Beg, Steal or Borrow – That's not supposed to happen
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Warrant Officer Christopher Hudnall & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   That's not supposed to happen
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Warrant Officer Christopher Hudnall & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Fri Jul 03, 2009 @ 2:03pm
Location   Strategic Ops
Timeline   SD 9 - 10:30
OOC: Seems like Strategic Ops has a newbie!


Gabriel read the padd several times before standing up and grabbing his jacket and heading out the door. "That's not supposed to happen" he said more to himself than anybody else.

*Taps* "Gabriel to Lieutenant Tan, I want a meeting with you and your department, ASAP." Gabriel said quickly closing the unit and opening another line. "Gabriel to Lieutenant Dunahm, meet me in Strategic Operations." he said just as quickly.

It wasn't every day that a debrief field just blew up for no reason several hours after a battle and just when a group of Starfleet fighters attempted to investigate. At the moment Gabriel wasn't sure if it was a plot, or merely negligence on the part of the involved pilots, however he knew that a booby-trapped Romulan wreckage meant that more trouble was possible.

[A few minutes ago at the Red Lion Inn in the Main Promenade]

Vincent allowed himself to be steered in the general direction of a civilian bar by the somewhat boisterous fighter pilots. They had obviously spent a much longer time on Deep Space Five than Vincent had and seemed to have a good knowledge of the local watering holes. He wondered whether it was against regulations for the pilots to drink alcohol whilst on active duty but a promise was a promise, even if Vincent had made it over a comms channel whilst sighing in relief.

Dunham walked behind watching the rest of his squad shuffle the lieutenant into the bar was smiles and cheers. Dunham himself had a small smile on his face and looked proudly at his men. They had had a close call earlier today but each member of his team had performed admirably and with courage and even though he had only been on the station a couple of days he felt a close comradeship with his fellow pilots. This opportunity for drinks was fortuitist as Dunham had been looking for a chance to get to know better the members of Bravo wing. He gave Vincent a light slap on the back and a smile as they walked up to the bar "This is appreciated Mr Tan. Mines a whiskey"

A general cheer from the rest of the pilots quickly told that they too would be drinking whiskey. Vincent opted fro something lighter with more bite. He had been up for nearly twenty hours already and needed a good strong pint of Guinness. Paying for the drinks from his sizable personal account, he brought them back over to the corner table where the pilots had settled in.

Dunham got up and raised his glass waiting for silence. The squad hushed their giggles and he spoke. "A toast. To Mr Tan. Who if hadn't spotted that that thing was booby trapped we would all be atoms now." Dunham proffered his glass. "Mr Tan!" the rest of Bravo wing got up and in unison also said. "Mr Tan!" They all sat down again and began chatting away.

Despite the general din of the pub, Vincent heard the distinctive chirp of his commbadge. Swearing softly he listened to the request - nay, *demand* - made by Lt. Commander Gabriel. "Bloody hell!" he let out in frustration. "He hasn't got that extra half pit for an hour and he already thinks he's the monkey's arse!" Swigging down his pint as quickly as he could he rose to leave, waiting for Dunham, who had also been summoned, to follow him out.

In a theatrical comical fashion Dunham banged his fore head against the table edge with a exasperated sigh. "Bloody hell" he mumbled. He picked up his whiskey glass and downed his drink. He gave a defeated shrug and a sympathetic smile to Tan who seemed to feel like he did. He got up and headed out of the Bar with Tan.

Chris was sitting in his quarters unpacking thinking about his time on the USS Daedalus and about the new friends he left behind then he looked down on his desk and there it sat the letter from home. He sat their wondering what was in it, not sure if he should open it or not when he glanced over hoping to find something else to do and finds his pad and looks over whats been going on the ship. After sitting his pad down he comes face to face with the letter he takes a deep breathe and picks it up at the same time his combadge goes off it's Lt. Tan "Lt. Commander Gabriel wants to meet with us" Chris responds with a "yes sir" and puts the letter down. He steps out of his quarters and starts down the hall wondering what this meeting will be about.

Dunham and Tan both came into the room.

As Chris walked down the hall and stops at the doors he checks his uniform then walks through the door and sees the Lt. Command, Lt. Tan, and Lt. Dunham as Chris looked around the room he said "Hello everyone how we doing?"

Gabriel had arrived in the room several minutes before Tan and Dunham and had continued to read the padd while waiting for the other officers to arrive. He looked up and saw Dunham and Tan arriving at the same time. Before he could fully stand to address the two he saw the younger officer arrive behind them with a greeting.

"Everybody is fine, Warrant Officer, this isn't happy hour, we have work to do." Gabriel said to Hudnall as he stood-up fully. He slid the padd in his hand across the table towards Lt. Tan and Lt. Dunham.

"Do you mind explaining this?" Gabriel asked to both men.

