Interlude – War of Words part two
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Arrival Thomas Whitlock

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Title   War of Words part two
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Arrival Thomas Whitlock
Posted   Sat Jun 26, 2010 @ 12:26am
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD25 Lunchtime
Thomas wasn't sure where to start in his investigation of the incident at the Box so he decided to try the Administrative Offices. He strolled through the Promenade, smiling and nodding at some of the others as he passed. He eventually found the door he was looking for and stepped inside. He'd expected the place to be busy, but he was unprepared for the amount of activity in the room. He took a moment to look around and finally saw a woman sitting at a desk nearby that didn't seem to be busy at the moment. He walked over to her desk and sat in the chair in front of her. "Hi," he said to her. "Thomas Whitlock," he added, extending his hand.

"CWO Denoublier" she replied absently without looking up from the padd she was intently completing. After a moment or two, she put it aside and looked at him for the first time. "How can I help you Mister Whitlock?" she asked, showing that despite her lack of demonstration of the fact, she *had* in fact heard and noted what he had said.

"I wanted to talk to you about the recent events outside the Box of Delights," he said to her.

Mercy shifted a little, eyeing him. "In respect of what, in particular?" she asked a little defensively.

"You're too beautiful to look at someone like that," Thomas said to her. "I'm trying to get information on anyone that would want to deface the front wall of the Box of Delights."

"Flattery would work with some of my more empty-headed colleagues" Mercy dismissed the ploy with a shrug. "But not with me. *IF* I had that sort of information, it would not be mine to decide whether to release it to the public at this stage. As it is, I do not, so the argument is moot. I'm sorry to disappoint you. Was there anything else I could do for you?" without waiting for his reply Mercy looked back down at the pile of padds as if she thought the conversation was over.

"I guess that's it then," Thomas replied as he stood up and turned to the door. He really wasn't in the mood to deal with administrative types anyway.

"Unless you have some information you want to give me to pass on to the investigators, I guess it must be" Mercy answered him with a partial question.

Thomas paused and looked at her again. "All I know is that it was written in Bajoran," he said to her.

"You don't know what it said?" she asked.

"I can't read Bajoran and I got the feeling it would be better not to ask," Thomas said to her.

"And your interest in it is for personal reasons? Or just for a story to publish?" she asked, slightly more interested now.

"I'm looking into it as a favor for a friend," Thomas replied. "I have no intention of publishing any of this."

Mercy lightened up visibly. "Oh well, in that case....I think I'm thirsty" she turned round the padd containing the details of the incident, sparse as they were, leaving it facing him and deliberately moving away from the desk to fetch some tea.

There wasn't much. Two individuals, caught on camera, but faces obscured, humanoid and probably male, had gone up to the Box of Delights at about 0500 that morning. One had kept watch, whilst the other had set up a small device that had burnt the graffitti onto the windows. Then they'd both run like hell, dashing down the stairs and through the Bajorran gardens before disappearing completely. It also noted that no formal complaint by the owner had been raised.

Thomas looked at her for a moment then looked down at the PADD. It didn't take long to read through the data and he made a mental note of the relevant information. When he was finished, he sat back and looked around the room, trying to decide who was going to be having dinner with him later.

Returning, Mercy spun the padd back and replaced it on the pile at the side of her desk.

"Anything else I can do for you Mister Whitlock?" she asked, one eyebrow in the air. "If you needed an Administrator to accompany you to the scene to make appropriate notes with an official witness....?" she added.

"That may be helpful," he said with a smile, seeing an opportunity to spend more time with her. "When will you be available?"

"Anywhen during office hours" she replied seriously, missing the point. "My colleague is on sick leave at the moment and I'm a bit busy but I can spare you an hour or two for a good cause."

Mercy had liked Yolanthe very much and wanted an opportunity to be of some assistance to her, no matter how little she might be able to help.

"Then why don't we go now?" he suggested. "I'd like to get this taken care of as soon as possible."

"Okay" Mercy got up, closed the office and left a message on the voicemail. She stood in the corridor and allowed Thomas to lead the way.

Thomas looked at her and nodded as he began weaving through the others on his way to the Box.

Mercy followed him, dodging oncoming passers-head-on, the expression "passers' by" seemed inappropriate with them not exactly passing so much as very nearly colliding in their haste. They did however manage to arrive without too much incident and no injuries. Mercy looked at the graffitti, most of which had been cleaned off already.

"Miserable people" she muttered angrily. "Yolanthe is a lovely person"

"Yes, she is," Thomas said with a sly smile. "Any other ideas about who may be behind this?" he asked, gesturing to the wall.

"honestly, i really don't" Mercy reassured him. "If i did, I'd do something more effective than wading through pedestrian soup and staring at it's hideousness in a helpless manner, hoping the culprits will just walk up and hand themselves over."

"I'll see if I can find out who it was," Thomas said to her. He looked at her for a moment and smiled. "Since we're here why don't we go inside and have a drink."

"That really won't help further the investigation and i came away from work for this, so technically, i'm still on duty. Sorry" she declined politely.
"Please let me know if there's *anything* I can do to help?"

'I'm sure I'll be able to think of something you can do," Thomas replied with a sly smile.

"........something relevant!" Mercy insisted her original resistance returning. "I need to get back to work. I'd like to get away on time tonight.... i have a sick partner to take care of." She laid an emphasis on the word partner carefully.

"Some other time then," Thomas replied, smiling innocently. "Thank you for your help."

"I wish I could have helped more. Goodbye Mister Whitlock and good luck with your investigation." Mercy replied and left him, hurrying back to the pile of work in her office, still thinking how much she would love to help Yolanthe.


A JP Between:

CWO (Grade2) Mercedes Denoublier
Administration Assistant


Thomas Whitlock
FNS Reporter


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights