Judgement – They're Kreepy and They're Kookie The Adams Family
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   They're Kreepy and They're Kookie The Adams Family
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Mon Feb 28, 2011 @ 12:44am
Location   Various
Timeline   SD37 - Afternoon

The USS Windsor docked without a hitch. Her journey from Earth had been uneventful too. Passengers disembarked and a grey haired couple found their way to the waiting area trailing their hover-suitcases behind them.

Chelsea and Summer ran towards them, one hugging each and then swapping, talking nineteen to the dozen as they enquired about their health, the trip and how good it was to see them.

Rear Admiral Adams and his wife were thrilled and relieved to see both their daughter and their grand-daughter in good health. They had been in fear and trepidation as to whether or not they might arrive to find them destroyed by the Pah-wraith or worse.

Mother and daughter began to explain as the walked, each taking charge of a set of luggage, how the wraith had been overcome and what events had happened before this. Adams paled several times during the story and his wife has taken to clutching his arm in alarm too.

Once the happy ending was safely relayed they had almost arrived at the quarters allocated. Their rooms were close to those of Summer and Annika who was in sickbay, resting.

Chelsea left them with Summer, catching up and getting settled, having invited them all to dinner to meet with 'The Dunhams' later.

Kim was awaiting the arrival of the Adams entourage outside their quarters. She was wearing the prettiest dress in her collection and had done her hair up so as to make a good impression. She smiled as they arrived in warm greeting. She presented a bunch of flowers to the new arrivals, "Hello"

Grandma Adams was impressed, in fact she was touched. "Hello!" she replied with a big smile. "Are you Kim?"

"Yes" said Kim enthusiastically, and with a new sense of puffed up pride at being recognised by her elders.

"Chelsea has told me so much about you, i'm so glad to finally meet you". She opened her arms and hugged Kim. "I'm Chelsea's grandma."

"Are you my grandma now to?" said Kim with naive innocence

"I hope to be, once these two get married, if that's okay with your other grandmas. I'm Eleanor by the way. You could call me that, or Ellie, or Grandma Ellie if you like?" she offered. "And this is Grandpa Peter..... " she put her hand across her mouth to one side and grinned at Kim. "He used to be an Admiral, silly ole bear still thinks he's in charge, but we wimminfolk know better than that! Don't we?" she winked and won herself an affronted harrumph from her husband.

Kim smiled, that innocent smile that only comes with one so young. "Admiral....I'm going to be a Marine General one day." She said matter of factly.

"Waste of a perfectly good female Admiral if you ask me" Adams grumbled. "What do you want to be a marine for when you could be a damned good Fleet Flag Officer, bright young thing like you, all the potential for running the Federation." he said, a backhanded compliment of the highest level.

Kim's reply was totally innocent and out of the mouth of babes. "My dad says all fleeters are wuss boyz." She smiled. "Can I take your bags?"

"Your dad's a grunt." Admiral Adams grinned, slapping the huge marine on the shoulder as he handed over his bags to the girl. "But he's right.... Don't tell Chelsea tho... rumour is she's marrying one of 'em... " he chuckled.

Kim's dad blushed baboon bottom red, as his daughter smiled innocently with the admiral. They all piled into the new arrivals quarters, the lights coming on automatically from sensors in the room, it wasn't a fancy set of quarters, just your regular kind, but they were well furnished and had space.

"Where's the replicator?" Ellie said at once. "Tea? Coffee? Soda? What does everyone want?" she took on the role of hostess. It was one she was accustomed to and a real natural at.

"Tea please" Chelsea was first to take her up on it.

"And for me" Summer added, taking her daughter aside on the excuse of putting her parents' bags in their bedroom.

"So, will we have time to talk before you have to get back to work?" she asked. Chelsea looked anywhere except right at her mother. "I... I don't know, it's a busy Sickbay... we...." she started to make excuses, not really knowing why.

"It's okay, you don't have to explain Commander." Summer cut her daughter off. "I'm a career woman myself. Perhaps some other time? That's what I've always said to you, isn't it?" She looked genuine in her regretful quoting of her own past self. Or was it Chelsea's imagination? Was she seeing what she wanted to, or what was really there?

"Mum... " she began, hesitating for a moment and then she seemed to make a decision. "Why don't we slip out. Rick can handle the relatives!" she smirked.

Summer's face brightened into a grin. "Good man that Rick..." she ventured.

"Sure is!" Chelsea grinned back.

"I'm glad Chelsea, I really am so happy for you." Summer replied wanting to hug her daughter but still not yet confident she wouldn't get the rejection she felt might be natural.

Chelsea let that go, still unsure about it herself. They went back into the main area and slipped towards the door. Rick was deep within the room with Kim an Margaret, talking to Peter, Eric and Paul.

Erica was the nearest to the door and Summer touched her elbow.

"We'll be a few minutes. Cover for us please?" she whispered and she and Chelsea slipped away.

Captain Dunham's comm badge suddenly chirped, with a message from the USS Hagnon that she was needed on the bridge with senior staff. She gave Erica and her husband a slightly worried frown, replied that she was on her way. So Margaret with her chief intelligence officer/daughter, and senior Marine NCO/ son in law. had to rush out of the door very quickly. Erica asking very politely to Rick if he didn't mind looking after Kim for a bit as she moved out of the door.

Rick looked around the room. He suddenly found himself on his own with just Kim for support as he sat in his chair opposite Chelsea's grand parents. The phrase 'Between a rock and a hard place' suddenly sprang to his mind.