Dunham answered professionally. "Sir myself and Bravo wing were examining the Debris Field with Mr Tan working point in Op's. In our search sir we came across a object approximately eight foot long and 4 feet in width. It appeared to be some sort of capsule that was giving off no reading to sensors it was like it was impenetrable sir. Mr Tan via comms advised that it looked like some sort of middle section of a Narvasam'al tender craft but was missing outriggers and such. So we enhanced our sensors to take closer look. Though we detected no life forms we did pick up an odd energy reading.

"Well I can see that, I may not be a qualified pilot, but I know enough that debris fields are supposed to randomly explode. What happened out there and what does it have to do with the recent Romulan battle?" Gabriel responded.

"I'm not sure if Mr Tan got a hunch or recognized the energy patterns as something dangerous. But if he hadn't told us to get the hell out of here we wouldn't be talking right now Sir." The pilot said with confidence in his voice,

"It just didn't look right," Vincent said and left it at that. How could he explain that he had seen it before in a training scenario at Starfleet Command School when everyone thought he had never been there?

"Do you think that it might had been a trap to take out some of are crew and make it seem like a accident and we just got lucky or maybe there's more to this then meets the eye?" Hudnall said.

"I think the incident should be treated with suspicion. That was a big blast we flew out of." Said Dunham

"Maybe we should visit again see what caused it and possible tighten station security because it's possible they could have tested our reaction and they might try take a shot at ds5?" Said Hudnall.

"I have a fighter wing guarding whats left of the wreck. We can take out the USS Leda and have a look?" said Dunham.

"I say we go have a look but this time treat it different treat it like a trap and not a just debris field and what should we do about this object?" Hudnall said.

"The object exploded. Though there maybe more out there." Said Dunham with the respect due to a warrant officer

Vincent silently observed this. This Hudnall was certainly very keen. Maybe he could be of assistance in Vincent's "inquiries"?

"Oh i'm sorry for reading it wrong, do you think that there could be another one waiting for us?" Hudnall asked "When is the last time that anyone has checked with the pilot guarding the wreck?" Hudnall said.

"The squad has been ordered for to keep eyeballs only on the debris field in case a sensor scan is what set it off. I have told them to keep up their guard but not to enter yet." Dunham replied

"I still don't trust this, has anyone heard from Romulus and what about trying to neutralize whatever is causing these explosion or trying to hide our scans so it won't be detected?" Said Hudnall.

Gabriel listed to the men trade ideas back and forth before he finally interjected. "Good idea, Hudnall. I want you to contact the Romulan Embassy onboard and inform them of the situation and have them explain what could cause one of their vessels to explode like that." Gabriel said, "Don't take no for an answer." he added.

Vincent immediately became suspicious. Gabriel did not seem the type to offer any praise. To anyone. At all. Was this Hudnall character a set-up? Was Vincent's department being infiltrated so that an eye could be kept on him? Had he been rumbled already and his short stint as an intelligence gatherer already over?

"Dunham, retrieve the remains of the explosion and have Ensign Elliot in Operations and someone from Engineering exam the debris with you to determine everything that happened." He said, shifting his attention to the pilot.

"Yes sir. I will take out our Oberth garrison vessle USS Leda and bravo wing to get the job done."

Gabriel looked towards Tan, the man ALWAYS had an opinion or question regarding a situation. "And just what do you propose be done about the situation, Mr. Tan?" Gabriel asked with his arms crossed and leaning against the desk behind him. He took the silence as a response and looked towards the other officers.

In truth, Vincent had nothing to say. Perhaps it would be better to simply observe this one and see how things went. His mind drifted towards Hudnall's obersvation - "trap" had been the word he used. Not "ploy" or "decoy", but "trap". The key, Vincent believed, lay in who set that trap and what they hoped to achieve by it. It did not seem impossible for that trap to have been set by someone on DS5, perhaps even someone sitting opposite him right now...

"Do you think that is safe bringing that here?" the Warrant Officer asked. " Maybe it can blow again or that's what they were counting on the first time you bringing it here?" he added. "I'll go take care of that right away if that's ok?" he asked.

"I trust that Dunham's squad can safely secure the device without any more bombs going off and nearly killing anybody. Just to be on the safe side, Tan, you evaluate the debris from a safe distance and make SURE there are no live ordinances left." Gabriel stated.

"Sir We will get the job done sir" said the pilot

Chris looked around the room wondering if anyone else had anything to add. He wanted to get underway with his first mission on ds5 and carry out his order's and at the same time hoping the new's he's going after isn't bad. Chris stand's their hoping he won't have to bring bad new's back from the Romulan Embassy.


A Post By

Lt. Cmdr.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Lieutenant (j.g.)
Vincent Tan
Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Warrant officer
Chris Hudnall
Assistant Chief Strategic Operations Officer