send a message to Ayers down in cryptography, in the open I might add, 'shadows fall' he'll know what to do." Jarred asked his counter part.

"All that running around I don't even get a seat on the ship for this road trip?" Vincent spread his hands in mock surrender. "I'd hardly call it fair, but I'll do my job."

Dunham just shook his head slowly in despair.


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Lt Richard Dunham

Lt Jarred Wallace

Lt Vincent Tan