Incommunicado – Routine Check Up
by Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Routine Check Up
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Mon Jul 30, 2012 @ 9:21pm
Location   Main Sickbay
Timeline   SD58

Rose had been onboard the station for little under 48 hours and she already had recieved her new uniforms and orders to report for a medical before commencing her assignment. Her encounter with the Commander at breakfast had left her slightly bemused, she wasn't often used to dealing with people outside her aristocratic world.

Rose approached the sickbay doors, entering she took a seat closest to the door and looked around the already bustling sickbay.

A Nurse approached the newcomer and smiled warmly. "Good morning, what can we do for you?" she asked, a padd still in her hand from the patient she had just settled into the nearby cubicle before she had spotted Rose.

"Ah Good morning, Lady Rose Corrigan I was told to report for my medical, I do hope I have the right place!" Rose responded as she had gotten lost several times today.

"Ah, if it's a scheduled medical then the CMO will have your Padd. If you'd like to come this way, I'll tell her you're here Lady Corrigan." the Nurse replied, indicating the way up the long, vast facility towards the central hub and into a side cubicle which contained a bio-bed and an array of read-outs, mostly installed into the monitors on the walls or out of the bio-arch.

There was a med-kit on one side, also mounted securely into the wall but with what appeared to be a release button. This was in case the kit was needed elsewhere by an away team member or a medic sent to an incident. There were literally dozens of these all around the whole facility. Every wall inside and outside the cubicles, wards and rooms were bristling with them and each was packed with tools, implements and supplies.

The nurse vanished and it was only a few minutes later that the dark haired, dark eyed, softly ridged, semi-Bajoran Commander came in with her characteristic broad smile and sparkling eyes.

"Lady Corrigan, I presume." she asked rhetorically as she put a Padd on the side and held out her hand to shake Rose's. "Welcome to DS5".

"Thank you Commander" Rose asked politely she always made an effort to notice ranks when addressing someone. "I believe I have a scheduled medical?" Rose continued.

"Indeed, everyone does sooner or later. Most say they might as well get it over with." Chelsea agreed affably. "Are you staying long?" she asked conversationally as she set up the medscanner and equipment and programmed it for the standard pre-test assessment to begin with.

Rose took her cue to take a seat at the nearest biobed. "I don't really know, to be perfectly honest with you!" Rose said trying to think of an answer, "Starfleet Intelligence assigned me here as some form of archaeological consultant!" Rose continued trying not to sound negative and hiding her thoughts on what she had already seen on the station.

"Well I hope you enjoy your stay here." Chelsea smiled. "You're all done." She handed Rose a Padd with her certification on it, downloaded from the Medical Mainframe. "You'll need to keep this and present it to your department head, if you have one, or back to me as 2nd Officer if you don't." She grinned dryly.

"Just kidding, I obviously have a copy so if you don't have anyone else you are required to report to then I'll wear my *other hat* and take it myself." she explained the rather obscure reference she had just made lightly.

"Thank you commander!" Rose said taking the PADD and rising from the biobed. "Be seeing you!" She called out as she exited the sickbay.


Commander Chelsea Dunham


Rose Corrigan