Cascade – It starts with a ... (Starfleet Mission thread)
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Rakka & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   It starts with a ... (Starfleet Mission thread)
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Rakka & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sun Oct 14, 2012 @ 9:03pm
Location   Main Conference Room
Timeline   SD70: 09:30
OOC: I've no idea where the original post of this has gone. It was posted, because I received the email in my inbox. Here it is again.


Karen strode into Ops, having just come from a meeting with the latest Federation Special Envoy. She understood the need for independent representation for the civilian Government, but the inclusion of that Office on a Starbase always made her uneasy - the balance between Starfleet Diplomatics, JAG and Civilian Diplomatics was rarely an easy one to achieve. Still, Karen had not yet formed a firm opinion of the new arrival, half Vulcan, and half Orion as he was, it seemed he had internal balances of his own to achieve too.

There was another thing on Karen's mind, today was the day that Captain Tahir was returning to duty after prolonged leave, she wanted to be sure that everything was as Tasha had left it.

Karen had to wonder why there were so many people she had uneasy relationships with - the Bajoran Ops Chief was one of them ... she was beginning to suspect that she was the common denominator in the equation.

"Anything I need to be aware of Chief?" she asked, putting that particular question aside for the time being.

The large Bajoran looked up at the woman. He'd not known her for very long, and their relationship had certainly not begun on the best of terms, but despite that he could tell there was something weighing on her mind. Any other day he would have reminded her of the long list of minor maintenance and repairs that he and his chronically understaffed team would be undertaking and which, unless something went wrong, would go unnoticed and unpraised - such was the life of a Chief of Operations. However, as she had already been informed of these minor operations, given her seemingly preoccupied state Relma decided it was probably best not to mention all this and the various requests he had submitted about particular transfers and personnel requests. "Morning, Commander." He replied "Nothing beyond some minor, scheduled, maintenance work later."

So business as usual. Karen nodded and was about to retreat to her office when an alarm sounded.

"What is it?" Karen asked the nearest communications officer.

"A distress call," was the reply.

"On audio," Karen requested. The message was crackly and uneven as though something was interfering with the signal - a male voice through the noise.

... hailing all Federation vessels ... we are indep {crackle} onists. {crackle} are thirty of us, resettling Iv {crackle} rime. We've come under attack ... from, from we don't know wh {crackle}. Federation ves {crackle} assistance. Ivor {crackle} ...

At which point the communication ended into sharp silence. "See if you can clean that call up," Karen requested before turning towards the Chief Communications Officer. "Do you think you can trace the origin of that?"

"Shouldn't be a problem." Petro replied, working her fingers on the console in a blur. "It's coming from Ivor Prime." she said, continuing to clean up the message. This is Ivor Prime hailing all Federation Vessels. We are an independent group of colonists. There are thirty of us resettling Ivor Prime. We've come under attack from, from we don't know what. These creatures are....Federation Vessels in the area we require immediate assistance. "Ivor Prime colonists are... That's where the message ends.

"Computer, assemble Department Heads and their representatives in the main conference room. Briefing in fifteen minutes," she requested.

[Personal Quarters]


"ugh. . ." Si'Lar groaned in pain as he pulled his forehead back from the leg of the table in front of him. He rubbed his head as his eyes slowly opened and looked around. It was several moments before the room stopped spinning long enough for him to recognize that he was staring upward at the ceiling of his personal quarters.

To his left, he could see the mostly empty bottle of Reprovian Ale that he had enjoyed the night, late-night, and early morning before. To his right he could hear the consistent chirping of his comm badge as he screeched for his attention.

=/= "Trellis, here" =/= he said in a hoarse tone.

=/= "Si'Lar Trellis, Lieutenant, Department of Security. You have been summoned to the Main Conference room by Commander Karen Villiers." =/= the automated tone stated.

Si'Lar dropped the badge and sighed heavily as he tried to regain his bearings. =/= "I'm on my way. Trellis out." =/=


Bruce had just about to begin his daily rounds when the message came through. He passed off the duty to a junior engineer and made his way to the conference room. He knew that he had a while before the time that had been given but he had been late on enough occasions he figured it would be best to show up early this time around since he could. He entered the room and took his customary seat. It was a strange feeling to be the first one, and see the room empty. Waiting for the rest he pulled out a padd and checked to make sure there wasn't any major repairs that were going to need his attention.