Kim was still chattering 19 to the dozen about how she was going to be a marine and what Colonel Darson had said to her and her dad and her mum and EVERYone else on the station.

"Sooo" said Rick conversationally slapping his hands together gathering his confidence after Kim had been chattering away. "First off Welcome on board" said Rick politely "I'm glad we could speak under better circumstances than last time."

"Yes, that was *such* a worrying moment." Ellie agreed, nodding with a friendly and sympathetic smile.

"Shall I show you the Promenade, Grammy Ellie?" Kim said suddenly, misinterpreting her uncle's awkwardness. Normally if Rick looked as if he was uncomfortable, it meant Kim needed to make herself scarce so that was what she did.

"Chelsea showed me these really COOL shops on level 142.... I'll take you there and you can see the Bajoran Gardens... and there's a huge atrium - you can see half the Universe... Come on..." Kim got up and began to pull at Ellie's hand, almost dragging her out in her excitement.

Ellie could imagine Rick's feelings and tried to make an excuse but Peter smirked. "No dear, you go with Kimmy, we men can handle it here."

"That's what i was worried about, Peter. Now you BE nice!" she said sternly.

Rear-Admiral Peter Adams (retired) rubbed his palms together too, but for a different effect. "Off you go dear" he answered with a rather serious undertone.

Ellie gave in and went off with Kim. "Don't let him bully you dear" she told Rick as she left.

Rick nodded in agreement. When She was gone. Rick got up moved to a set of cupboard draws and pulled out a bottle of vodka with two crystal glass tumblers. He then returned to his seat and placed them on the table, he poured two glasses. He didn't wait for the former Admiral to pick up his glass. Rick picked up his and took a swig. "So what department in starfleet were you an Admiral of?" he asked conversationally.

"Marines!" Peter joked, laughing heartily at his own joke. "No, I retired a long time ago Richard. My career was a satisfying one and i admit I miss it. But my wife and I were almost strangers when I was active. Summer grew up without much sight of her father. Her brother and sister were older - I was a young officer when they were young, I used to make it home in those days, but Summer was a late arrival in the family and i had climbed the ranks by then. Always in demand somewhere. Never at home, no matter how hard i tried, something always came up."

"So Summer was the third child? That means Chelsea has cousins?" asked Rick trying to connect the dots up in the Adams family tree. Which rather somewhat complicated. Saying that so was his, a bit? At least there were no Klingons involved like his.

"Yes, but my point is that children suffer when a man is too career focussed. How do you view your career, Commander?" Peter asked, to the point.

"Meh" said Rick with shrug of shoulders. "I'm where I wanna be, doing what I want do and I'm happy doing it, I got no real aspirations to push my career further or change roles. I'm a fighter pilot at heart."

"And danger? Should a married man put himself into danger, do you think? Even if his wife says she thinks it's okay and the last thing she wants is to change him in any way.... what about that quandry, in your opinion?" Peter asked.

"We both work for starfleet and have duty to those we are sworn to protect, it is a peace keeping and humanitarian armada, that we work together and serve in, is it fair that a wife could put herself in danger in her role in starfleet?"

"Hardly what i was asking." Peter looked unimpressed. "Nonetheless, perhaps you have questions you might like to know about our family?" he changed tack.

Was that a trick question? Thought Rick to himself, he didn't really have any questions, he didn't really feel it was appropriate to nose into other peoples family affairs, why should he? Surely that was their business? Of course if Chelsea had a family problem he would leap at it to help her, but he didn't need to know any details did he? "I'm not sure I understand your question?"

"There's no danger in it. I'm not here to become your enemy Richard. I've been asking you a couple of questions, I wondered if you wanted an opportunity to ask some of me?" Peter sat back in the chair and swilled the colourless liquid around a little before taking a sip.

He was watching Rick carefully but with a neutral, friendly smile that didn't spread to his eyes. He had eyes like Chelsea's which made it easier for Rick to tell when they weren't connecting.

"No sir I have no questions for you" said Rick with a smile as he spoke politely. He Felt that maybe some sort of trap was being laid out for him.

"Well, we seem to have been left together, so we'll need something to talk about. How about you tell me something about whatever interests you and I'll see if i can find something not to bore you too much with in return." Peter said.

A rock to the head would be better than this, Thought Rick to himself. "Well" he said with smile "we can talk about my third favourite subject if you like. Me? I have many hobbies, I've always had an interest in aviation and its history especially world war two. I enjoy making models from wood of old historical planes. I practice and study Buddhism and also have a soft spot for all things junk food."

Peter sat still for a moment. "Another drink?" he asked, standing up suddenly.

"Yes Please" said Rick a a slightly childish grin on his face. Totally oblivious the potential growing storm and naively thinking everything was ok.

Peter didn't fetch Vodka from the earlier bottle. He collected two Sumarian Sunrises from the replicator. They were *both* going to need something stronger, he had decided.

"So.... my beautiful Chelsea.... all fathers of the bride are meant to ask the grooms to be... are you worthy of her?" he went in for the kill.

Rick put both his feet up on the table in front of him and put both hands behind his back.
"No." He said honestly. "But who his?" He paused a moment. "Tell you what though I'm a better option than the last guy. A Bajoran bloke who ran off with a dancer got his face kicked in by a romulan, then turned out to be a cardassian anyway."

Adams choked on his Sunrise.


A JP Between:

The Adams Family
NPC's by Cmdr Chelsea Adams.


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham
With the Dunham Family