Lieutenant JG Malak Muz’s Personal Log - Solo Patrol

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Title   Solo Patrol
Author   Lieutenant JG Malak Muz
Posted   Thu Feb 14, 2013 @ 2:38am
The image comes up with Malak in his cockpit. He is wearing his suit , but his helmet is off. The ship doesn't appear to be in warp and outside of the glass behind him - the edges of what can barely be seen look like space is bending. Every so often there are a few streaks of electricity that shoot out, seemingly from no where. The Trill looks somewhat bored with a sigh and begins to talk.

"Pilots Log, Supplemental."

His hand comes up to motion out to the distortion behind him.

"..So, one of my first Solo Patrols and what do I find possibly forming in the middle of known traffic lanes? That's right.. an Ion storm. " He glances to it but continues talking,"I could just head back and report it - Let Science send a runabout.. But if it is and it sparks up.. We might have to send out ships to rescue merchants if they didn't see it.. Best we know if it is or not. I'm forwarding the data from the ship's computer directly to the Science department. It still means I'll be here about 30 minutes while a complete analysis is run."

There's a soft chuckle and he turns back to face the camera,"So I guess I get to talk about my day. Not that there's to much to report. I think that I am getting on pretty well with everyone. The Star fighter Wing CO is..interesting. He always has pauses like he is thinking something.. Though I don't share the telepathic abilities some of my other trill brethren do - so I have no idea. I can make assumptions, but that never really went well."

"I met another Trill. Rex is the symbiont name. She's a fairly nice girl - cute. She has a boyfriend, ofcourse, so that's where that ends. I enjoy talking to her though.." There's a frown and shake of her head,"She's joined to but.. the Symbiont is to far... old. I don't know that everything is quite alright. I'd never say anything unless she brought it up, but it is concerning."

He steadies himself as the ship rocks faintly from a tremor and he leans back and looks up towards the see through metal in the ceiling and thinks,"I met a Cardassian shop keeper. She seem's fun. She's Cardassian though, so I will look forward to finding what angle she has. I know that Loun had alot of issues with the Cardassians. But he respected them, even if he was dead set on helping the Bajoran Resistance."

"Let's see. Captain of the Base. She is fairly nice, though I think I insulted her somehow." He frowns as he thinks,"Oh and work.. Hah, How could I forget about that right? Work has been fine. I am enjoying these new class birds. The team is slowly forming together. I think that it will be alright. I hear down the pike that bad things are coming - I hope that it's not like the past. Anyway - I've used this entire time to Ramble.. I have to sit here another twenty minutes." A slight smirk.

"End Log."


Malak Muz
DS5 - Starfighter Wing Exectuive Officer