Judgement – Flashback Part 2
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   Flashback Part 2
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Tue Oct 19, 2010 @ 6:33pm
Location   Temple of Isosis
Timeline   6 years ago
Jana watched the rubble come down around her in the temple, her own screams echoing against the rubble before it feel on top of her knocking her unconscious.

She felt warmth on her body, Jana slowly opened her eyes and she was no longer in the temple. Groaning she sat up gently to try and get her bearings. She couldn't recognize her surroundings, she was on a grass hill, the tres in the background were blurry, ~Perhaps it because the sun is so bright?~ Jana thought to herself.

Jana saw a dark shadow come towards her, as it got closer she saw that it was Damon. Her heartbeat and her breath quickened. ~Oh God...I've died.~

Damon extended his hand to her, "Hello Jana." He said simply. "You're not supposed to be here." He added looking concerned.

"You will only shake my hand? I loved you...we were to be married and you only want to shake my hand?" She didn't reach out to take his hand.

His arm dropped to his side. "I was going to help you to your feet." His gaze seemed to look through her. "Jana, I can't embrace you. Not yet. This isn't your time. You're not supposed to be here." He repeated.

"So I am dead." She sighed and got up on her own. "Damn that Luesha! What do you mean that it isn't my time...don't you want us to be together? Don't you love me anymore?...or what Luesha said true...that you two slept together..."

Damon shook his head, "No you aren't dead, that's why you can't be here, why we can't be together yet. You have to go back."

"Then what is this place?" She asked suddenly frightened.

He stepped closer to her, his presence having a calming influence. "Think of this as a place where choices are made." He was quiet for several seconds. "What happened between me and Luesha was a mistake. And it was before you and I were together."

"Then I can choose to stay with you." Tears formed in her eyes but they did not fall. "Please...let me stay with you."

"That's not an option" Damon smiled at her sadly. "The choice is this: Stay and lose me forever, or go back, finish your life and return to me when the time is right."

"I don't understand...why would I lose you forever? I don't want to live without you. My life is so dark without you..."

"This isn't your time, therefore your life is not complete. To die now is to lose everything, to live, to bring light where there is darkness, will complete you. That is the only way we can be together. There is still to much left for you to do." He answered her cryptically.

"My life isn't complete with you! Why can't you see that?..."

"This isn't about me" Damon responded. "Perhaps I shouldn't have come, you need to look beyond me, see the life you still have left, the wonders yet unseen, our time together will come, but not yet."

"No! Don't leave me...not yet. Come and sit by me, just for a little awhile...I need to figure out what to do." She sat back down on the hill and wrapped her arms around her legs pulling them to her. "I don't know how to go on without you."

"Yes you do." Responded Damon. "And I'm not the only man who will feature in your life. You will meet another."

Jana looked at him and touched her hand to his cheek. "I could never love someone as I love you Damon. You are everything to me."

He shook his head, "You will meet another , a healer, and he's a better man than I could ever hope to be."

"You were always good to me." She looked down at her hands and they were starting to fade. "Damon?" Jana looked back up at him. She knew that she was being forced back into a life where she only saw darkness. She tried to reach out to him but she was fading. "I love you..." She whispered.

A smile curled across his lips as they moved soundlessly, Damon faded into oblivion, with him went the strange warm blurry world.

Jana opened her eyes, the dust had settled around her but she was pinned under rubble and couldn't move. "Damon..." she whispered. She laid there waiting for the darkness to take her over again, perhaps this time forever.


Lt. Jana Kasikova

Damon NPC'd By Lance Murdoch