We All Fall Down – Schooldaze: First Steps
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani

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Title   Schooldaze: First Steps
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
Posted   Tue Jul 22, 2014 @ 5:26pm
Location   Education Centre - Deck 157
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1. c. 08:30
"ri'nanov said we had to wait," Eviess whispered to her brother.

"She also said we should not speak Rihannsu, but you are," Argelian shot back.

"I will speak Lloann'su when I have to. I don't see why we couldn't bring our tutor with us." Though outwardly she adapted better than her brother, Eviess had not come to terms with leaving the only home she had known.

"Oh Good Grief." The voice was behind them, and above them. "More vulcans!" It belonged to an Andorian who towered over the twins by a head, if you counted antennae. "We were supposed to be getting fun people in this class."

They turned.

As Argelian began to open his mouth Eviess glared at him, then to make sure her message was received, she elbowed him in the ribs.

As he spluttered Eviees replied with all the arrogance of a feted Ambassador, "What is it to you?"

The Andorian folded her arms across her chest and gave them a smug look. "Because Miss Dianna's class is for fun people. Its a fun class, I like it, and I don't want it ruined by a pair of killjoy greenbloods who wouldn't know fun if it nerve pinched them in the gonads."

Argelian stepped forward, "Then why are you here?" he asked.

"Ignore it." Eviess said in Rihannsu. "Freak."

"Didn't your mom teach you not to be a butthead?" All three spun toward the voice off to their side. Its source was a red haired Human girl; her feet shoulder width apart and her fists on her hips. "I guess she didn't. Because that's what you are. A butthead. Because only a butthead would pick on the two new kids just for being Vulcan."

Just to make it painfully clear who she was speaking to, Gwen marched up to the Andorian child, got right in her face and whispered, "Butthead." Her freckled nose crinkled in disgust, and she added, "And you smell like old graham crackers."

"Pick on someone you're own size squirt," The Andorian laughed. "Oh, there isn't anyone that small. Sorry. Guess I'll just have to pick on all three for you for being no fun." She swiveled to face Eviess, grabbed the girl by the front of her tunic and hoisted her into the air. "And by the way, "Freak". If you think the human can save you, think again." She turned back, and dropped Eviess on top of Gwen as much as she could when the Romulan girl was only a few centimeters off the floor to start with.

Eviess stumbled back, taking Gwen with her.

Argellian squared up, "If you touch my sister again I'll snap those stupid spikes off your head," as he said it he wriggled his forefingers level with his brow."

Rubbing her head where Eviess landed on her, Gwen pulled herself out from underneath the Vulcan and got to her feet. Getting right back in the Andorian's face, she sneered derisively. "My Daddy told me that bullies are just in-sec-sure. But I think you're just a mean buttface!"

Dianna strode into the room, clapping her hands in time to the music on her personal player. Seeing Gwen in the Andorian boy's face, she pulled the earbuds from her ears, her face thunderous.

"Gwen!" she exclaimed. "What is going on here?" She crossed her arms, looking down at her students. The imperious expression across her face demanded answers.

"Miss Dianna, Gwen and the new kids are picking on me." The Andorian, called Cerenne, said quickly "She called me a butt face and they called me a freak! He said he'd break my antennae off!"

"She threw my sister," Argelian said, "and she doesn't like us because she thinks we're Vulcans."

"I did not! Liar. You're just trying to get out of trouble!"

Eviess yanked up her sleeve to the elbow exposing the darkening bruise where it had hit the floor, "You're the liar. Gwen saw."

Dianna's face softened ever so slightly. "Gwen?" She said gently.

Gwen's parents had always taught her to listen to adults and always tell the truth. But she also knew how kids work. Much like prison - you don't snitch. So there was a pull on both ends of her moral compass as she looked up at the teacher. "I called Cerenne a butthead. And the new kids called her a freak and the boy said he'd break her antennas off. But Cerenne was picking on them for being Vulcan first and she threw the new girl on top of me. I was just trying to help them!"

Looking down at the floor, she muttered, "That's what I get for trying to help, I guess..."

In her short life Eviess had already begun to absorb the many lessons about loyalty and friendship through the actions of her mother. Gwen had taken a risk for her. Then even though she hadn't come out entirely on their side, she had stuck to the truth.

"Its not your fault," Eviess told her, "its mine."

The explanations provided by the siblings and the almost-backup from Gwen pretty much jived with what Dianna knew of the little human girl. And although she wasn't as familiar with Cerenne, what she had seen in the past months wasn't all good. Still, she was willing to give the benefit of the doubt, as long as Cerenne came up with a REALLY good explanation. Better than her paltry fib, at least.


Caught in her lie, Cerenne was prepared to go down fighting. She'd get even with the little brats later. "Gwen wasn't here when they started it. She didn't see anything. And that one," Cerenne pointed an accusing finger at Eviess, "just said it was her fault. she said it."

Eviess' jaw tightened. This Andorian seemed determined to shirk ANY responsibility. Eviess was happy to get Gwen out of trouble, but she wasn't going to take the blame for something she hadn't done.

Everyone was talking at once.

"You started it," Eviess said, "We didn't even see you until you started calling us names. Miss Dianna, I don't care if you believe me or believe her. My mother will know who the LIAR is."

Fists clenching in anger, Gwen stared daggers at Cerenne. "I didn't SEE the start of it, but that doesn't mean my ears don't work. You're such a bully that the other kids are scared of you - that's why they're all sitting there acting like nothing happened!" At that she pointed an accusatory finger at the rest of class. All of them were watching the scene unfold, and all of them immediately looked away when Gwen turned the attention to them.

Among the gathering one girl murmered to another, someone who had already come to hate Cerenne, "You saw."

"Shuddup, not getting involved."

"That's enough!" Dianna exclaimed over the yelling children. Boy, it could get loud in the classroom. "You four, go back to your seats. It's past time for class to begin. We'll discuss this during the lunch hour. And... I will be contacting your parents." She leveled a steely gaze at Cerenne. "All of them."

Gwen felt her cheeks get hot. She knew her face was probably bright red. Her heart was racing, even though she knew that she didn't do anything wrong - she just didn't want to have them distracted from their duties. 'I wonder which of them will be madder... Probably Mommy - she's got a way worse temper...' she thought as she went to her seat.

Cerenne moved to her seat at the front, giving Gwen and Eviess a smug look. Then she mouthed "Get you later!" to Argelian.

TBC ...


Cerenne, a born bully
NPC by Notty

Gwendolyn Wyman (Gwen for short)
NPC by Corey

Dianna (teachers don't get paid enough)
NPC by Charity

Eviess and Argelian T'Vaurek (First time mingling with the hoipolloi)
NPC by Louise