Interlude – Fellow soldiers and xenophobes
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Fellow soldiers and xenophobes
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Fri Sep 10, 2010 @ 9:29pm
Location   Box of Delights - Holosuite
Timeline   SD30 - After 'How to lose friends and alienate Romulans'

Shaking her head at the idea that since she'd arrived on DS5 this was the second bar that had banned her. And in both cases, she wasn't entirely sure why.

"More alcohol? Boy, you don't stop do you." A voice said, directed at Arrienye. It was Sotar, dressed in very informal attire. Baggy tracksuit bottoms and a shirt that brought out every nook and cranny was what he chose.

Turning her head to look over to her side, Arrienye smirked as she saw Sotar standing close by. "I'll have you know I drank virgin drinks for the past half hour," she told him, turning around to face him, crossing her arms. "What are you doing here? You don't exactly look like you're out for a drink."

"No, I'm out for a fight. I thought I'd get a bit fitter. Y'know, pump up a little."

"Yeah, you probably should. Starting to look a little flabby," Arrienye nodded. Whether she was being sarcastic, teasing him or being just plain serious was hard to tell.

"Your getting a little chubby around the waist too!" Sotar said, teasing her. He had a grin that stretched from ear to ear.

Arrienye looked at his with that smirk and then did a small turn. "This look chubby to you?" she said she did this, finally putting her gloved hands on her waist and looking up at him with a smile.

"Dare I say yes." He said holding his hands up as if to guard from an attack. "C'mon, come train with me. Its either that or go back in and sip virgin drinks."

Arrienye didn't need much time to think about it. It wasn't like she had anything much better to do.

"Your not really dressed for such an event, are you?" Sotar asked, looking at her short dress and long high-heeled boots.

"What? You don't think female officers are trained to fight in these?" she asked, motioning to her boots. "Or are you afraid your defeat will be even more severe knowing that you got beat by a woman in a dress?" Arrienye grinned as she teased him.

"Oh, its on." He said as he paced up the stairs to the holosuite.

"So, what's the game?" she asked him.

"Well, I was thinking about target practice first, then a friendly bout." He said, entering into the suite.

t'Merek nodded, following him inside. "Specific weapon or weapon of choice?" she asked, flexing her fingers.

"I'm feeling generous. Let's have a choice. Computer, spawn the weapon Sotar three." With his final word, the computer responded, and spawned a Cardassian rifle, with a scope and under-sided attachment on it. Definitely not standard issue.

"You use a scope for target practice?" Arrienye asked with a raised eyebrow, eyeing the weapon before giving the computer an order. "Computer, spawn weapon t'Merek six." The weapon that appeared was a rifle with no apparent marking for a species. It appeared generic, in design at least.

"Okay, I'll cut you some slack. Computer, spawn weapon Sotar one." And as before, a Cardassian rifle appeared, this time without the scope, but with a torch and extra attachment on it. "Happy?" He asked sarcastically.

Arrienye raised her eyebrows. "Did I say you needed to switch weapons? I just thought only a really lousy shot uses a scope for anything other than sniper rifle or during an actual battle," she revealed. "But whatever..." she told him.

"Stop confusing me." He bluntly stated with a smile present on his face.

"I would but it's too fun," Arrienye said honestly, checking over her rifle before holding it out, testing its weight.

Sotar laughed, before raising his rifle and aiming down its length. "I like this one more, I think. Let's stop yappin' and start zappin'."

"I would if you actually run the program and stop running that mouth of yours," Arrienye pointed out, giving him a look.

"You should have gathered by now, I'm a Cardassian, I love to talk!" He said loudly. "Computer, engage training program three-delta."

"Yeah, that's my least favorite trait," Arrienye said. "So what do we do?" she asked and, as the first target appeared she blasted it's head off.

"That." He said, laughing. "Try and be more subtle. Or, could make it harder? "Live" targets?"

"That sounds interesting. Any particular species in mind? We need a more suitable environment. And what do you mean subtle? We're going to be involved in a mass shootout, killing holograms in the process, what's to be subtle about?" Arrienye asked him, genuinely confused at his advice.

"I just thought blasting the head off a target seems to lack... finesse." He laughed, realising his words were making barely any sense. "We could try angry Klingon's in a cave network?"

"I like it," Arrienye nodded, readying her rifle. "Actually," she said suddenly. "How about we start outside and the objective is to reach the center with as few shots fired as possible?" she proposed.

"Sounds like a challenge. Let's do it." Sotar exclaimed with an eager smile.

"Good," she smiled. "Wish I hadn't worn these heels now," she mentioned casually.

"Jab 'em into a few Klingon's." Sotar said with a wink. "Computer, begin simulation!" He said eagerly as the cave entrance materialized in front of the two.

"First one to reach the center wins. And don't cheat, I'll check your weapon at the end," she warned him, making her way into the cave and taking the left turn on the first fork.

"Me? Cheat? Never." He said, as he started off into the darkness of the cave.

