Cascade – Research, Research, Research
by Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Lieutenant JG Malak Muz

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Title   Research, Research, Research
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Lieutenant JG Malak Muz
Posted   Mon Mar 11, 2013 @ 4:06pm
Location   Malak's Quarters
Timeline   SD70 2200

Malak sighed as his hand came up to lay on his stomach. The silk against his skin giving a pleasant response to his hand. A slight shake of his head as he sits up,"Computer.. Lights." He offers gently as he goes to stand. He stretches and sighs as he comes up to rub his neck. He slowly walks into the main part of his quarters and to his computer. He slowly sits down and lays back,"Computer.." He offers again,"Pull up information on Lieutenant Junior Grade Saria Rex.."

Not much later, the computer began showing a picture of Saria herself, with another one of the symbiont itself, Rex, underneath it, followed by the personal information.

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Saria Rex, née Merida. Trill, 35th host of the Rex symbiont. Born on the 6th of February, 2364. Graduated in Science at Starfleet Academy, San Fransisco, Earth. Recieved symbiont in 2387 at the age of 23. Served aboard the U.S.S. Lakota between 2386 till 2389, and Deep Space Five from 2389 till present." The computer paused.

"Further information can be found under the sub-categories of Personal, Medical history, Duty history, Personal Science Database and Symbiont Information and History." The computer continued.

The Star fighter Wing Executive softly began to talk to himself as he looked through the information. He reached up to tap at the console as he went to bring up more information on the Symbiont and it's history.

"What are you doing, Muz?"

"Just looking up information, Malak.."


"Because I am curious."

"Yea.. That must be it.."

He sighed waiting for the information, not even sure why he was doing this.

"Level One security clearance required." The computer said.

"Clearance accepted." The computer spoke, revealing a list with names, all ending in "Rex". Even Rex' first host, Toril Rex. But something notorious appeared between the names. One of the names was replaced with the text "Unable to display. Level 6 clearance required."

"Surprise.. Surprise." Malak softly says to himself with a frown as he sits back and closes his eyes. He begins to try in think,"Computer.. Has there been any inquiry by the Trill Government into the life span of the Symbiont 'Rex'?"

The computer went silent for a moment, but eventually began talking. "Affirmative, studies on the Rex symbiont have been done in 1876, 2003, 2152, 2167, 2288, 2355 and 2356. Alternative studies were done by Starfleet Medical in 2330, 2356, 2360 and 2385. The results all concluded that the Rex symbiont was born on the 16th of January, 1137 A.D."

"..And yet there was never any question to it's age?" Malak inquired slowly as he watched the screen,"Are there any known negative effects for a symbiont living so long?"

"Affirmative. Symbiont variants equal to Rex can suffer from Gomak's Disease. Extensive research regarding the disease has been done in the period between 2356 and 2357." The computer confirmed.

"Gornak's Disease - Define.." Malak offers with a frown as he watches the computer screen letting the information come back up.

The computer showed a few fields of texts, along with some photos. "Gomaks's disease. A disease common to the symbiont variants Tc'lat and Pen'boh. Research shows that symbionts of these variants older than 700 to 800 years old have a 78.30% chance of contracting the disease. The disease interferes with the Isoboramine in the bioneural networks between the host and the symbiont. Symptoms include: Emotional fluctuations, temporary memory loss and malfunctioning control of former host's personalities." The computer spoke.

"Computer, can empathic Trill somehow share their disorders with other trill through touch?" Malak softly asked as he sat back,"Can it be transferred somehow, like a Vulcan Mind Meld?"

"Unknown." The computer stated. "Studies show that the disease only appears at Tc'lat and Pen'boh variants. The symbiont also may require to be 700 years and older to contract the disease. Chances for any other symbiont variant to contract the disease by rituals including a Mind Bridge, are slim but unconfirmed.

"I'm not worried about contracting it. I just want to know what's going on with my dreams.." Malak offers softly, even if the computer didn't care or wanted to respond. He had to figure out where these dreams were coming from. He slowly shook his head,"Computer.. Close all windows and delete all records of my research." He slowly stood and reached up to rub his hand on his neck,"And please send a message to Lieutenant Rex - Text format. Text will read 'Thanks for Lunch'." He sighed and stepped away as he turned his back - he needed to get some sleep.


Lieutenant JG Saria Rex (Playing as Computer)
Chief Science Officer


Lieutenant JG Malak Muz (Playing as Paranoid trill)
Starfighter Executive Officer