Judgement – Plea Bargains
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Plea Bargains
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Oct 18, 2010 @ 9:25pm
Location   Deck 56. Court Complex
Timeline   SD 35 16:00

The communications array in front of i-Orinwen beeped once before displaying the face of a harassed looking human. He didn't bother with pleasantries. "This is the federation penal facility at Rigel III. Please inform Ambassador t'Khellian that the prisoner she wanted to speak to is ready now."

"I will put you through," i-Orinwen said. Like most of the consulate staff she did not agree with the Ambassador's decision to take offices in the court complex for the duration of the trial, it left her somewhat exposed if someone took it into their head to harass her for prosecuting a Starfleet Officer. But t'Khellian had been quite insistant on the point - she wanted to keep the role of ambassador separate from that of prosecutor and she chose to do that through a change of location.

Isha had not wasted any time in tracing the players and authenticating the recording that Getal had brought her. As i-Orinwen spoke to her she was however impressed with the speed at which the Federation had dealt with her request. She paused, her hand on the Cardassian padd as the human showed up on her screen.

"You have my prisoner?" she said. "May I speak with him?"

Instead of speaking further the screen flickered, and the human was replaced by that of a Cardassian, who blinked in surprise at seeing a Romulan on his screen. "Good day, Madam. I'm told you wish to speak about Ensign Gabriel." He made no effort to hide the hate that lit his deep set eyes when he spoke the name.

"Indeed," Isha said. This appeared to be the man who Gabriel had spoken with in hte recording, the one named Garson, "He's a Lieutenant Commander now," she continued, Isha wanted it all to come out while she had complete control of the situation, and the notion that Gabriel was still alive, well and had been promoted was sure to irk the man on the other side of the screen.

"Well, as they say, cream isn't the only thing that floats." Garson replied in an affable tone that was contradicted by the quivering rage that trembled through his entire body.

"I did not contact you to gloat," Isha said. "Gabriel has become something of a nuisance; my government, and your government and even the Federation government want the matter cleared up once and for all. I have given the responsibility of prosecuting Gabriel on a charge of murder, I believe that you have evidence which can add to my case, and in return for your co-operation it may be possible to secure your repatriation ... something to consider unless you have become particularly fond of the facilities there on Rigel III."

His interest was piqued. "Repatriation under what conditions?"

"You trade a Federation prison for a Cardassian one," Isha said though she could hardly imagine that his own people would treat him any better that the Federation, not a pirate. "If your evidence is convincing I will secure agreement that your sentence be reduced," she suggested.

"Madam, I desire nothing less than to picnic on Gabriel's freshly filled in grave. I was hoping for a better offer."

Isha sucked a breath through her teeth, "You Cardassians are nothing if not direct," Isha observed, too direct in her opinion. "I am sure that if you agree to testify and we are successful that my Cardassian counterpart will see that you are released to do just that."

The very thought of Getal made Isha want to vomit all over again, but she had controlled that feeling while he was in this room a mere hour ago, and she could certainly control it now he had gone, "He may be well disposed enough to see that you are granted a pardon once you return home ... if your evidence is convincing." Until Isha had heard what Garson had to say she was not going to reveal that she had seen the recording of the assault - what he told her would say a lot about how reliable a witness this Cardassian pirate would be.

Garson considered this. Returning to Cardassia and its justice system was not his preferred vision of his future. But this was an opportunity too good to miss. "How about this? I'll tell you off the record what that insufferable piece of skrăgh did to me, tortured me." He paused for effect, "but if you want me to say it in court, then I want a full pardon not an extradition. At the very least to walk away from the court with a two week head start on any of the federation's law enforcers. What do you say?"

"Tell me," Isha leaned forward, resting her chin on her interlinked fingers, "and once I have heard your story ... off the record, I will then decide what it is worth." Garson was icing,his evidence given in person to back up the recording would be a coup but she could live without it. The recording itself was only a garnish to the main case. "I'm listening."

The Cardassian swallowed a growl of anger. Not what he wanted, but the woman had the upper hand. "The bastard tortured me, pure and simple. Physical and Psychological." Garson leant forward as he spoke, recalling the ordeal. "He made me think my friend was dead, threatened me with the same. He beat me, strangled me, dislocated a shoulder," unconsciously. he gave the shoulder a roll. "And when I told him to go to hell he injected something into me that he said would dissolve my eyeballs"

Garson put his face close to the screen. "I screamed and I begged, and I told him everything he wanted to know. I have never know pain like it... And when he got what he wanted, he left the antidote to the last minute and I've never seen properly since. Will that do. Will that get me out of here?"

Isha lowered her gaze. She had seen it. Garson was not exaggerating, nor was he lying; she did not yet know how to make him work as a witness, not when she could not deliver on her promises.

"I know," she said taking her decision. "Mr Garson, if you will agree to testify, I will do what I can to secure you a legal pardon. Off the record, should I fail in that, I can guarantee your head start ... I have friends who can extract almost anyone from almost anywhere," she added making an unnecessary reference to her recent walk into her own past. "What do you say, Mr Garson, should I arrange your transfer?"

The pirate didn't hesitate. A shot at freedom, and a chance for revenge on the despised Gabriel. "Do it!"

"Very well," Isha said with a nod. The exact terms were something else Isha was going to have to discuss with that Cardassian bastard, but not before she had pulled this witness out of her sleeve in court. If anyone got wind of this witness ahead of time, Isha was not going to be too particular about the remedies she ordered.

"Paperwork allowing, you will be back on Deep Space Five late tomorrow ... late the next day at the latest. But all that will be done for you," Isha had not forgotten that the man was a criminal, "Instruct your guards that they may accompany you to my court offices. We will talk further then."

Garson allowed himself a smile. "You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to it."

"When you arrive, ask to be conducted to my offices," Isha said, "Good day, Mister Garson."


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Cardassian Pirate
NPC by Notty