One hour later

"You cheater!" Arrienye declared dramatically as she stepped over a dead Klingon and entered the central chamber of the cave complex only to find Sotar sitting there, looking quite smug.

"What? You said nothing about beating the crap out of them with the end of the gun!" He said, trying to contain his laughter.

"I'm not saying you couldn't. Hell, I used the butt of the rifle too. I just refuse to believe you got here first!" She was obviously a sore loser. ~Damn heels!~ she screamed at herself.

"Hey, accept it, I beat you fair and square. Come now, I'll even let you buy me a drink."

"The hell I will. Give me your rifle," she demanded, her voice carrying a distinct tone of authority, of someone who is used to ordering other around and being obeyed.

He handed it to her gladly, still laughing whilst doing so. "Accept it t'Merek, it'll be less painful." He said, patting her on the back gently.

"Shut up," she told him, shaking her head at him before checking his rifle over. "Damn, we both have the same amount of shots fired," she groaned, tossing the weapon aside and crossing her arms over her chest. She looked at it. "Congratulations," she finally spat out.

Sotar smiled gratefully. "Hey, I had the advantage, I had less constricting clothing, you had high heels and a dress. I'm pretty sure you would've whooped me if you had proper gear on."

"Don't patronize me like that," Arrienye told him firmly. How dare he 'comfort' her?! She lost! "I lost. It's my fault and it's a lesson to do better next time," she said.

"Hey, easy now. It's just a bit of fun."

"I'll see how you react when I kick your ass tomorrow night," Arrienye told him with a smirk. "I don't like losing," she admitted, as if it weren't obvious.

"I couldn't have guessed." He replied. "And we'll see who dishes out the ass kicking!"

"Yes, we will," she said with a nod. "So, anyway," Arrienye began, sitting down on one of the crates in the central chamber. "I'm surprised Getal didn't impale you when you arrived late the other day."

"Well, he did, verbally." He said, making to walk out of the holosuite. "Apparently he thinks there's a 'traitor in our ranks' or someones got past security. I would tell you more if it wasn't classified."

"I understand," Arrienye nodded. "So, do you want to go get a drink?" she asked.

Sotar smiled with intent. "Does it really need an answer?"

"No," she admitted, shaking her head and hopping off the crate. "But we're not going to the Box of Delights," Arrienye pointed out.

"Whats wrong with the Box?" Sotar asked, genuinely intrigued.

"I was barred," Arrienye said simply, tugging lightly at her boots to adjust them.

"Barred? What for? That doesn't sound like Yolanthe, to ban someone. Let alone someone who likes alcohol as much as you do." He added a small scoff in with his sentence, but realized this was all too serious, so regained his composure quickly.

Arrienye gave him a look before replying. “I made a comment on what a pig Getal is and that it would be best if she didn’t date him. Not that what they’re doing could be called that. Then I flirted with the shy Bajoran bartender, Rosh.”

Sotar gulped in at the mention of the Bajoran. "Getal is a pig, and his relationship couldn't disgust me more, but at the end of the day, it’s not affecting you directly."

"I know," Arrienye nodded, "But I just mentioned it, and she got all defensive. Then, when she saw me flirting with that bartender, she banned me," the Romulan added. "As if I'm the first person in the Universe to flirt with a bartender," she pointed out, rolling her eyes.

Sotar couldn't contemplate Arrienye with a Bajoran. "Let's drop it and drink." He stated.

Arrienye laughed. "That's what I do like about you. You really have a sympathetic ear," she said sarcastically, hopping off the crate.

"I can talk for the Quadrant, but listening... I'm Cardassian, its not my thing."

She smiled, shaking her head. "We'll get along then. I'm an excellent listener," Arrienye told him. Leaving the holosuite and spending the next half hour walking around the two finally settled in a corner booth of a bar on one of the lower decks. Arrienye had seen it passing by after the gladiator match a few nights before and it looked like a place where one could go unnoticed.

"Hey, barkeep, a blue Kanar for myself, and for the lady?" He asked, an obviously exaggerated flirtatiousness in his voice.

Rolling her eyes at him, she asked for the ever faithful Romulan ale.

"A Rommie ale and a Kanar then! My treat!" He loudly exclaimed with even more exclaiming gestures.

"Do you always draw this much attention to yourself?" Arrienye asked him calmly, leaning back in her seat and looking at him critically as she crossed her legs and rested her hands in her lap.

"You have one life; unless you’re a Vorta, why waste it being shy?" He said, the ever present smile still gleaming across his face.

Arrienye smirked, shaking her head again as their drinks arrived. The waiter, a species Arrienye didn't recognize sized her up lewdly. "Walk away or limp away, it's your choice," she warned and he was smart enough to take the advice, leaving quickly.

"Do you always draw this much attention to yourself?" Sotar mimicked.

She grinned. "Very funny," Arrienye told him, sipping her ale.

"I know, aren't I just?" He replied with a smug grin.