A few minutes after Karen left for Ops, Tasha ordered another cup of Bacardi laced Coffee, a blend she had become rather accustomed to after visiting the Bacardi Rum Distillery in the holodeck version of Nassau. Tasha oddly felt out of place as she strode onto the raised platform above Ops and leant on the railing and took a small sip of the hot beverage as she watched Relma and Karen from her vantage point. Her attention was then caught by Petro on the communication console as she listened intently to the J'Naiis running report.

A small flashing on the Operations console caught Meryn's attention. The signal resolution of the long-range sensors was appalling and at this point they needed every bit of information they could get and his team in the long-range sensor array appeared to only be making matters worse. The problem, he mused, of only having Ensigns as maintenance team leaders. Grabbing his toolkit he headed for the nearest exit to go and handle matters personally.

Shortly following the anomalies dissipating from around the station. Things started to come back to a normal starbase routine for David. He started going into more routine propulsion system diagnostics on docking ships. He had had a chance to improve upon some of the starfighter propulsions sytems. Things were looking up. Something seemed a bit monotonous about it though. David could easily feel numb about engineering.

It was just another routine day on duty for David. He had a report that was to be delivered to Ops regarding some of his findings from the Nelvana System. He stepped onto Deck 12 to the Ops department. He hadn't been here before. It seemed like any other ops station that would be aboard a starship, but this wasn't a starship. The ops deck was overwhelming. Access terminals and junior officers were all over the deck. David had some experience with ops. His father had shown him the basics on his shore leave times when they would spend time together. As David looked around, He saw someone on a platform above the deck. It looked like the Captain. David had read the personnel file on the Captain but didn't formally meet her yet. David felt an urge to call out and say hi but it wouldn't be appropriate. He proceeded through the deck.

David approached an ops officer. Lieutenant Salzburg was his name. He stood a bit taller than David. He was working at his station as David approached him.

"Lieutenant, I'm Ensign David Straggard. I'm here with my report on the Nelvana system mission as well as the sensor logs from our scans of the system." David said as he handed the PADD to the Lieutenant.

Lt. Salzburg read over the PADD. "Good work ensign, these would update on our knowledge of the Nelvana System since we haven't been there since the Romulan threat that was believed to be there. Say, Ensign... have you seen much of the ops division?" He asked.

"No sir, I've had some experience of ops but haven't served officially in a position of ops." David answered.

"Well, here's one of the main ops stations. I usually work here. The one over there is the one used by the chief ops officer, Chief Relma." The lieutenant said as he pointed over to the Chief. A Bajoran.

David and the Lieutenant both looked back to the terminal in front of them. The Lieutenant showed David some of the controls and entered David logs while doing so to show David how his work would be used. As they talked, an indicator came on the long range sensors. Salzburg tapped some keys to localize the scan and find out what it was. He paused for a split second and sent his findings over to the Chief. The alarm sounded in the station. David looked over at the Chief, he was gone.

"Ensign, take over this station as I go take over the Chief's station. He's been called to a department meeting. Seems we're on red alert." The lieutenant raised his voice a bit to speak over the alarm sound. David took the station. This was going to be interesting.

[Main Conference Room]

Rex had been working in the conference room when the comm message chirped through this comm-badge. He placed his tea cup back onto the saucer, the tea within the cup gone cold as Rex had been involved in data-padd regarding trade negotiations between Relina ll and Darak Prime.

He began to tidy away the several data padds scattered across the large table after realising the state he had got the conference room into during his study. He preferred to study away from his office as distractions where limited, he once managed to spend three days working in a cargo bay.


"Come on, come on!" Saria muttered, tapping the call button of the turbolift a dozen times. "I don't have the whole day."
However, a few seconds later, the doors finally went open, and Saria was ready to walk in, but nearly collided with a Cardassian that departed the lift.

"Salmakt" She greeted the Cardassian.

"Hintik" The Cardassian replied, as he walked along.
Saria jumped into the turbolift, and held to the wall-mounted railing. "Main Conference Room, and fast!" She said. The turbolift began to hum directly, and Saria felt the motion of the elevator.

