Interlude – Little Box of Horrors
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Little Box of Horrors
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Mon Jul 26, 2010 @ 9:21pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 29, 2100

The Box of Delights was cheerfully busy. So far the foul graffiti that had been left on the bar's frontage had not seemed to diminish her trade. That was good. Long may it stay that way. Tonight, the special attraction was an Andorian band who played an unusual mix of Klingon opera, Ancient Terran heavy metal music, and their own cultural instruments. Yolanthe wasn't sure if it was good, but the younger crowd were certainly making their presence known, arriving in numbers before loudly ordering cocktails with single-entendre names and giving her curious looks, before disappearing upstairs to watch the warm-up acts.

Down stairs was the more usual mix of drinkers and gamblers, with all the gaming tables full and busy, the serving staff arriving at regular intervals with orders to be filled keeping her busy, and her mind off the recent twin misfortunes of a malfunctioning holosuite, and then the graffiti. The Box of Delights was becoming established, and she wanted to keep that momentum going.

From his hiding place in the air ducts running through the Box of Delights the Yridian looked down onto the hustle and bustle below. He smiled to himself, thinking of the chaos that was about to be wrought, like some biblical ancient earth plague. By his side there was a box. From the box the muffled sounds of squeaks and scratching from a many a small caged animal. The comm link at his belt beeped four times, indicating that the other four members of his team were in positions and ready to let loose there deadly cargo. Each was in a tactical placing around the Box of Delights, one sat at a table drinking, his box hidden under his chair, another hid in the Jeffries tubes around the bar, one was in the storage rooms beneath the bar, and finally his last little surprise one of his team had managed to get into the changing rooms for the dancers & dabo girls, then there was himself in the air vents. He smiled again. Yes, it would be chaos when the boxes were opened.

There was a scream from the gaming tables

Yolanthe looked round, trying to see what the problem was, walking smartly down to the end of the bar. By the time she had got there, the scream had turned to hysterical giggling. Someone had just won it big, with the customers gathered there taking up the chant. "Dabo! Dabo!"


Perfect, thought the Yridian to himself, the loud noise from the Dabo table would make a most excellent distraction, He waited a few moments more, to watch more and more people gather around the Dabo tables, to fuel the celebration. He grabbed the comm link from his belt, switched it on and simply said, "release" down the unit. He pressed the open button on his own box. Then began to shuffle backwards out of the small tunnel he was in, so as to make his escape.

Yolanthe went back to the batch of Samarian Slings she was mixing up. She grinned at Pelin who was loading a tray with a set of beers. "I hope that wasn't a triple-over, or we'll be living off tips for a week."

There was another scream.

Two in a row? Yolanthe frowned, turning to a teal colour. Her tables weren't rigged, at least not by her, two wins in quick succession was astronomically unlikely. The gathered crowd around the gaming tables made it hard to see what was going on. But this time the scream didn't turn into ecstatic laughter, and was quickly joined by another scream.

Yolanthe dropped the drink she was mixing in a sink and started to move towards the tables. She'd barely stepped away from the counter when a thing - that was the only word for it - small, and wrinkled and bald, shot out of the crowd and scuttled towards a gaggle of teenagers waiting to be served.


Amongst the outbreak of disruption and chaos, the Yridian and his accomplices met a sea of calm in a storm. He was with a Bajoran Female, one of the owner’s Dabo girls. Also with him were a Bolian Male, a Ferengi, and a human. They exchanged looks, then began their walk out of the bar.

People screamed. Some ran, some jumped onto chairs and tables as thing after thing dashed through the bar. A veritable carpet of them streamed from the ventilation ducts, climbing over each other and any customers who got in their way.

From back of house, half clad dancers and other staff in various states of undress came pelting out, pursued by the vicious little beasts.

Customers stampeded for the doors, pushing and shoving each other in their hurry to get out. From the second bar above, the doors opened, and more freaked out clients appeared. Someone slipped on the stairs as they ran, bumping down them to land at the bottom with a cry of agony, at least one bone broken.

Yolanthe bent down and grabbed one by the tail as it scurried along the bar top. It whipped around at the end of its tail, trying to claw and bite. She grabbed its head and gave a quick tug, snapping the spine. She had no idea what it was, but now she had a specimen.

At the entrance the Yridian looked back over his shoulder and smiled malevolently to himself. A women was screaming as a Vole poked its head out from her bonnet hair style, A man spat out his food as a Vole poked its head up from his salad, the lights began to spark and flutter on and off as Voles began to chew at the power cable wires. The Yridian turned back and headed out with the others putting his arms around the shoulders of some of his team as a job well done gesture.


Yridian and team,
Played by Dunham


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner of a bar full of voles.