"Hysterical," she said with a hint of sarcasm evident in her soft voice. "So, how long have you been in the military?" she asked him finally.

"Since the legal age... So, a long time." He said, the smile fading. "I was a raw recruit. Y'know, the type you mock for being clumsy, stuttering, that sort of thing."

Arrienye listened. "No one ever mocked me to my face," she said. "But you hear people talking behind your back," she added.

"I can't fathom why, I'm sure you must've broken more than a few noses back then?"

"Well, I was well prepared for the courses but, I was different. Physically, for one," she told him, motioning to her unnaturally blue eyes.

"And that makes a difference because...?" He asked, clue out of his mind why blue eyes would change combat.

"I was different. People treated me differently. I was also a Merek and that always tends to carry some apprehension from others."

"I'm a Telet, which has absolutely no weight in the name at all."

"I'm sure that's not true. Every family has a social standing," Arrienye said. "And you must've added something to it."

"Sure? 'Sotar, servant of a pig!' adds great distinction to the Telet name" He said, laughing a little, finding his own misfortune funny in some way.

"Well you must be the first something in your family, or were you all Getal's little henchmen?" she asked, unsure what he found funny in his current position. When she got sent here it took her weeks to calm down.

"I'm the first Glen in my family, which is hardly worth of note."

"Well you're the first either way," Arrienye told him. "I'm the first female child of my House in four generations," she revealed. "But I'm also the youngest member ever to reach the rank of Arrain. Seven years."

"Blimey... Seven years?" He asked, leaning in.

Arrienye nodded proudly. "Yes," she said with a bright smile that looked very sincere, mostly because it actually was.

"Not bored of the title? Not even thought about reaching for that promotion?" He asked, his mouth seeming to jabber on, and for once, taking in less alcohol than usual.

"I have. But I've been an Arrain for only four years. Last year I got a great position, but then I got shipped here," she said, looking around at the station surrounding her with a frown.

"I know that feeling. At least the Dominion War had some action."

"Yeah," she nodded, going quiet for a few minutes before speaking again, after a sip of her drink. "Do you ever miss home?" she asked him suddenly.

Sotar responded instantly, with one word that explained more than a PADD or book ever could. "Yes."

Arrienye smiled. "Me too. And I've only been here two weeks. I thought I'd be fine since my cousin is here. But now I'm not speaking to him anymore," she said, feeling surprisingly talkative that night. She would later attribute it to the said incident with her cousin.

Sotar felt it best not to pry. "Count yourself lucky, at least you have someone on this station? Who has old Telet got?" He said with a loud ending to the sentence.

"I'd rather not have my cousin here than have him sleeping with a Bajoran," she said, "And you're not old. You're 28 years old. I'm eight years older than you." He didn't know how she knew his age, but she did.

"Sleeping... With a Bajoran... " Sotar said the words back to himself, with disgust.

"I know!" Arrienye said, looking quite disgusted herself. "It's disgusting! And unnatural!"

"Damn straight!" Sotar said, banging his still quite full glass of Kanar down on the table.

As part of the Kanar splashed onto her face, Arrienye gave him a stare before taking out her handkerchief and wiping the fluid away, not saying a word, though her thoughts were pretty clear in her eyes.

"Oh... My bad. I'm just not used to the idea of the 'Bajoran's as equals' thing yet."

"I completely understand," she said; glad to have found at least one more person who agreed with her. "I know it won't last. It's just some perverted fantasy phase he's going through, I'm sure," she said, trying to convince herself. "I hope," she then added, downing her glass of ale.

"I pray." Sotar added in.

"Mmm,.." Arrienye nodded. "Just thinking about it makes me sick. I mean, how can you find another species sexually attractive?" she asked in confusion.

Sotar shrugged. "I thought we were on about Bajorans, not the entire Galaxy... But yeah, I suppose inter-species sex isn't everyone’s cup of red leaf tea."

"Definitely," Arrienye nodded, giving a slight shiver of disgust. "I'm just mad and disappointed," she said, shaking her head as she sat back.

"I can see why... A Bajoran... Not even a decent species... But a Bajoran."

"And she's Starfleet. Not even an officer. Enlisted."

"Even worse!" Sotar exploded with disgust.

"I know. I'm so ashamed," she said, rubbing her temple, a headache forming.

"A Bajoran... " Sotar repeated to himself.

"I just want to know what the hell she has that he'd want that he couldn't find in a Romulan woman," she explained.

"An earring and a wrinkly nose."

"Unless she's very creative with them I still don't see why he's chasing after her like some hormonal teenager," Arrienye said.

"I don't know... " Sotar said scratching his head.

"Ugh....let's change the subject before I get sick," she said dismissively, feeling sorry for even bringing this up.

"I couldn't have agreed more if you pointed a disruptor at my face."


Glen Sotar Telet
Chief of Staff
Cardassian Embassy

Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
Chief of security
Romulan Consulate