The turbolift finally reached the designated deck, and Saria strolled out quickly. She lept quickly trough the corridors, pushing herself trough the officers that walked in an opposite direction. She finally reached the door of the conference room, as they slid open. She peeked trough it, to take a quick look. She could see Commander Villiers, Lieutenant Mett and Lieutenant Freeman already sitting, so she decided to enter the room normally.

"Sorry if I'm late, there seems to be a lot of traffic on this deck." Saria smiled, as she took a seat on the left side of the table.

Rhiana walked in coffee number twelve in one hand pad in the other hand, not caring that she was late, after the thorough thrashing she took from another admiral in some office on some god-forsaken outpost about some report that she never wrote and she could frankly care less about any reprisal from the Captain at this point, it was more of a 'oh please could you reprimand me, could you please with a house arrest on top.' she just took a seat and waited for what ever to happen.

[Turbolift en route to Conference Room]

Commander Rakka hadn't been specifically invited to this meeting but it hadn't escaped her notice, and she would be damned if she would be excluded from whatever had necessitated the gathering of the Department Heads. She had no idea what this Si'Lar Trellis was doing behind the desk she had not so long ago vacated, but she was mildly disturbed that he hadn't made any attempt to contact her since her arrival and subsequent assignment.

~I'm your consultant... consult me, dammit.~

The doors of the lift she was waiting for swished open and, by coincidence, she found Trellis himself inside. Here was an interesting opportunity. She stepped inside and, in classic elevator tradition, crisply turned her back to the rear wall to face the doors as the lift resumed.

"Why, good morning... Lieutenant. I hope you don't mind if I accompany you to the meeting," she said, her tone strongly suggesting that whether or not he minded was of little consequence to her.

Trellis' mind was far and way as his mind was consumed with other thoughts. He had grown so used to the steady hum of the turbolift that he never noticed when it had come to a stop, or when the doors swished open, or even when the other officer spoke to him.

Rakka turned to study the officer next to her, who appeared to be miles away. She cleared her throat noisily. "Lieutenant, are you well?"

"Huh--uh, wha?" He said, completely caught off-guard as he tried to catch the last portion of her sentence in hopes that it wouldn't look like he was completely disconnected from the moment.

"I asked if you were well!" the Nausicaan barked. "I hope this sort of exchange is not going to be representative of all of our dealings together."

"Oh, I uh. . .I apologize, my mind was focused on. .on..other matters." He said as he straightened his tunic and tried to appear in control of himself. "I. .. I...I've been occupied with various station matters and I have not had a chance to speak to you in regards to the incident several weeks back in front of Captain Tahir." He said, attempting to find a delicate way to broach the subject of her accusing him of being a whino.

"I. . I've come to, or that is to say, I . . .I hope that you and I can still have a professionally func- erh, amicable working relationship." He was finally able to get out. "I believe that there is much that you can off-- or that is to say, I can learn--I mean, it would be beneficial to use your experience in dealing with, or no I mean. . being in charge of the Department of Station Security." He said as he tried to calm his nerves.

Rakka ground her teeth together for several moments, considering. "I do not appreciate bullsh*t, Lieutenant," she said succinctly. "It is far past time for you to put on your big-boy pants. No one knows better than me how difficult your job is, but if you cannot handle it, it is your responsibility to communicate that."

With his mouth agape and brow furrowed he stared upward at the Nausicaan as she stood with an unwaveringly diminutive presence.

"I-I I am fully capable of runn--or just being the Chief of Security!" He said defensively. "If you would just see tha--" Before he could finish his response the lift came to a stop.

Rakka stepped out ahead of him. "I am waiting for you to prove it," she tossed back as she strode for the conference room.

Trellis was taken aback. Silence was all that filled the turbolift as he stood there for several moments digesting what she had just said.

"Wha. .wel. . Commander!" he finally managed to utter as he strode after the Nausicaan. "I'll have you know that I have done a lot as head of the department. I. . .that's to say I. .I. ." as searched for the proper words. "I have had to deal with a full-scale race riot on the promenade, I've had to handle the trial of Commander Gabriel and that doesn't even began to touch on the murders in the Box of Delights!" he said defensively.

"I-I feel. . I mean that I jus--I I think that you are being unfair!" he stated poignantly.

Rakka sighed to herself and waited for him to catch up. "Well I think that you are a drunk," she said bluntly, "but I think we ought to continue this little game after the meeting."


TBC ...